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Mr. Qi Guangfa Sentenced to Prison, Grief-stricken Parents Pass Away

May 13, 2010 |   By a corespondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) At the beginning of December 2009, Mr. Qi Guangfa was arrested by agents of the Public Security Bureau and Domestic Security Brigade of Linghai City, where guards subsequently forced a confession from him. In early April 2010, Mr. Qi Guangfa was secretly and illegally sentenced to three years and six months of imprisonment by the Linhai City Court. On April 13, Mr. Qi was taken to Nanshan Prison of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province.

Mr. Qi Guangfa suffered unwarranted persecution, which caused tremendous grief to his family. Mr. Qi was a very respectful and devoted son, always taking care of his 81-year-old mother who had been bedridden for many years. Upon hearing that her son was put into prison (the court did not inform Mr. Qi's family about his sentence), her health severely deteriorated. She passed away 40 days later, unable to say goodbye to her beloved son.

Soon after, the family's turmoil took its toll on Mr. Qi's 92 year-old father-in-law. Before Mr. Qi's imprisonment, his father-in-law was in good health. However, the sudden and excessive grief over his son-in-law's situation caused his health to rapidly decline. The elderly gentleman's final words were: "I am so sad that I'm not able to wait for Guangfa's return and will not able to see him."

Written: May 2, 2010