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Solemn Declarations from Three Awakened Non-Practitioners

September 12, 2010 |  


Solemn Declaration

At a young age, I joined the Chinese Community Party Young Pioneers, Red Guard, Youth League, and the Party. I was deeply influenced by the CCP's vicious culture, especially after July 20, 1999. I committed many mistakes for my own benefits, such as lying for the wicked CCP, coaxing Dafa practitioners to stop practicing cultivation, derogating Master Li and Dafa, and destroying Dafa books. Now that I have seen the good nature of Dafa practitioners and read truth verification materials for some years, I recognize the truth and realize that Falun Gong is the highest level of Buddhist cultivation and a noble belief. It enables people to endure and become sincere and kind I solemnly declare: All I have done that harmed Dafa and Master Li are null and void. I ask forgiveness from Master Li. I believe that Falun Dafa is good. Choosing a bright path, I support Dafa.

By Zhong Laosi, August 11, 2010

Chinese version available at: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2010/8/27/228858.html

Solemn Declaration

Having been brainwashed by the slander on TV, I was hostile toward Falun Gong after the 1999 persecution began. Some Falun Gong truth clarification materials were placed at my front door one morning. We threw them into a burn pit. Being a retailer, I have contact with many people, including Falun Gong practitioners. Unlike most people who chase after fame and personal gain by hook or crook, the Falun Gong practitioners are sincere and honest without bad thoughts. I also envy their physical and mental health and their happy families. I now realize that what I did was disrespectful to Dafa and Dafa disciples. My spouse and I solemnly declare: All I have done against Dafa are null and void. I will be a good person in accordance with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I'll tell everybody Dafa is good.

By Jian, August 24, 2010

Chinese version available at: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2010/8/27/228858.html