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The Power of Compassion

December 15, 2010 |   By a practitioner in Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Master said in "Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference":

"When this compassionate goodness emerges, its strength is without equal, and it will disintegrate any bad factors. The greater the compassion, the greater the power."

Saving the police and other government officials

When I ran a small store in a shopping mall, I was able to tell people the facts about Falun Gong to help save them. Initially, I only clarified the truth to people who looked nice and kind, and was very wary of the police because, after being persecuted, I developed some notions of fear that made me feel very uncomfortable whenever I encountered people in police uniform. When a policeman came to my store one time, I thought about whether to save him or not. Then I remembered that Master saved the CCP agents too. So why don't I save him today?

After a short greeting, I learned that he was a court bailiff. I asked him, "Do you think there is law in our country?" He replied, "What do you mean?" I then told him that Falun Gong is righteous, and it teaches people to be good. I told him that practitioners were illegally arrested, and were severely tortured in forced labor camps and prisons. With a sigh, he said, "There is no law in our country!"

When I spoke to a man from a police department about the persecution, he said, "Since the first day when Falun Gong was persecuted, I never participated in the persecution. Seeing 'Heaven Will Eliminate the CCP' on the wall of our police department, I didn't say anything." Another time, after learning the facts a presiding judge of a court told me, "I know Falun Gong practitioners are good people. I have also helped them quietly in the past."

We enlightened that all the people who came to our store were for us to save, including any officials in the government, military personnel, police, prison guards, all kinds of business people and our ordinary customers. There were once half a dozen people in police uniform standing in front of my store. I felt a little wary. When they came in, I recognized two of them, whom we helped to quit the CCP the day before. It turned out that they just brought their colleagues here to learn the facts. We spoke to them about the persecution and helped them to quit the CCP, as well. I realized that it was Master's arrangement. On the one hand, Master gave me this opportunity to save sentient beings; on the other hand, Master helped me get rid of my attachment of fear and notions about the police.

Prior to the 2008 Olympic Games, a person was sent to monitor me. I explained the facts about Falun Gong in detail to him and helped him to quit the CCP. This person later became my friend and often took care of my business.

Since we started running this store, we have put saving sentient beings and validating the Fa above everything else. When we went to purchase goods, we clarified the truth to each supplier. I spoke to several elderly ladies about Falun Gong in another store, and they could only stare in amazement.

Thinking of others

The authorities sought to arrest me in 2007, and wanted to put me in a forced labor camp for two years. Thanks to Master's protection, they failed. However, I didn't take it seriously and didn't send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the old forces. I was later arrested in another city, and sent to a detention center.

I spoke to someone about the persecution while I was detained, and initially, the guards stopped me. I didn't fight against them, but still continued to clarify the facts. A young guard later started to support me. He would then often shout, "The group of people in that room is so bad. Go and tell them about Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Or he would say, "The morals of people in this room is too bad. Go and tell them about morality and conscience." I was able to talk to a lot of people about Falun Gong this way. Many people later tried to help me, and let me use their phones to get in touch with my family and fellow practitioners.

There was one guard whose nature was very bad. He took pleasure in ordering prisoners to run in the hot sun. A lot of people hated him. I later remembered that Master required that we need to save all sentient beings. So I thought, "Why didn't I give him a chance?" I then said to him, "Please give me a piece of paper and a pen. I want to write something." He brought a pen and paper to me. I then applied my heart to write a twenty-page letter explaining the facts of Falun Gong, and sent copies to the mayor of that city, head officials of the Procuratorate and the people's court, as well as the head of the detention center.

The police were creating false evidence and materials to try to incriminate me, and planned to put me in a forced labor camp. They first asked me to sign the detention document. I didn't and tore it up. Then they came another day, saying, "Without your signature, we can still put you in prison. Two years of imprisonment for you, wait and see!" That afternoon, a photographer came to take pictures of me. I felt very bad at that moment, so I shouted out, "Master, save me! Don't allow them to persecute me anymore!" The environment changed at once. As I walked out of the photography room, one policeman in the hallway said to me with a smile, "After a while, please go and have a meal and meet your family members in the restaurant. Everything is arranged."

I studied Master's new teaching with my family members and fellow practitioners during the meal. Through sharing, we realized that in every situation we should first have consideration for others! When I walked out of the restaurant after the meal, I saw golden pink clouds all over the sky. My wife sent forth righteous thoughts for me for more than an hour that evening, and saw that all the old force elements in other dimensions that persecuted me had been completely eliminated.

Some of my family members and fellow practitioners visited the head of the 610 Office in that city the following day. They didn't say much to him, but had a pure heart towards him. He totally supported us, and called the head of the local police department and told them to release me. The 610 Office head then came to the detention center, even though it was a Sunday, and helped go through the procedures to release me. Fellow practitioners who participated in rescuing me were quite amazed by it, saying, "We all thought he was pure evil. How did he become so good now?"

Master always requires us, "...to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism." ("Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature" in Essentials for Further Advancement). When we really do so, the power of Dafa is miraculous.

Suddenly enlightened

When the persecution started in 1999, I often stumbled in my cultivation. While in the forced labor camps, I used ordinary thinking to consider problems, and helplessly and passively endured the persecution. Revered Master enlightened me time and again, but I was still blocked by fear and various attachments amidst the tribulations, which stopped me from truly believing in Master and the Fa. I didn't know how to deal with the persecution, and therefore passively endured it.

I remembered what Master said of the story about Sakyamuni wanting to take a bath in the forest. Master said:

"This story tells a principle: We should not have to stop taking baths because there are insects, and neither should we have to find another place to live because there are mosquitoes. We also should not have to tie up our necks and stop eating or drinking because both grains and vegetables are lives. It should not be this way. We should cope with this relationship properly and practice cultivation in a dignified way. It will be fine as long as we do not harm any life intentionally. Meanwhile, people also must have a human living space and living conditions, and these should also be maintained. Human beings still need to maintain their lives and live normally." (Zhuan Falun)

I enlightened that practitioners are cultivating the most fundamental Buddha Fa! Isn't the Buddha Law boundless? How could we be trapped by a group of wicked people? If we really follow Master and have righteous thoughts, who dares to stop us?

The wish to improve my xinxing and break through my human notions then came into my mind. As I hadn't done well, countless sentient beings, who based their hopes on me, were destroyed. That scene was extremely deplorable and made me feel deeply sad inside. I realized that I must do well. I then saw a scene where a prisoner who was bullied by the guards every day suddenly escaped, which made the guards scared. This prisoner roamed around in front of me, repeatedly saying, "I do not fear death, what else would I fear? We have nothing to fear."

When I shared my thoughts with practitioners in the same team, we decided to tell the guards that they must stop persecuting practitioners or they will receive karmic retribution. The guards immediately apologized to us, and I was later released.

Disregarding regulations at the labor camp

I was transferred to another labor camp in 2002, where there were many inmates collaborating with the guards, trying to get practitioners to renounce their belief. I felt bad for those former practitioners that had lost their way amidst confusion and chaos. I knew I needed to save them. In a dream I saw that empty rivers in my world were full again. Many lives were revived and happily swimming around. I kept trying to save the collaborators in my heart and disregarded the regulations in the labor camp, such as reporting to the guards before going to the restroom, or being prohibited from talking to others or studying the Fa. As long as I had time, I talked with the inmates and studied the Fa with them. Then I wrote over twenty pages that explained the facts of the persecution. I then had it spread among those inmates. With Master's support, everything in the forced labor camp was restrained by the righteous field. When I passed the article to the head of the camp, he praised it.

I was later transferred to a team with no practitioners. I again wrote a letter explaining the facts of the persecution and submitted it to the team leader. The next day, a prisoner held a package of Master's teachings that were hand written and asked me whether it belonged to practitioners. I said they did. Then he gave them all to me. In the following several months, I mainly studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts.

The officials then took me to a brainwashing center. During those two months, I handled everything according to the Fa. I then realized that I shouldn't be detained here anymore, as sentient beings were waiting for me to save them. When I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the old forces, a stream of tears ran down my face. I was released the next day.

Completely denying the persecution

When practitioners are in forced labor camps, the old forces do all they can to confuse us and try to separate us from Master and the Fa. They can then use this excuse to persecute and destroy us. If we truly believe in Master and the Fa, no one will dare to harm us. If we are really clear on the Fa principles and have strong righteous thoughts, the evil cannot do anything.

A guard once found Master's teachings under my pillow. He gathered half a dozen guards, and planned to torture me. One officer used an electric baton to shock me. When I had the righteous thought of having him feel the shock as well, he then didn't dare to shock me again. Instead he decided to use a wooden baton to beat me. But I didn't feel any pain at all. The baton then broke to pieces. He then came to knock me down, so I grabbed hold of him and made him fall down as well. The other guards were all laughing at him, and no one helped him. The guard then got angry and went to fetch a new baton. While he was out of the room, I seized the opportunity to talk to a young guard who had just graduated from a police academy. I told him, "Never participate in the persecution of Falun Gong. It will destroy you! You should cherish your life." When the guard returned, he was not angry anymore, and said, "It's all right now. You may go back."

I have realized that we should completely deny the persecution arranged by the old forces! It is not Master's arrangement that we should endure the persecution! We should all assimilate in the Fa, validate the Fa in an upright and dignified manner, actively eliminate the old forces and clarify the facts to save sentient beings!