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Falun Dafa Healed My Osteomyelitis

March 30, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shaanxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a youth in Shaanxi Province. Ever since I was born, the blood circulation in my left leg and foot was inadequate, and when winter came, my left foot was always cold and noticeably colder than my right foot.

My parents went to big hospitals to consult well-known doctors many times. After examining me, they concluded that I had congenital recessive spina bifida in my lumber vertebrae, and some nerves were compressed, which caused blood circulation problems to my left leg and foot. For the same reason, I did not have normal sensations in my left foot. When the shoe did not fit my foot properly, I could not feel it, and my foot was easily injured from rubbing against the poorly fitting shoe. One time my left toe was broken from rubbing against the shoe. I went to see an old traditional Chinese medicine doctor in the countryside, and he applied medicine to the wound to remove the dead flesh and help the new flesh grow. Because of abnormal blood circulation, the wound could not heal for a long time and it finally developed into osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone.

For seven years after I contracted osteomyelitis, I looked for a cure from well-known Chinese medicine doctors and doctors of Western medicine in different areas. After a doctor of Western medicine gave me a bone surface treatment, the wound could not completely heal after it was sutured and it still ended up bleeding and running pus, just like it was before it was treated. The wound would not heal, and Western medicines could not do anything to help. Many times my father and I discussed my having an amputation surgery, but in the end we were reluctant to have the amputation and we invested our hope in Chinese medicine. For the next five to six years, we looked for a cure from Chinese medicine and spent nearly 30,000 yuan in medical costs. Despite all this, there was no obvious improvement.

My relative told me about Falun Dafa. In the beginning I had some doubt. However, I had run out of choices and the situation seemed desperate: I had absolutely no other place to look for help. I put everything else aside and chose to believe. I started watching Master's Fa Lecture videotapes every day, and I gradually accepted Master's teaching into my inner mind, and I also sincerely made an effort to cultivate my xinxing and to conduct myself according to the requirements of Dafa.

Within a month, the wound on my big toe stopped running pus. Gradually, it miraculously healed. The osteomyelitis was completely healed! It really was a miracle.

All my relatives and friends who knew my hopeless situation witnessed the power of Dafa, and my mother also started cultivating Dafa after she had watched just two of Master's Fa Lectures. Before, she had insomnia and had to depend on sleeping pills to sleep for just one or two hours a day every day. Her insomnia disappeared after she started practicing Falun Dafa. Everyone was more and more amazed by the power of Dafa, and more and more of my relatives and friends started to support Dafa and started benefiting from Dafa.

Here my family members and I sincerely thank Master for curing the stubborn illness I had for so many years. We will use our personal experiences to validate that Dafa is great, to introduce Dafa to others, and conduct ourselves as genuine Falun Dafa practitioners.

March 16, 2010