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From Miss Juan's Changes to My Changes

August 26, 2010 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 28, 1995, I suddenly noticed significant changes in the appearance of Miss Juan, a girl who worked across the hall from me. Her complexion turned from dark and yellowish to fair and rosy. She used to walk with a slump because she was allergic to everything in the air. The slump was gone; she walked with a new energy. She stopped wearing a surgical mask every day and seemed much happier. I said to her, "Wow, what magic pill did you take? Please tell me!"

She said excitedly, "Even though we work in a hospital, for a long time, no doctor or expert could cure my problems. What magic pill? I have been practicing Falun Gong for a couple of weeks! You should also look into it!"

Miss Juan is an educated, rational person. The changes in her were right in front of my eyes. Since I was a child, I was told by the Communist regime that I could only believe what modern sciences could explain. Her changes were a shock to me. It dawned on me that I should really use my own head to think, instead of notions forced upon me. When a person is ill, sometimes the illness could not be cured by Western medicine, yet could be cured by traditional methods of meditation and cultivation. If I didn't believe that, wasn't I denying my own heritage? Didn't I have blind faith in one kind of education only - modern science? Wasn't it possible that there were beings with more advanced knowledge and wisdom than mankind in this cosmos?

What we know and can detect today [about the universe] is extremely limited. We are trying to use our finite knowledge to define and limit the infinity of the universe. There are many things in this universe that the current level of science cannot explain. In museums, many artifacts in the last several thousand years or longer are beyond our knowledge today. How can we regard everything that is inconsistent with today's textbooks as superstition? Scientists from developed countries, and even Nobel Prize winners, do not have an explanation for everything. Einstein even said there could be beings higher than mankind. Yet in China, our rich cultural heritage that was left for us over the last several thousand years and a tradition of meditation and cultivation were both destroyed by the Cultural Revolution (1966 - 1976). What depth does our so-called modern culture have? What cultural heritage does it contain? Yet today's people think of our very shallow knowledge as something to be proud of. Isn't this laughable?

After thinking things over, that evening and the next day, I finished reading the book Zhuan Falun. As I read it, I felt that I was extremely lucky. This was a book that went beyond science. The meaning of life, as well as answers to many questions I had been seeking, were all presented to me in the book. I knew that from then on, I needed to live every day with kindness and happiness. I cherished all lives and stopped living in a fog.

That day, I went to a group practice site to learn the exercises. Two days later, my headache, a hereditary illness, went away and has not returned since. PMS, which bothered me for a long time, basically disappeared. My gastritis was also gone. These were ailments that modern medicine was unable to cure. Within one month of practicing Falun Gong, they were all gone without pain, drugs, or money. All the words in the world could not express my gratitude towards Master.

Falun Dafa requires that true cultivators strictly follow the xinxing requirements of Falun Dafa, using Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance as a yardstick to guide our actions. Improving our xinxing takes priority over doing the exercises. After I began practicing, I realized that I could meet the strict standards of a cultivator and be a better person.

I work in a relatively large hospital. Prior to October 1, 1999, I worked in the human resources department. Because my father was a retired official, my medical bills could be 100 percent reimbursed. It was a common practice for people whose family members were retired hospital officials, to use their relationship to have all medical expenses paid, including drugs, ultra-sound, and injections. I was the only person who didn't use my father's medical card to pay for other family members' medical bills. In April 2000, after I was released from a forced labor camp, I did not fight to have my position back in human resources. Instead, I was assigned to work in data entry. After a while, a hospital manager told me that they wanted me to be in charge of the cashier's desk in the pharmacy. He said, "This is an important job, and is the only job whose profit directly benefits hospital employees. We had several people in this position, but found them unsatisfactory. We considered you because you were very responsible with your work duties. You are the most trust-worthy person around here, and we believe you can do a good job." Since I was given the job, there had been no error in accounting. No matter how terrible the weather, or what time of the day, I was on call all hours and arrived quickly as long as my job needed me. I never missed one assignment. When others were in this position, the hospital employees would get a bonus once or twice a year. Since I was given the job, the employees received a bonus every month, and the monthly bonus was close to what they got for a whole year before.

In June 2001, I was released from a forced labor camp for the second time. The hospital still wanted me to work in the pharmacy. In July 2005, I asked to be transferred to the asset management division so that I could be in contact with more people. My job was to visit every home to collect utility payments. There were ten people on my team. As the team leader, I was fair and effective as a manager. Once, my sister-in-law misread the meter. I did not let her off the hook just because she was a relative. Instead, I asked her to pay a fine like everyone else. Such things happened often.

I lived with my mother-in-law for 17 years. In the seventh year, I began practicing Falun Gong. Since then I have treated her as my own mother. I got up early and stayed up late to cook and do housework. I was generous with money and paid for everything that my mother-in-law needed. During the holiday season, I prepared elaborate meals and spent all of my days off with my family. For various reasons, my mother-in-law stayed with my sister-in-law for six years. She just turned 80 this year and suffers from spino-cerebellar atrophy, high blood pressure, and an irregular heartbeat. She is increasingly difficult to take care of. Two weeks ago, my relatives brought her back to my home. I had no complaints. I quit my second job in order to take better care of her. During the day, I had a care-taker at my home watching her. At night, I took care of her myself.

The wonders of Falun Dafa have manifested in me. Here is one example. Once, I inadvertently cut my right ring finger with a knife. The cut was very deep. I immediately wrapped my wound with a bandage. I told myself that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner, and would be different from an ordinary person. I told myself it would not hurt, and could not affect my Fa study, exercises, work, or housework. Within 24 hours, I was completely healed. My cut disappeared without a trace, as though it never happened.

Since I began practicing Falun Gong, I have taken turns with another practitioner who lives across the hall to clean the hallway and all the stairs in our apartment building. In the winter, we sweep once a week. In the summer, we clean it with a mop almost once a week. We want to make sure that the public space is always clean.

The above are some changes in me since I began practicing Falun Gong. Don't you think it is a good practice? Isn't it beneficial to families and society?