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The Power of the Whole Body: Our Experience of Clarifying the Truth at the Airport

October 07, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) On September 20, 2010, I went to the second terminal building of Taoyuan Airport to clarify the truth as usual. What was different this time was that Yang Song, Hubei Province Deputy Party Secretary and a key persecutor of Falun Gong, would enter Taiwan through this terminal building. After some coordination, practitioners in Taiwan formed a whole body. Nearly one hundred practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts in the airport terminal. When Yang Song appeared, every practitioner shouted at the same time, "Yang Song! You are being sued! Stop persecuting Falun Gong! Falun Dafa is good!" Other practitioners distributed truth-clarifying materials at the different airport pick-up locations.

That day I felt a very strong power that was formed by the whole body to eliminate the evil. Tour groups from mainland China started arriving. Almost every group got truth-clarifying materials. The tourists who didn't take the materials stood aside, reading the truth-clarifying posters and banners hosted by practitioners. There was one group in which almost every tourist took a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and some immediately began to read it while waiting for their coach at the passenger pick-up area. I was deeply moved by this scene, and I very much appreciated Master for letting us have righteous thoughts and righteous actions. All of the local practitioners participated that day. Everyone formed a very righteous and powerful energy field, eliminating the evil and awaking sentient beings. I had never before seen such a sight at the airport.

Many Taiwanese tour conductors smiled at us. Some listened to the facts about Falun Gong along with the tourists. Others told us, "You've worked hard!" Even the police at the airport, who had always blocked us off in the past when a Chinese official came to visit Taiwan, didn't come to interfere with us; they just came to say some polite words and showed us their respect. Some tourists nodded in agreement after hearing the truth.

I felt at that moment that we formed one body and therefore generated a powerful and righteous energy field, letting sentient beings awaken and then be saved.

I remembered my clarifying the truth in Hong Kong previously. At that time I attended the quitting the CCP parade in Hong Kong, whose destination was just in Tsim Sha Tsui. After the parade, several practitioners and I took a boat to Golden Bauhinia to clarify the truth. During those days, we clarified the truth there every evening, so we brought the same amount of truth-clarifying materials on that day, which was usually enough. During the evening, there were usually two pleasure boats which separately arrived at 6 and 8 p.m. That evening, however, before the first pleasure boat came, all the truth-clarifying materials had already been given away.

We understood that it was because so many practitioners came to this parade, forming a powerful righteous energy field which eliminated the evil factors in other spaces, then the sentient beings were awakened and were therefore able to learn the truth.

In the past when I persuaded people to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, I felt happy for sentient beings understanding the truth and being saved. Nowadays, however, I shed tears for those who still don't understand after hearing the truth. In addition, I deeply realized that only by cultivating myself well can I save more sentient beings and live up to Master's benevolent salvation. I hope my sharing above may encourages other practitioners. Please kindly point out anything improper.