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Fa-rectification Period Dafa Disciples Must Shoulder the Monumental Mission of Opposing the Persecution

August 26, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) A fellow practitioner was tortured to death recently at a forced labor camp in the capital of our province. The Fa-rectification has progressed to this day, with most forced labor camps in our province having disintegrated. There are only two such camps remaining. One detains female practitioners and the other detains male practitioners. During the disintegration process of the labor camps, fellow practitioners enlightened that cosmic changes are on our side for eliminating all the dark dens that detain Dafa practitioners. We started to coordinate all the efforts at the province level. If a detained practitioner was from the area, then practitioners in that area would join the efforts. It is not a coincidence that all areas had detained practitioners. During the process, some practitioners worked with the family members of detained practitioners. Some spoke with people on the streets about Falun Gong. Some produced leaflets exposing the evil. Some used their phones to explain the truth about Falun Gong. Some posted information on the streets. Some sent forth righteous thoughts. However, different areas showed different states during the process. It was these differences between areas and between practitioners that forestalled the progress of the whole thing. As one practitioner said, "The estrangement is caused by different levels of understanding of the Fa principles." What could be done? We needed to improve our understanding and to harmonize whatever is in accordance with the Fa. We should not think that we are incapable of doing this.

Master said,

"Cultivation is of course the process of establishing and completing a being. But the converse of that is, for those who are truly unbefitting, the cultivation process is also one of weeding out. So whenever a particular situation comes about, some human thoughts will emerge for sure, because it is, after all, humans who are cultivating."("Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles")

If we accept that the disintegration of all the dark dens is what Master wants, then it is incumbent that all practitioners coordinate well. Once all practitioners resolve that the situation must change, Master can disintegrate it instantly with a wave of his hand. Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples' mighty virtue could be established in this way. To say this in everyday people's words: "Master sends the merit and virtue to our doorstep. All that remains is whether we can take one big step forward and if we can step forward under pressure. Some practitioners think that it is impossible to get the detained practitioners out through legal procedures. Such understanding attaches too much importance to the final result. They just want to attain some goal. Rather than harmonize with what Master wants, they selfishly emphasize personal success or failure. I don't think these practitioners understand that it is Master who is doing the whole thing and we can do nothing without Master's blessing and care.

When every area joins the efforts to rescue detained practitioners, it seems that they do what belongs to them as if it has nothing to do with other areas. It's like a single cell which has its own evolution process. All the practitioners who join the rescue efforts form a Dafa particle in an even larger boundary. When practitioners from every province and every area of mainland China do this, isn't this harmonizing what Master wants? However some practitioners are afraid that it will bring more persecution by doing this and they might lose their relatively good environment. They have accepted the situation and think that the labor camps cannot be disintegrated. This will make other practitioners who participate in the efforts encounter more difficult obstacles. It will make things harder. Those who do not participate will not be able to rid the evils which they are responsible for. The opportunity of establishing such mighty virtue won't be ours during Master's process of pushing forward the whole thing. It will give the evil an opportunity to persecute practitioners in other areas because of our not letting go of ourselves and being selfless when others are in danger. When persecution happens to detained practitioners, practitioners who are not detained won't look back to find their own selfishness. Instead, because such tribulation didn't happen to them, they take it as proof that they are cultivating well. If all practitioners in mainland China come to rescue our fellow practitioners, isn't it that we are coordinating with each other on one thing? Will the evil be able to withstand such a one-body effort? Which area of weakness is available to focus on? Aren't they disintegrated instantly?

A fellow practitioner told me of an occasion where four practitioners went to visit a detained practitioner. One of them started to videotape using a cellphone once they were inside. One guard found out and walked right towards the practitioner, but the other three practitioners all had the same thoughts to not let the fourth practitioner take the risk alone. All three of them walked forward at that moment and encircled the guard. In the end, all four practitioners came back home unharmed. Master wants us to have a heart for others. What would happen if all three were afraid and didn't care about the other one? Practitioners took great pride in validating the Fa in Tiananmen Square in 2000. In so doing, we conquered ourselves, walked through the conflict between the Fa principles and our lower selves, walking the path Master arranged for us and discarding human notions along the way.

Some practitioners in our area are family members of detained practitioners. They know it is right to rescue detained practitioners through legal procedure. They also knew that their own family member was suffering cruel abuse inside. They thought that it is the same situation everywhere in the country. Is it necessary to put lots of effort on such a minor issue, not to mention that he/she will be out in three months? It is a sign that they do not understand the Fa principles well. We are saving the sentient beings from the old forces. It affects the progress of Master's Fa-rectification due to the gaps between practitioners. The trust in Master and Dafa is impaired. Who is going to turn the situation around? It is Dafa disciples, not everyday people. As Dafa disciples, we want to follow Master home, but can we stand up and shoulder our responsibilities instead of leaving the hardships to others? This is avoiding the opportunity to upgrade our xinxing level. All the resistance and trouble we encounter in our cultivation paths are actually tests of whether or not we can achieve consummation. Let's shoulder the Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples' responsibility and mission.