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The Contemporary Version of “Thieves Have Their Own Code of Honor”

November 05, 2011 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Ancient Chinese said, “Thieves have their own code of honor.” This is to say that even thieves had certain standards of conduct and were not supposed to do certain things. However, today's Chinese are brainwashed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) culture and sometimes do not follow any protocols or codes of honor anymore.

A friend who has been on the “dark side” once told me that when he was serving his term in Panjin Prison, he was the second in command in the ward. His task was to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners, torture them, and force them to do hard labor. He was told that if one of them died, it would be considered a suicide. He was told that the prison's “death quota” was nine.

He told his supervisor, “Falun Gong practitioners are all kind and united. If the unfairness continues, they may protest and commit suicide. (Editor's note: This is the understanding of this non-practitioner individual. Falun Gong explicitly forbids suicide.) He said, “If that happens, then our ward won't get any rewards or recognition.” This made the supervisor take a step back and he didn't push the persecution so hard. My friend then arranged a room for practitioners to study the Fa. He helped protect them. He also arranged relatively light labor for them to do. In general, he took care of them and warned the criminal inmates not to bully them. This happened because Dafa disciples' perseverance in letting people know the truth awakens people's consciences.

He said, “Practitioners are so remarkable!” Influenced by what was going on in his ward, other wards followed suit and took care of Dafa practitioners. This was unprecedented. My friend was released seven months before the expiration of his term.

All the practitioners he was tasked with came from Dalian City. Once he came back from a trip and saw blood near the corner of the mouth of a practitioner, Mr. Leng. He was furious and asked who was responsible. Mr. Leng was silent. Other inmates signaled to him that it was the first in command, nicknamed “Limpy.” (Limpy was not really lame, but he pretended to be so he could avoid doing hard labor.)

He went up to Limpy and said, “Falun Gong is good. Why should we beat them up?” Limpy said, “Falun Gong is forbidden. You want to protect them? Let's talk this over with the ward supervisor.”

He jumped on Limpy, kicked him to the ground, kicked his crutch away, and stepped on him. No one helped or spoke out for Limpy. Some even kicked his crutch further away. When the ward supervisor found out, he didn't say anything. He just moved Limpy to a smaller cell. The entire ward then belonged to this friend of mine. He said that Limpy later developed bone cancer and couldn't be cured.

I complimented him and helped him quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, the Youth League and Young Pioneers. He was very happy. After he left prison, he started a legal business. He said he often had unexpected gains in his business. I told him that this was his reward for protecting Dafa disciples, that his blessings would be more than this, and that he would know more in the future.

In today's society, so many people have joined the “dark side” for all kinds of reasons. They create a lot of karma and hurt others and themselves. If wherever they go, they can treat Falun Gong practitioners kindly and adhere to this honorable code of honor, then they may have a better life in the future.