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Cultivating Dafa and Offering People Salvation

January 24, 2011 |   By Huiling, a practitioner from Shaanxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Dafa in 1996. I have experienced many difficulties during my cultivation, and I would not have been able to make it this far if I had not received Master’s great compassion and protection. I deeply understand that among the three things required by Master, we especially need to study the Fa well, because our righteous thoughts come from the Fa. We would have less interference if we studied the Fa well. I have gained this understanding from my experiences.

In the beginning of my cultivation, when I studied the Fa, I encountered the problem of sleepiness, which I could not overcome for a long time. Because of my lack of understanding the Fa, I distributed Dafa fliers just to get the job done. This attitude allowed the evil to take advantage of my attachments. I was arrested twice. I then realized the importance of Fa-study. I started copying Zhuan Falun and memorizing the Fa, and I benefited from doing so. My understanding of the Fa elevated, and I learned how to deal with situations and to do projects according to Dafa, which is just as Master said:

“Whenever you encounter a problem, you should first consider whether others can put up with this matter or if it will hurt anyone. In doing so, there will not be any problems.” (Zhuan Falun)

As a wife and mother, I have to deal with many chores, such as cooking, cleaning and taking care of my child. In the past I treated these chores as burdens and complained that they took too much of my time, and I therefore had less time for cultivation. Later, I encountered problems with my family due to my not paying enough attention to them. Studying the Fa, I came to understand about "maximally conforming to the ways of everyday people while cultivating." I realized that I needed to better balance my family life and cultivation, and that I should be a good person and a good mother first. After I paid attention to my family and did things according to the Fa, the situation changed and the interference stopped. Finally, my daughter also became a practitioner.

Looking inward is a key principle in Dafa cultivation. However, during the early days of my cultivation, I would argue with other practitioners when they pointed out my problems. After many years of cultivation, I learned to look inward and to listen to others. I could better manage the relationships with my neighbors by remembering that I am a cultivator. For example, I take the initiative to clean up the hallway and stairs in the public area of our apartment building, even though it is not my responsibility.

It is our first priority to help people learn about the goodness of Falun Gong, and about the evil acts conducted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Every day, I see countless people out on the streets trying to make a living. These people deserve to know the facts, and we, as Dafa practitioners, are obligated to tell them the facts and ask them to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I go out packed with truth-clarification materials, such as the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, Minghui Weekly and bookmarks or postcards. I distribute them to people whenever I can, and tell people the facts to offer more of them salvation.

Once, I talked with a young man at a bus station. His bus came, but our conversation was not done. I decided to get on the bus with him and spotted a empty seat by his side. I continued the conversation. Within three bus stops, he said he wanted to quit the CCP and would accept the informational material. I got off the bus, continued talking to people at the bus station there and then returned after three more people quit the CCP.

On another day, it was raining, and I saw an older man come out from a market holding a heavy load in his hands. It was difficult for him to walk in the rain. I came over, helped him and also held an umbrella for him. I walked with him and told him the facts about Falun Dafa. He was glad to quit the CCP and to accept a bookmark with Falun Dafa information on it. I reminded him to say boldly, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Before I left him, we both realized that even though the rain was so heavy and the water was deep on the street, I was not wet and my shoes were not wet either. I was so grateful for Master’s protection, and he was touched by the power of Dafa.

The process of Fa-rectification is also the process of getting rid of human attachments and the process of cultivating compassion. As long as we have righteous thoughts, miracles can happen. One day, I spotted a young man who was seated at the edge of a sidewalk. I went over and chatted with him, “Why aren't you working today?” He replied, “I quit my job and am looking for a new one.” I told him, “The environment is not normal in recent years, and there have been more disasters lately.” He agreed, “You are right. There are definitely more.” I continued, “But they weren't natural disasters which we have no control of... You know what, they were caused by the evil CCP.” I then started explaining how the CCP destroyed Chinese culture and morality and that the CCP persecutes Falun Gong, so heaven will eliminate the CCP. I asked him to quit the CCP to have a better future. He quickly interrupted me and said, “Stop it. I was trained to, and have captured, some Falun Gong practitioners.” I then realized that he was a police agent, but I also thought that I might be able to offer him salvation. I remembered Master’s remarks about saving even secret agents and was determined to save him. I remained calm and said with a smile, “Young man, you must not know the truth about Falun Gong. Falun Gong teaches one to be kind and to be a better person. Anyone can know the universal law of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and become a better person by cultivating Falun Gong. Only the CCP persecutes Falun Gong and its practitioners.” I also told him, “You are still young, but you must remember that good is rewarded with good, and evil provokes karmic retribution. Don’t let the CCP fool you. Do things with your heart. Falun Gong is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” He nodded his head and agreed with what I said. I asked him to quit the CCP, and he did. I was so grateful that Master was there to protect me, give me wisdom and righteous thoughts, and also give this young man a great future.

I constantly remind myself that I am a Dafa disciple and will do things Master requires. I should improve myself and take the Fa as teacher, and walk the cultivation path arranged by Master. Please point out anything that is incorrect in my understanding.