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Fulfilling Our Vow Is Our True Joy

January 31, 2011 |   By a practitioner Qi Lian in Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I regret that I missed an opportunity to help people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Whenever I thought about it, I could not forgive myself. It is very hard to make up for a missed opportunity. Here, I will share lessons that I learned.

Once I went to an elementary school when the students were having recess. Two girls were sitting on some stairs and chatting. I talked to them over the school's fence and helped them to quit the Young Pioneers. They then called over two other children and said to me, “Auntie, please tell them.” Those two children also quit the Young Pioneers. Afterward, over a dozen students came to me, all wanting to hear the truth. I did not know what to do. I thought that it was unsafe to have so many young students around me, which was actually my attachment of fear emerging. I said to them, “I will talk to you later,” and left. While I was leaving, I heard some of them calling to me, “Auntie, we want to hear! We want to hear!” Their voices still often echo in my head. I did not meet the standard of a practitioner regarding saving those children. So many beings are urgently waiting to be saved, but I thought only about myself at that critical moment. How selfish I was! As a Dafa disciple, I should only have benevolence for sentient beings. Instead, I left despite their repeated calls! Whenever I thought about it, I felt ashamed. Teacher brought all these children with predestined relationships to me, but I pushed them away. Later, I would go to that school at the end of the school day to help children to quit the Young Pioneers. However, I still cannot forget the calls of the children from that day.

Teacher said,

“None of you realize what the people in today’s world once gave of themselves for this affair. Nor have you realized what magnificent beings they once were, plunging down headlong into such a dangerous place, braving the tremendous peril. That fact alone makes them worthy of your saving them and pulling them out.” ("Fa Teaching Given at the NTDTV Meeting")

I have learned that I can never slack off, and I now realize that when the Fa-rectification period ends, it will be Falun Dafa disciples' true joy if we all feel that we have been responsible to sentient beings and our missions, and we have completed our vows.

I cannot forget another experience in which I felt sentient beings' desire to be saved. One day, it was snowing and very windy. The temperature dropped more than 20 degrees, and people were rushing home. I finished clarifying the truth to people and was walking quickly home to prepare dinner for my husband. The falling snow made it hard to see. Suddenly, I heard a small child's voice, “Bye-bye.” I did not pay attention and continued walking. Then the voice was louder, “Bye-bye.” I stopped. Turning back, I saw a 5-year-old boy saying “bye-bye” to me in the snow. His face was red due to the cold weather. His grandmother was trying to pull him away, but the boy would not move. He just kept looking at me, saying “Bye-bye.”

I thought it was strange. We did not say hello to each other, so why was he saying “Bye-bye” to me? I suddenly understood. He was asking me to save his grandmother! I ran to them and said to his grandmother, “This boy has a predestined relationship with me. He is very bright. He is asking me to save you! This is such a cold day, and snow is falling, so I will be brief. Have you ever heard the term 'quitting the CCP' to save your life?'” “No,” answered the boy's grandmother. “Have you joined the CCP?” I asked.


“How about the Youth League?”


“How about letting me help you quit the Youth League? Heaven is going to eliminate the CCP...”

While I was talking, the grandmother kept trying to pull the boy away, but he would not budge at all. Finally, she agreed to quit the Youth League, and I then said to him, “Okay, you can go home. Both you and your grandmother are saved! Don't worry!” Then, the boy happily went with his grandmother.

While watching the two saved lives disappearing into the falling snow, I truly felt that the responsibility we Dafa disciples have is is so sacred. If we cannot do well, it won't be just a regret, but a sin! So many magnificent lives are waiting for us to pull them out of danger! Whatever the attachments and desires we have are, they are so insignificant when compared to our mission of saving sentient beings!