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Taking Every Opportunity to Save Sentient Beings Wholeheartedly

March 29, 2010 |   By a practitioner in Sichuan Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. Over the past ten-plus years of Fa-rectification-period cultivation, our benevolent Master saved me from hell, purified my heart, and guided me onto the path of returning to my true, original self. Even with the most grateful words in the human world, I cannot describe the boundless mercy Master has shown me. There's nothing I would not do to give up my selfishness and save sentient beings wholeheartedly. I'd like to share a little of my experience and enlightenment while clarifying the truth and taking every opportunity to save sentient beings.

I . My Daughter's Wedding

Last year, I started working on my daughter's wedding, yet I always gave top priority to the three things that Dafa practitioners should do. My relatives were concerned about my safety and worried that I might be arrested again (I had just been released), so I tried to hide everything I did from them. Although I met many people in the past, I wasted many opportunities to save people. I got very anxious about this situation and enlightened that my attachment of sentimentality has blocked many sentient beings from being saved. I am a Fa-rectification Period Dafa disciple. Do I live up to this title? I shouldn't forget my vow and historic responsibilities.

After this, I always took copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Partyand Falun Gong materials with me. I took every opportunity to do what I know I should do and to say what I believe I need to say. My family members intervened and said, "It's dangerous for you to be doing this! You just gained your freedom. Haven't you suffered enough? If you get into trouble again, we will not help you anymore." I told them patiently and peacefully, "The CCP has done too many bad deeds and killed too many people--at least 80 million people. Good deeds bring rewards and bad deeds bring retribution. This is a rule of the universe. The gods will eliminate the CCP for sure. If I do not tell them the truth, they will not know that they could be safe by quitting the CCP. Whether they believe it or not, we must give them the chance to choose! This is my responsibility and my prehistoric vow. Thus, even if I get into trouble, no problem for me. I'm more concerned about the others. And these people are our friends and families. How can I watch them be eliminated together with the CCP?" After my family realized this, they did not stop me anymore. Just as Master said, "... the Fa will be with you when your thoughts are righteous, and this is the greatest assurance. "("Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan") At the wedding, there were several dozen tables full of guests from different areas and from all walks of life. Many of them learned the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution, and some also quit the CCP.

These saved sentient beings were very grateful and very sympathetic to the persecution we suffered. They supported us in resisting the persecution and hope that the persecution will soon end. Later, many guests came to us to ask for Falun Gong materials, and I barely had enough to distribute.

II. Going to Rural Villages

During the early stage of clarifying the truth and helping people quit the CCP, we mainly targeted the markets, businesses and plazas in our neighborhood; we focused on our colleagues, classmates, neighbors, friends and relatives.

Later, on a bus, while I clarified the truth to an elderly man who had health problems, I got to know that in many rural villages there are no practitioners and people had never heard the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. In some rural areas, only a few people practiced Falun Gong before the persecution began in 1999. Once the crackdown started, they dared not practice anymore. Of course villagers in those places have not learned about quitting the CCP to save their lives. Once I heard about this, I thought that I must try to save people in these places. Indeed, I visited many villages.

I remember on a summer night, I walked together with several villagers who just finished their work as they were on their way home. While I clarified truth to them and asked them to quit the CCP, they agreed happily. I brought out Shen Yun DVDs and truth clarification material and asked, "These things have very good contents. But you are all so busy, do you have time to read and watch them?" A middle-aged woman was very happy and said gratefully, "It is so hot, the road is so muddy and it is already so late. You came to us to deliver such a good thing. If I am not wrong, you also risked your life to do this! I must read them no matter what. After a while I will finish my chores, and I will read them in bed!" I told her, "We saved money from our living expenses to create these." She said immediately, "I know, I will cherish them." I added, "If you can pass them to other people, you will accumulate great virtue." She reassured me, "After I read these, I will pass them to my brothers and sisters. I have lots of siblings." I asked her again, "Can you ask them to quit the CCP?" She answered, "Definitely! I will ask them to quit the CCP; so, they will not be eliminated together with the CCP."

An elderly woman apologized to me, "I almost did the wrong thing just a moment ago. I thought about reporting you to the police. Now I understand. You came from far away in the hot summer. You came to save us. My daughter and son-in-law are both in Japan. They joined the youth leagues of the CCP before, and my grandson also joined the youth league of the CCP. What should I do?" I told her, "Grandma, do not worry. You can write letters to them or call them, tell them to quit the CCP in their hearts so that they can save themselves. There are no Internet blockage in other countries. They can visit the website of the Epoch Times to quit the CCP. If they agree, you can also tell me their names so that I can do it for them."

III. Visiting Friends

In the summer of 2003, I went to the countryside to visit my relatives. I met an elderly man whose last name was Zhang. He had suffered from chronic diseases for years and he was dying. His family had already prepared for his funeral. I was very sad and worried about him. I walked to his bed and whispered in his ear, "Please remember these nine Chinese characters 'Truth-Compassion-Tolerance is good, Falun Dafa is good.' Please sincerely repeat these word in your heart, you will get better, you will definitely recover." Soon the old man miraculously regained his health. In the past, he was dependent upon his children for his care. Now, he even helps them with the housework. He can also ride on his senior cart and take his wife to visit relatives or go to the markets.

The story of Mr. Zhang soon spread among local people. Since he was a veteran member of the Chinese Communist Party and he had been in the Korean War, he was very well known. The staff of the CCP asked him whether he practiced Falun Gong. He said, "I wish I could practice it, however I dare not to do so. I just know that Falun Gong is good!" By this means these CCP members also witnessed the miracle and beauty of Falun Dafa. Thus, the children, grandchildren, friends and families of Mr. Zhang, as well as his neighbors and everyone else who knew him, came to know the miracles and beauty of Falun Dafa. Many of them quit the CCP and the associated organizations. They will be able to go through the big disaster safely and live in the beautiful future.

Seeing the sentient beings saved, I felt very happy and extremely grateful for the great compassion of Master.

Honestly speaking, I am not a very diligent practitioner, especially in saving people. I am still far from the requirement of Master and the expectations of sentient beings. I still have lots of attachments to let go, many tests still not passed and lots of notions not yet removed. I am determined to break through them, become mature, reach consummation, and follow Master to return to my own home.

My understanding is limited. If there is anything not appropriate, please compassionately correct me.