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Three Female Falun Gong Practitioners in Hunan Province Subjected to Severe Torture Prior to Sentencing

September 23, 2010 |   By a correspondent from Hunan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) According to our investigation, on November 25, 2003, Miluo City Court of Hunan Province held a court session in the Xiangyin County People's Hospital, and sentenced three Falun Gong practitioners, who were all unconscious. At the time, doctors were attempting to save these practitioners' lives with blood transfusions in the emergency room, yet they were sentenced to four to six years in prison. The three practitioners were Ms. Zhang Lanhui, Ms. Zhang Lihong, and Ms. Miao Cui. They were later held in Hunan Province Women's Prison, where they were subjected to extreme torture, both physically and psychologically. They and their families also suffered unrecoverable financial losses.

The three practitioners were all close to 60 years old. In June 2003, they went to Lijiaduan Town of Miluo City, Hunan Province to distribute informational materials exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Three policemen, lead by Zhou Bo, arrested them and took them to Lijiaduan Police Station. The police took away all their money, bags, watches, and other valuable personal belongings. They then reported to Miluo City State Security as well as the 610 Office.

Wu Zhenyu, Tan Xiankang, and Wu Yuxian rushed to the Lijiaduan Police Station. These three as well as Zhou Bo put the three practitioners into three separate rooms that are strictly isolated from the outside. They then tortured the three practitioners to try to coerce statements from them. Zhou Bo slapped Ms. Miao Cui's face and back with his leather shoe. Immediately Ms. Miao's nose and mouth were bleeding badly. They also ordered three other policemen in the police station to brutally beat the three women.

The beating lasted for seven hours. Afterwards the entire bodies of the three practitioners were dark purple and Ms. Miao could barely walk. For approximately 17 hours, the three women were not allowed to eat, drink, sit, or lie down. They were then transferred to the Xiangyin County Detention Center where their torture continued. The practitioners resisted the persecution with a hunger strike. After a week, police officer Hu Jianjun, jail doctor Xu Jianqiu, and a prisoner tied the three practitioners to chairs and ladders and said they were to give the practitioners transfusions. Instead, Xu Jianqiu and another village doctor slapped the faces of the three practitioners and pried their mouths open. They tortured the three practitioners like this every three days, and it lasted for 25 days.

On many occasions, Hu Jianjun bribed prisoners to tie Ms. Zhang Lanhui tightly onto a wooden ladder and put her on the cold floor of the hallway to humiliate her. The prisoners could freely insult her with words, use cigarettes to burn her body, or kick and step on her. When they gave her a transfusion, even after the bottle was empty for a long time, no one would change it, which caused her arm to be badly swollen and painful.

The 610 Office and State Security leaders of Miluo City, including Wu Zhenyu, Zhou Bo, Wu Yuxian, and Tan Xiankang, continually reported to the upper level 610 Office. They announced in a meeting, "The Central Committee gave specific instructions. This is a great political movement and they hope that everyone will do well regardless of cost. You will all then be rewarded with big money." Therefore they use all kinds of ways to torture the practitioners.

Responsible people who directly participated in the persecution:
Lijiaduan Town Police Station, Miluo City, Hunan Province: Zhaou Bo
Miluo City State Security and 610 Office: Wu Yuxian, Wu Zhenyu, Tan Xiankang
Miluo City Court: He Qilin, Zhou De, Zou Manyi, Huang Zheng
Xiangyin County Detention Center: Hu Jianjun, Xu Jianqiu
Yueyang City Intermediate Court: Li Weihui, Chen Zi, Dai Wu, Chen Zhi
Hunan Province Women's Jail: Zhao Lan, Zhou Chan, Xiao Ping, Li Jun, Luo Jian, Mao Huiping

Related Reports:

An Account of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lihong


Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2010/8/26/228833.html  

The Brutal and Torturous Ordeals That Ms. Miu Cui Has Endured


Chinese version available at http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/12/15/191655.html

Severe Persecution Threatens The Lives of Practitioners Miao Cui, Zhang Lanhui and Zhang Lihong in Yueyang


Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/12/28/63457.html