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Changing My State of "Cultivating Alone"

August 11, 2010 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) During the past several days, I have read a couple of articles by fellow practitioners about "cultivating by myself." These articles reminded me that I previously "cultivated by myself," so I wanted to share and discuss my understanding with fellow practitioners.

After the persecution began in 1999, I basically "cultivated by myself." Each time I moved to a new place, Master arranged for a fellow practitioner to get in touch with me so I could obtain Minghui/Clearwisdom materials and truth clarification materials. However, I very often lost contact with them later, and I passively accepted the situation. I studied the Fa, clarified the truth, and sent righteous thoughts all by myself, and I thought that my situation was right. After a period of time, I was able to catch up with the progress of the Fa-rectification. However, the Fa has different standards at different levels. Gradually I became less diligent because I had no contact with other practitioners for long periods of time. I was surrounded by the pollution of everyday society, and I became more and more like a regular person. I relaxed my will to cultivate without realizing I was doing so, and I forgot my mission as a Falun Gong practitioner, assisting Master during the Fa-rectification period.

With Master's benevolent hints, I later became aware that I should break through that state. Master taught us the Fa principle of "the appearance stems from the mind" and taught us that the environment that surrounds a practitioner is connected to his or her state of mind. I then looked inside at my state of mind and for my attachment. I found that the root cause of my difficulties in joining the whole body of Falun Gong practitioners was the mentality of fear. Although it looked as if I wanted to be with other practitioners, deep in my mind, I felt insecure. As a matter of fact, I didn't deny the old forces, and I acknowledged the old forces' persecution. Furthermore, I felt that I had practiced cultivation in my previous lives, and I had a notion that I wanted to remain "solitary" and to "stay by myself for tranquility," which was hidden deep in my mind. I tended to feel comfortable and at peace when I was alone. The old forces took advantage of this notion and reinforced the isolation that separated me from other practitioners and kept me in a state of "cultivating alone." I came to understand that since I am practicing Falun Gong, I should discard all attachments and incorrect notions, and unconditionally assimilate myself to Dafa. The form of cultivation that Master teaches us is group Fa study and group practice, and as a disciple I should follow Master's teaching. I stopped accepting the state of "cultivating alone" and sent righteous thought to eliminate all the old forces' arrangements. In time, my cultivation environment changed. Under Master's guidance I contacted many fellow practitioners, one after another, and joined Fa study groups. Through contacting and sharing with fellow practitioners, I found my insufficiencies and gained a better understanding of the urgency of saving people. Furthermore, I felt the power of sending righteous thoughts as a group, which I could never reach when "cultivating alone."

The interference was very intense at first, when I started contacting and sharing with fellow practitioners, and after some time the contact and sharing did not continue. Falun Gong practitioners' sharing based on the Fa is a small cultivation experience sharing conference, and it is an opportunity to raise our xinxing levels. It also eliminates the separation among practitioners and eliminates evil factors. Therefore the old forces are afraid of Falun Gong practitioners contacting and meeting one another. It is like two commanders-in-chief joining their forces in the war. When the righteous force becomes stronger, the elimination of the evil accelerates. The old forces want to keep this from occurring. However, as long as we let go of our attachments and conduct ourselves righteously, the old forces can do nothing except wait to be eliminated. Master has arranged our cultivation paths and arranged for our cooperation in Fa rectification. We still need to cultivate ourselves however, breaking through barriers and elevating our xinxing levels. When we encounter difficulties in cultivation we should look inside for the reason. We need to find the attachment that is blocking us.

The above is some of my cultivation experience. Please point out any mistakes.

July 18, 2010