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Additional Persecution News from China - November 22, 2010 (5 Reports)

November 28, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 13 cities or counties in six provinces. As per this report, 13 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least six practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Benxi, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners Arrested
  2. [Luzhou, Sichuan Province] Mr. Chen Sigui Arrested in Lu County on November 16, 2010
  3. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Guifu and Others Harassed
  4. [Meizhou, Guangdong Province] Ms. Li Linglian Arrested
  5. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Ms. Luo Xirong Persecuted

1. [Benxi, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

With instructions from the 610 Office, Benxi Domestic Security Division officers arrested the following practitioners from their homes or places of employment on October 28-29, 2010:

Mr. Wen Qianyou was arrested at home. Beitai Police Department officers made the arrest and ransacked his home.

Ms. Liu Chunfang was arrested at home. Officers from Benxi City Domestic Security Division and from the Jinshan Police Station made the arrest and ransacked her home.

Ms. Cheng Jing, Ms. Li Jie, and Ms. Dong Hua were arrested and their homes were ransacked. Participating in the arrest were officers from the Dongxing Police Station.

Mr. Wu Chengjun was arrested at his workplace--Benxi Iron & Steel Maintenance and Inspection Center. His home was ransacked.

Mr. Liang Erlong was arrested at home. Officers from the Pingshan Police Station made the arrest and ransacked his home.

Mr. Zhang Wenjun was arrested at home. Participating in the arrest were officers from the Qianjin Police Station. His home was ransacked.

Ms. Qu Yali was arrested and her home was ransacked. Officers from the Nandi Police Station participated.

Ms. Cheng Yuejuan and Mr. Guo Hongxin were arrested. Officers from the Pingshan Police Station and the Domestic Security Division, also ransacked their homes.

Ms. Zhao Lijuan and her husband, Li Yibing, were arrested at home. Their home was ransacked. Officers from the Mingshan Domestic Security Division were responsible.

Mr. Xiang Fuyan was arrested at home and his home was ransacked.

Mr. Wang Yonghua and Mr. Zhang Yunsheng were both arrested at home in Huanren County; their homes were ransacked.

Mr. Liu Shiye and his wife, Bai Ling, were arrested at home in Nanfen; their home was ransacked.

Ms. Su Guangyu was arrested by officers from the Shujing Police Station. Her home was ransacked.

The above mentioned practitioners are currently detained at the Benxi Detention Center.

Mr. Jiang Xiaohu's whereabouts are unknown.

2. [Luzhou, Sichuan Province] Mr. Chen Sigui Arrested in Lu County on November 16, 2010

3. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Guifu and Others Harassed

Officers from the Qijia Town Police Station repeatedly harassed and arrested Ms. Lin Guifu and Ms. Li Chunhong between August and mid-November 2010.

61-year-old Ms. Lin lives in Xilinjia Village, Qijia Town, Longkou City. She distributed information about Falun Gong one evening in mid-August 2010. Officer Shang Zuoyong from the Qija Police Station arrested her. Domestic Security Division officer Wang Qi and others ransacked Ms. Lin's home. They forced her to leave her fingerprints on two pieces of paper before releasing her.

Officers from the Qijia Police Station harassed Ms. Li Chunhong three times at home in Lijiagou Village. They searched her home and left after finding nothing they wanted.

The police went to Ms. Lin's home twice on November 15, 2010, in her absence. They broke into her home at night and took her to the Qijia Clinic to be examined. Her blood pressure was 250, so they sent her home.

Qijia Town Police Station: 86-535-8788991
Shang Zuoyong, officer: 86-13963850538

4. [Meizhou, Guangdong Province] Ms. Li Linglian Arrested

Ms. Li Linglian spoke with people about Falun Gong the afternoon of November 14, 2010, in Baihuazhou, Jiangnan. Somebody reported her and the police arrested her and took her to the Meijiang District Police Department. Ms. Li did not tell the police her name and address, but they found her son's telephone number in her cell phone. Four officers from the Meijiang District Domestic Security Division ransacked her home the morning of November 16 and confiscated a computer and printer and Falun Dafa books and informational materials. Ms. Li is in the Qinhuang Detention Center.

Xie Dixing, Meizhou City 610 Office head: 86-753-2250823, 86-753-2253899, 86-13902780869
Liang Weizhong, Meijiang District 610 Office head: 86-753-2196788, 86-753-2196766, 86-753-2253265

5. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Ms. Luo Xirong Persecuted

Ms. Luo Xirong was first arrested in 1999 and held at the Huangpo Militia Training Base for two weeks. She was then held in a brainwashing facility for 18 days in 2000. Her home was ransacked both times.

Local 610 Office agents arrested her in July 2000 as she distributed information about Falun Gong. She was held in Erzhigou Women's Detention Center for two weeks.

Ms. Luo made her first trip to Beijing in October 2000 to validate the Fa. Wuhan police and the Huangpo Domestic Security officer Xiao Yousheng escorted her back to her hometown and held her for two days. Ms. Luo went to Beijing's Tiananmen Square for a second time and was once again taken back and held for a day. Local police and 610 Office agents took her to the Wuhan No.1 Detention Center the next day and held her for a month. After that they took her back to Huangpo and incarcerated her in a brainwashing facility. Several days later, on December 25, 2000, Huangpo Domestic Security Office deputy head Hu Ligui, officer Li Yong, and others took Ms. Luo to the Hewan Forced Labor Camp, where she was detained for one and a half years.

Domestic Security Division officer Zhang Fuchu and other police officers barged into Ms. Luo's home under the guise of checking residential cards in May 2003. They dragged Ms. Luo into a police vehicle and took her to a brainwashing facility, where she was abused for more than three weeks.

Ms. Luo was arrested again at the end of December 2005. Domestic Security Division officer Zhang Fuchu and others once again took her to the Erzhigou Women's Detention Center, to be held for two weeks. Her home was ransacked.