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My Husband Changed Because I Practice Falun Dafa

September 13, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Tianjin

(Clearwisdom.net) My name is Yu Hui (pen name). I started practicing Falun Gong in September of 1999. At that time my health was extremely bad. I had a severe gynecological disease and lumbar disc herniation. I tried all kinds of treatments and spent tens of thousands yuan, but the health issues did not improve. After I started to practice Falun Gong, all my diseases were cured within a very short time. It is Dafa that changed my life, filling it with hope. Master has given me a brand new life.

I conduct myself according to the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I do not care about personal gain, and I consider other people first. The leaders at my workplace all trust me, and have said that Falun Gong must be a righteous practice. The communist regime was starting to persecute Falun Gong when I began practicing, and when the county 610 Office put pressure on me to write the three statements, the staff at my workplace said that they were persecuting good people. When I was illegally detained at a brainwashing center, they went to see me and brought me some fruit from dozens of miles away.

I was doing some work with archives. This work is labor intensive, and people usually aren't willing to do such work. But I was doing an excellent job. They all knew that I practiced Falun Gong, so I took every opportunity to explain the truth to them, and as a result they knew the beauty of Dafa.

My husband is a high-ranking official in a governmental department. He has listened to Master's lectures. I often read stories from Minghui Weekly to him, including the ones about good people being rewarded and bad people being punished, to prevent him from committing bad deeds. As time has gone on, his behavior has become more righteous. There are many instances where he has changed. Here I will share three of these stories:

He once told me that a secretary from some company gave him 5,000 yuan on behalf of their boss. My husband told this secretary, "You should take the money back, and I'll talk to your boss." Later, the boss came himself to present the money. My husband politely refused the money. After my husband came back home, he smiled to me and said, "They don't understand why I did that. You have told me every day to be a good person; have I done the right thing?" I answered, "You are absolutely right!"

There was another situation where the security guard in his department lost something very valuable that was entrusted to him. My husband angrily dismissed the elderly guard, who had been there for a long time. He did so with the agreement of the deputy director of the workplace. The next day, the guard and his wife came to argue with him, which made him feel very embarrassed. In July the weather was very hot, and he was worried for the old couple. He was concerned that they might suffer from heatstroke. He asked me what to do. I remembered the principle, "not to fight back when being punched or insulted" that Master talked about in Zhuan Falun. So I told him, "If that couple comes again to argue with you tomorrow, you pour some tea for them first, and then apologize to them. No matter what they say, just keep smiling. Can you do that?" He said, "Yes."

And indeed, he did. The couple came back, and before they left, they asked him for 1,000 yuan as compensation. I told him that since he was partially at fault for acting rashly, we could pay the money ourselves. This way, the problem was resolved. Later, we learned by chance that the deputy director was spreading rumors about us and was the one who stirred up the trouble with the guard. I told my husband not to get angry with him and to be tolerant. Now he gets along very well with the deputy director. My husband said I am very righteous, but I told him that it's because I practice Falun Gong.

My husband once had a chance to receive a promotion. He couldn't stay calm, wanting to treat those people who were responsible for the decision to an expensive meal, since it was generally customary in today's Chinese society to do so. I said to him, "Master has said, if it is yours, you won't lose it; if it isn't yours, you won't get it even if you fight for it." I asked him, "Do you want to have to take some bribes if you are promoted?" He said no. So I continued, "Master has said that because I practice Falun Gong, my family will benefit from it; Master will help you." As a result, he didn't do anything. Then on the second day, when the results came out, he was in first place for a promotion.

In conclusion, I just want to say, "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!"