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Improving Xinxing While Making Truth Clarification Materials

June 16, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Chongqing, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996 and have been making truth clarification materials for four years. Master has kindly guided my steps over the last 13 years. It is my honor to share with you, my fellow practitioners, my xinxing cultivation and improvement during the time I've been making truth clarification materials. Please mercifully point out my shortcomings.

1. Eliminating fear

I still clearly remember the first time that I browsed the Internet on my own. I was so scared that my heart was beating like a drum, and my hand holding the mouse was shaking. It felt like the evil in other dimensions was watching me and was about to jump on me. But, as soon as I opened the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, I saw the photo of Master quietly watching the world, and my fear immediately disappeared. Behold, Master was beside me, looking at me, protecting me. I was under Buddha's infinite grace. I was a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple. I had Master's guardianship. I was saved directly by Master. What a blessing and honor.

Master is personally overseeing the Shen Yun performance, using this art form to save sentient beings. This year's Shen Yun performance DVDs needed to be elegant and professional. I needed a color inkjet printer to print DVD covers. I shopped around in a computer mall but did not buy any because of fear. Then I asked a fellow practitioner to find a young practitioner to buy it for me. A month passed and nothing happened. I consulted a practitioner. He said I was too concerned about my age and worried about putting myself in danger if I bought a printer myself, and that it might be the time to get rid of my attachment to fear. I suddenly understood that I was having interference because of such an attachment. I remember a practitioner's experience sharing on Minghui/Clearwisdom. He was besieged by police at his home. He kept sending righteous thoughts. When only two officers were on duty, he left home right in front of them. One officer said that he only saw a woman pass by. Master said,

"What's important for cultivators is righteous thoughts. When you have strong righteous thoughts, you are able to withstand anything and do anything. That's because you are a cultivator: someone who is on a divine path and who is not controlled by the factors of ordinary people or low-level principles." ("Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles")

As long as I believed Master, believed the Fa, had righteous thoughts and righteous actions, I thought, I could buy the printer myself. Plainclothes officers watching the buyers might see me as a young man, and never suspect me. Master helped me after seeing my xinxing improvement and my pure heart to make good Shen Yun performance DVDs. As soon as I decided to buy a printer myself, another practitioner bought a printer for me, as well as toner and writable DVDs. Another practitioner taught me how to use it. I then made elegant, professional looking 2009 Shen Yun performance DVDs.

2. Walking a Straight Path

Making the right kind of materials is critical. It is related to walking straight paths and saving sentient beings. Master said,

"If the bad things you've done have caused sentient beings or practitioners who haven't studied the Fa deeply to be unsavable or lose their opportunity, when the day of Dafa disciples' Great Consummation arrives, how could you not be held accountable and suffer the consequences? Could you still achieve Consummation in that case? If you cannot achieve Consummation, then what are you cultivating for? I have always said that this cosmos has a principle: whatever a being - whoever it may be - does, he must face the consequences and make up for any losses caused. This especially holds true in the Fa-rectification period." ("Be Vigilant")

I got 2009 Shen Yun performance DVDs in February of this year. Practitioners wanted to watch it as soon as possible. I rushed 20 copies to them. Since I did not buy the 2009 label, I reused the 2008 label, changing 2008 to 2009, and also printed an introduction to Shen Yun Performing Arts to go with the DVD. After I delivered the discs, I saw the "Notice of 2009 Shen Yun Performance DVD" from the Minghui editor. The notice stated that the DVD should be delivered separately, that it should not contain any other content, that it should not be altered, including cover and subtitles, and not be used for other purposes. I realized that I was wrong to use the 2008 cover for 2009. I knew Master personally oversaw the 2008 Shen Yun performance. It was Master rectifying the Fa using art and saving sentient beings. But I did not pay attention when I made the discs. I changed the cover and even skipped the cover and simply wrote the name on the discs. This showed a lack of respect for Master and the Fa. Because disciples did not realize the importance of these details, Minghui sent out the internal notice and clarified the standards. I realized that the Minghui website followed Master's will and guided us to do better. Benevolent and mighty Master always gives us chances to come to higher understandings, to improve, to follow the straight path well, and forge mighty virtue. Do not take Master's mercy for granted. I corrected my shortcomings immediately, printing and distributing the notice to practitioners, recalling the discs, discarding the extra introduction, and replacing the cover. Thereafter, I made and distributed the discs following the requirements in the notice.

"Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference" was published on the Minghui website. A printer version was there but I did not find it. I waited for the printer version for a week before I made my own and distributed it to practitioners. Then, in an email from the Minghui editor, I learned that the Minghui website had a printer version with a counterfeit-proof header and footer. The email also said that we were not to edit the text in any way. I thought, "Who would dare to add things to Master's lecture without Master's approval?" I had done things wrong. What should I do? I corrected it immediately.

I downloaded the printer version from Minghui and printed it. While giving out the new version, I gave every practitioner a note that explained why there was a new version, and asked them to burn the old print outs. The note also cautioned not to let the ones who distributed fake scriptures and damaged the Fa capitalize on any gaps, and to take this matter seriously and firmly safeguard the Fa.

I would like to conclude by sharing Master's scripture,

"This huge stage before us today - the stage of mankind - was prepared for Dafa and its disciples. Whatever project or initiative it may be that you are involved in, or whatever it may be that you're doing to save sentient beings, you should all be steadfast about doing it, and finishing it, well." ("Fa Teaching Given at the Fa Conference Marking the Tenth Anniversary of the Minghui Website's Founding")