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Detention of Three Practitioners Extended at the Siping City Detention Center in Jilin Province

November 14, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Jilin Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioners Ms. Lin Liyan, Ms. Wang Guizhen and Ms. Zhao Fenglan from Xiwei Town, Yitong County, Jilin Province were reported to police and arrested on the evening of March 11, 2011 for putting up Shen Yun posters. They were taken to the Siping City Detention Center and have now been detained for more than eight months. The practitioners' families went between the police department, the procuratorate and the court many times to inquire about their situation, but the departmental agencies' officers shifted responsibility onto each other and evasively answered the families' questions.

The practitioners' families recently went to the Yitong County Court to find presiding judge Zhu Li, who was directly involved in the case. They asked him if he held the trial and what the verdicts were. Zhu answered, “The sentences have been pronounced, and the notice was posted at the entrance to the court.” The families asked when the notice was posted and who pronounced the judgements, Zhu replied, “I don't know.” He told the practitioners' families to inquire at the Siping City Police Department. The families said, “Since you directly participated in the case, why is it that you know nothing about it?” Zhu ignored the families' questions.

Prior to this confrontation with Zhu Li, the practitioners' families had heard that the practitioners were tried in Siping City, and they asked deputy judge Zhang Hongyan, who told them that one practitioner was sentenced to four years in prison, and the two others, each three and a half years. The practitioners' families asked the Siping City Detention Center officials to be allowed to visit the practitioners, but were told that they were not allowed to visit them, since they hadn't received the court's verdicts.

Zhu Li, presiding judge directly involved in the case: +86-13943496699
Zhang Hongyan, deputy judge: +86-434-4222365, +86-434-4222068, +86-13624349999
Cui Limin, Yitong County 610 Office head: +86-15844476742
Siping City Detention Center head office: +86-434-3320127
Political head office: +86-434-3320328
(Please refer to the original Chinese article for the contact information of more people and offices involved in the persecution.)