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Solemn Declarations from Two Non-Practitioners

November 01, 2010 |  


Solemn Declaration

One of our family members is a Dafa practitioner. We made some derogatory remarks against Dafa and Master because of fear and without understanding Dafa. We badmouthed Dafa again when he was arrested early this year. In order to gain a medical parole for him, we wrote a guarantee statement which included disrespectful words against Dafa, when he refused to sign it. We now understand we were wrong. We thus solemnly declare: What we have said and done against Dafa and Master is null and void. We will believe in and support Dafa. We will tell people the truth of the persecution against Falun Gong.

By Li Zhihong & Lu Zhaojil on Oct. 15, 2010

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2010/10/19/231180.html

Solemn Declaration

During the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party against Falun Dafa after July 20, 1999, every passenger was required by bus station employees to rebuke Dafa and Master before being allowed to board. We both quietly criticized Dafa and we now regret it and solemnly declare: All the bad words we said that were not respectful to Dafa and Master are null and void. We will become good people and support Falun Dafa.

By Liu Jixiu and Liu Biaoxiu, on Sept. 22, 2010

Chinese version available at:http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2010/10/19/231180.html