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A Miraculous Scene in a Temple

April 08, 2010 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) The first day of the second month of the lunar calendar is the free, open day at Jing'an Temple. Many Buddhists went there that day to worship Buddha, and it was very crowded. My son wanted to see it, so we followed the crowd and entered the temple.

We walked through the smoke and entered the temple. There we saw a new giant Buddha statue made of silver. Probably because it had just arrived, the packaging materials had not been cleaned up yet, but many people were already rushing in to worship it. Seeing this, I remembered what Master mentioned about "consecration" in Zhuan Falun: "For a Buddha statue that has not been through the procedure of consecration, if you worship it, it will be too dangerous." These ordinary people have been deceived by the lies of the CCP for many years--how can they learn about the principle of Dafa?

Seeing these people who knew no better but who still have kind hearts, I was very sorry for them. I also realized the important but difficult roles of Dafa practitioners. During the many hardships, I understood better that we must follow the Fa as Master and believe in Master and the Fa completely. Only by doing this can we properly do the three things required by Master and reach consummation.

I immediately realized that I should function as a particle of Dafa. As a cultivator, I must remember the Fa at all times and send forth righteous thoughts to clean up the environment. I made the Big Lotus Flower Hand Sign and sincerely in my heart asked Master for consecration for the Buddha statue. Then we left the temple and went home.

After we arrived home, my son told me about a miraculous scene he saw in the temple. Right after he walked into the temple, he noticed that the Buddha statue seemed unhappy. After a while, it suddenly brightened up. Then he saw tears coming down the cheeks of the statue. Then, a giant, rotating Falun appeared above the Buddha statue.

The words of my son enlightened me to the reasons for all of these things. Again, I am deeply touched by the great compassion of Master and the mighty power of Dafa. At the same time, I understood better why Master emphasized again and again that practitioners should study the Fa more often and study the Fa well. Just like what Master said in "Cautionary Advice" in Essentials for Further Advancement:

"If every one of you can understand the Fa from the depths of your mind, that will truly be the manifestation of the Fa whose power knows no boundary--the reappearance of the mighty Buddha Fa in the human world!"

We are all particles of Dafa and we are the hope for sentient beings to be saved. To fulfill our prehistoric vows and not miss this rare opportunity during the last period of the Fa rectification, let's cherish the precious time extended by Master, try our best to study the Fa well, and keep our righteous thoughts and actions to create a magnificent future on our sacred path of validating Dafa and saving sentient beings.

March 30, 2010