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Canadians Experience Spiritual Depth at Shen Yun

April 01, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Shen Yun Performing Arts' final performance at Queen Elizabeth Theatre on March 28 drew a full house of audience members enthralled with the show. They recognized spiritual depth in the show, and it resonated with many of them.

Audience members, like Dennis Walz, Vice-Chair of the Dance Foundation as well as Vice-Chair of Wen Wei Dance, expressed the need and yearning that people are feeling in their lives. "I think, particularly in times of a recession, people want to learn about history and want something more universal and timeless, such as the stories you are seeing today. Because it's such a long history, there's a timelessness to it. I think that's what people look for, something deeper and more fulfilling in their lives, instead of materialism and the immediate. I definitely think there's a spirituality in the works," he said. "It goes beyond all ages. And I would say beyond all histories and countries. I think it's something universal to all human beings."

Others in attendance found that Shen Yun presented presented a clear message. John MacDonald and his wife, Jan Marawanky, were particularly moved by the opening performance, "The Emperor Ushers in a Glorious Age." It showed "that there are divine beings that look after us and that have come to Earth and that are here to guide us to better lives," Ms. Marawanky said. "It made a good impression." Mr. MacDonald added, "My favorite piece was the one on Falun Gong and the message [of] hope that one day there will be change in China regarding the freedom to practice."

"I see that the show is trying to bring peace and harmony to the world," said Neil Thompson, adding that, in his view, the show was successful in presenting these themes and ideals to the audience.

Art enthusiast Perry Moore said he came to see Shen Yun Performing Arts because, "I wanted to see the traditional culture and the energy of China." He felt that he had an authentic experience of China through Shen Yun and said that, as a Westerner, he was profoundly moved. "You realize--hey, we're not that much different; those stories are about us living to our fullest potential." Noting how Shen Yun has stories that touch everyone's heart, he said, "It's all about that. That's great opera, and it's personal. I can take that home and say, 'Yes, I can use this--I can be a better person.' It was really special. It really got me into the spiritual [aspect] of it," he said. "Up inside--my feelings--now I get what the dancers are feeling."

