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Saving People with Utmost Compassion

April 02, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I was very fortunate to begin practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, the rarest opportunity for human beings. During the past 11 years, I've held a firm belief in Teacher and the Fa, though I experienced painful mistakes here and there. Under the protection of our great, compassionate Teacher, I broke through one tribulation after another.

After I started practicing Falun Dafa, all my diseases were eliminated, including rheumatism, glaucoma, constipation, kidney disease, heart disease, and others. I couldn't live without medications before I practiced cultivation, but since then, I haven't touched any medicine.

On July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) forged lies and rumors to defame Dafa and initiated its crackdown against Falun Gong practitioners. My supervisor had a talk with me and tried to persuade me to give up my practice. My husband spoke incessantly about it all day long. At that time, I had practiced cultivation for only ten months and wasn't diligent. I worked in the government and was constantly exposed to the CCP's brainwashing propaganda. Moreover, the rumors broadcast on TV that defamed Dafa interfered with me. During that period, I quarreled with my husband every day. In my heart, I knew that Dafa was good, so I didn't want to give it up. I didn't feel well and didn't want to sleep in bed, so I slept on the sofa. One time, I couldn't fall asleep even after two hours. I heard the music of the Dafa exercises in other dimensions, which lasted for over two hours. I thought to myself, "What a wonderful practice! By no means will I give this up. I will go on practicing."

My living conditions were very good, which fostered my strong personality. Moreover, the persecution began soon after I started practicing, and the evil forces took advantage of my loopholes and persecuted me. I was detained by the CCP four times, for a total of six years. At that time, I thought that I was protesting the persecution, validating the Fa, and doing quite well because I was finally released. Later I read the Fa frequently and recited Teacher's articles, such as "Expounding on the Fa," "Cautionary Advice," and others. I realized that I had too many human attachments, including strong sentimentality and competitive mentality. For years, I did Dafa work with human attachments, always looking outward during conflicts. I lost my temper easily, blamed others, preached at others, always considered myself correct, and looked down on others. I had forgotten the most fundamental point of cultivation--always look inward. I thought that I was quite familiar with this Fa principle, but in practice, I completely forgot all about it during tribulations. I always thought that I was right and that everyone should listen to me. I didn't care about others' feelings. Finally, my husband and I divorced. I quarreled with my niece for a long time, and we blamed each other. The old forces took advantage of my loopholes and persecuted me with more intensity. Later, I was sentenced to a three years of forced labor.

I studied the Fa after becoming tranquil and discovered that I had never really known how to look within. I realized that I was not cultivating well, that I was pushing my family away from Dafa. As I corrected myself, my family also great changed greatly. They were not against my practicing anymore, and they all quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Though my husband divorced me, he helped me persuade others to quit the CCP. One time when I clarified the truth to his driver, he said, "Just go ahead and quit. It'll be good for you." His driver agreed to quit the Young Pioneers. During the New Year, my son brought one of his classmates home. I successfully persuaded him to quit the Youth League and the Young Pioneers. My daughter came back home and asked me to help her friends quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. These events helped me to understand that looking inward is really a magical tool given by the Fa.

We all know that as practitioners in the Fa-rectification period, our mission is to save sentient beings instead of cultivating for our own success. Now, Chinese people are seriously poisoned by the CCP's propaganda and confused by its lies. Many people are still not clear about the truth. Moreover, about 80 to 90 percent who attended school have joined the evil CCP and its affiliated organizations. They are subject to being eliminated the moment Heaven eliminates the CCP. Shouldn't we tell them the truth and save them?

Teacher said,

"Validate the Fa with rationality, clarify the truth with wisdom, spread the Fa and save people with mercy." ("Rationality" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Teacher told us clearly,

"The greatest manifestation of shan is compassion, and it is an expression of tremendous energy. It can disintegrate all that is not right."("Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference")

Actually, Teacher said earlier,

"Because the cultivation of Shan can generate great, benevolent compassion, and when compassion develops one will find all beings suffering, the Buddha School thus develops an aspiration to offer salvation to all beings." (Lecture One from Zhuan Falun)

In most cases, I clarify the truth face to face, then try to persuade the person to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I think that this is what Chinese practitioners should do with their greatest effort, because it is the most direct way to save sentient beings. I would like share some of the experiences that I've accumulated over the past several years.

I was released from the forced labor camp in 2006. At that time, I didn't even know what the three withdrawals meant or how to save people. I made the best use of my time to study the Fa and read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and other materials. I learned how to explain the facts about Falun Dafa from fellow practitioners. I read Minghui Weekly, Minghui Weekly Newspaper, and other pamphlets. I used everything as lessons to learn from, and gradually my righteous thoughts became stronger and stronger. Teacher saw a heart eager to save sentient beings, so he helped me to begin clarifying the truth to relatives and acquaintances, which was relatively easy and safe. This also served as a training process. My relatives all have predestined relationships with me, so I am responsible for them. Though my husband had divorced me, I couldn't disregard him. On his father's birthday, I took materials to his home and successfully persuaded eight people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Later, I made a special visit to his hometown and explained the facts to household after household, successfully persuading over 60 people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I didn't leave any relative behind.

I was able to visit with many people at work and clarified the truth to them whenever possible, whether I was familiar with the person or not and regardless of his or her position--they were all sentient beings waiting to be saved. Teacher said,

"Even when in your daily life you pass by people so quickly that you don't have a chance to talk to them, you should still leave them with your compassion and kindness. Don't lose those who should be saved, especially those with predestined connections." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")

Our attitude towards sentient beings may decide their future--whether they live or die. We shoulder immense responsibilities. I was an introverted person but changed completely in order to save people. Because of the nature of my job, I was able to get in touch with many local people and government officials from village, township, department, and section levels. I clarified the truth to them whenever possible; I didn't want to miss any opportunity.

In the shopping mall, I came across an elderly leader who had spoken to us at a meeting. I went over and talked to him. I asked about his health; then we talked about the corruption, moral decline, and the truth that Heaven is eliminating the CCP. I persuaded him to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the CCP really ramped up the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. I retired several years ago, but the officials where I had worked looked for me everywhere. My family worried about me and were afraid that my former employers would stop paying my retirement. I thought that they had no influence on my fate and that it was time for me to clarify the truth and save them. Because of this thought, Teacher arranged everything for me. I sent forth righteous thoughts aimed at the workplace, eliminating the evil elements behind them. I looked inward to eliminate my fear. Later, when I went to pick up my pension, I came across the bureau chief's wife. I explained the facts about Falun Gong to her, and she agreed to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I told her that a vice secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee died of cancer because he persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. I also said that officials from my former job were asking to interrogate me, which was a type of persecution. She said that her husband was only complying with orders from the government but was actually protecting me silently. She promised to let her husband know about the situation when she returned home.

Just then, the office director, my pension draft in his hand, came over. He had an open sore on his head, and I asked him what happened. He said, "It's just because of you. Where were you? I have been looking for you." I said, "Just look at yourself. You are still trying to persecute me. It's not good for you to keep doing this." He was embarrassed, then said that he was actually thinking of learning to practice Falun Gong from me. Later, I distributed over a dozen Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs at my former workplace. I gave one copy to the office director and told him to take a serious look at the performance. He said, "Just do what you should do, it's fine." Most of the people where I worked have now quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

The CCP secretary at my work place was being transferred elsewhere. He pretended not to see me, so I went over and talked to him, but he wanted to leave. I said, "Please wait. I want to talk to you about an important matter. Today, there are calamities everywhere, and everyone hopes to stay safe. This is all due to moral corruption and the persecution of Falun Gong. I know that you don't want to persecute me and are just following orders from the government. However, you still participated in the persecution. I should be responsible for your life, and want to help you to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations so that you will stay safe." He agreed with me and said, "I had no other choice." Then he agreed to quit.

In order to save people, I developed the routine of helping others and talking to people, which provided many opportunities to tell people the truth. I clarified the facts to people everywhere--while handling business, shopping, or walking. No meeting is accidental, and I tell them, "Now you know the truth. Please share this with your relatives when you return home. They should also be saved." Some people have brought their family members to me and asked me to help them quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

One elderly man said that the DVD he got from me was passed to over a dozen other families and was still being passed around. Some were even passed to other cities. That same man asked me to give him some materials so that he would distribute them to others. Sentient beings are changing, too. At this time, I have successfully persuaded over 3,000 people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I am still far behind diligent fellow practitioners. I will make more efforts to cultivate myself, eliminate human attachments, and do the three things well.

Every step on my cultivation path is inseparable from Teacher's guidance and encouragement. I can't possibly express my gratitude towards great, compassionate Teacher, no matter how many languages and words I use.

Thank you, Teacher.

Thank you, fellow practitioners.