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Three Short Stories About People Learning the Goodness of Falun Gong

August 19, 2010 |  


My Experience With a Former Classmate Stricken With Cancer

By Jingxin

In the summer of 2009, I learned at a party that a former high school classmate of mine had just undergone gastric cancer surgery. I knew it wasn't an accident that I heard this. It has been fifty years since we graduated, and have had no contact since. He lives in the capital and was once a high official. I contacted him and when we met, we chatted about our past friendship and daily trifles. I asked him whether he still believed in me. He said, "Sure," and that he had been looking for me over the decades. I said to him that he should withdraw from the CCP and repeat the words, "Falun Dafa is good" from the bottom of his heart. I told him I'd tell him more later.

Three days later, he told me that he had dreamed of a Buddha. I told him that it was the Lord Buddha and that he had a very good predestined relationship. He said he had been reciting, "Falun Dafa is good" every day at home and his little granddaughter had been reciting as well. He had dreamed of Teacher helping to heel his illness. His voice revealed the joy of gratitude. They are experiencing the good fortune that only a boundless Buddha Fa can bestow.

Later in a group sharing, a fellow practitioner suggested to give him truth clarifying discs, nine-day lectures on MP3, and Shen Yun DVD's. He later confirmed that he had been listening to the MP3 and watching the Shen Yun performance every day. His granddaughter would also eagerly watch Shen Yun in the morning with him. He also mentioned a spell of severe coughing he had that led to him coughing up a bloody gauze bandage! He asked the doctor whether it was left behind in his stomach during surgery, but the doctor denied it. I told him to forget about it and if not because of Teacher, that piece of gauze might have taken his life. He was so moved that he couldn't say a word. I told him it was time he practiced Falun Dafa.

I gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun and an exercise disc. When he was doing the third exercise, he kept running to the toilet as Teacher was purifying his body. It was Teacher taking care of him as he entered the door of Dafa cultivation.

Through this experience, I witnessed once again the power of Dafa and Teacher's compassion. I had cultivated away my attachment of fear. As long as we have the mind of saving sentient beings, Teacher will lead predestined people to us.

Three Generations of In-laws Withdraw from the CCP

By a practitioner in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China

My daughter-in-law's father is a former high-level CCP official. Most of the family members over three generations were CCP members. Since the CCP started persecuting Dafa, I had given them truth-clarifying material that led them to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. That is, all except her father. Here is how I finally persuaded him to quit the CCP.

He was 80 years old and had served in the military. He had suffered severe persecution during the Cultural Revolution. I advised him to quit the party for his own good. But he didn't believe it. I wasn't discouraged and I always thought of saving him. I said to my daughter-in-law, "You are a good daughter, why don't you persuade him to quit the party?" She said that both she and her sister thought their father was an old diehard and that they dared not mention quitting the party to him.

At a very casual occasion, we met at his oldest daughter's home. While we were chatting, I said to him, "CCP officials are too corrupt." He said he knew it. I said, "You old revolutionary soldiers overthrew the landlords and the capitalists. And now government officials are even more capitalistic and more wealthy landlords. He kept saying, "Yes." I said, "The CCP has engaged in a variety of political movements and killed 80 million good people." He said it was more than 80 million. I said, "The Cultural Revolution almost took your life." He said, "This is true." I said, "Quit the party. Don't be with the evil party." He said, "I quit!" I did not expect it would go so smoothly. I am so happy for their whole family.

Thank you Teacher for giving me compassion and wisdom!

A Factory Director Wants to Practice Falun Gong

By a practitioner in Changchun City, Jilin Province, China

Ms. Shan (an alias) has been studying the Fa in the morning and clarifying the truth in the afternoon. Today is the same as usual.

When she entered the park, she didn't expect to meet a former factory director, Mr. Zhao. When Mr. Zhao saw her, he came up to her and said, "How come you look so good?" She said, "I have been practicing Falun Gong." He said, "I had seen such a thick book (he meant Zhuan Falun). Where do I buy the book? I want to practice Falun Gong." Dan Dajier understood that Teacher had brought this man to her.

Ms. Shan happened to have an exercise instruction CD with her, which was intended for another person. She knew that she had to take initiative to teach him Falun Gong and couldn't miss the opportunity.

Ms. Shan took the CD from her handbag and gave it to the director and said, "It so happens that I have a CD with me. It was originally planned for someone else. But I'll just lend it to you first. If there is anything you don't understand, please let me know and I will help you."

Director Zhao was very excited and sighed with emotion. He kept saying, "Great, thank you! I hadn't thought of coming here today and didn't expect to run into you. Is that not strange? It is really great!" We exchanged phone numbers. I promised to give him a copy of Zhuan Falun the following day.