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Dafa Saved My Life and I Stepped onto the Path of Cultivation

December 09, 2011 |   Told by Liu Yunhua (pseudonym), written by Qingliu in China

(Clearwisdom.net) This year I turned 69 years old, and I live in a small city in Hebei Province. Since my childhood, my family was very poor. At that time the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched political movements one after another. Some people were criticized one day, and other people the next. The CCP was busy persecuting people. We lived in fear and there were no good days. As I got older I got many diseases, so I felt that life was very tough. I was a warmhearted person and I liked to help others, so my friends, relatives, and neighbors all liked to be around me. One of my relatives was a Falun Gong practitioner and she was a very good person. She gave me a card with Falun Dafa written on it, and she also helped me quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. She told me to recite, "Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!" She said reciting that could help me avoid disasters and would keep me safe.

I saw some Falun Gong truth clarification materials and knew all Falun Gong practitioners were good people. The CCP has persecuted such good people, so surely they will get punished sooner or later. Sometimes after I got Falun Gong's pamphlets and read them, I would secretly put them into other people's bicycle baskets and I hoped more people would read them. Due to my kind thoughts about Falun Gong, I was blessed by the higher beings. Later I had a truck accident but my life was saved.

Involved in a Severe Truck Accident

One day in the fall of 2010, I went out to do some business. While I was crossing the street, a truck ran the red light, struck me, and threw me over ten meters away. The two back wheels of the truck ran right over me. Numerous ribs on one side were broken, my internal organs were badly damaged, my chest was full of blood, my head was hurt badly, and my mouth, nose, and ears were all cut and bleeding. The flesh on my thigh had a gaping cut about 30~40 cm in length. The flesh opened and the bone was visible. My leg bones were fractured. The people nearby were all shocked and said, “This old woman will not live.”

However, during that time I did not feel any pain at all. While I was standing on the crosswalk looking in one direction, in the other direction a truck was waiting for the turn signal, and all of a sudden it abruptly ran into me. Then I heard people shouting. I felt myself leave this world with the sound of "Hu," and then I came to a place just like heaven that I had never been to before.

This was a very clean world, as white as jade and as high as the sky. My body felt extremely light and comfortable, no worries, no pain. That wonderful feeling is hard to describe. Even recalling the place now, I still remember the event clearly and I will not forget it for the rest of my life. So wonderful! I was wondering why it was so comfortable and so white. The sky was high and the earth was wide. I walked very lightly, just as if I was floating. I felt very free and my whole body was very comfortable and even now I still dream about that place. Was it heaven? Sometimes I thought that people who had died were better off than those who were alive. So I was not afraid of dying. Later when I read the Falun Gong books, I understood my experience.

At the time I was knocked down and run over, my physical body lost consciousness. However every practitioner knows that my miraculous experience was that my main spirit had left my body and entered a different dimension. Falun Dafa's main work, Zhuan Falun, explained this phenomena very clearly.

"It believes that lives in all other dimensions do not have our ordinary human bodies. They therefore will not become ill, and neither will there be the problems of birth, old age, illness, and death. There would not be such suffering to begin with. People in other dimensions can levitate, as they are weightless and very wonderful. Because of this body, everyday people will encounter this problem: They cannot stand being cold, hot, thirsty, hungry, or tired, and yet they will still have birth, old age, illness, and death. In any case, one will not be comfortable."(Lecture Nine, “People with Great Inborn Quality”)

"Namely, at the very moment of death they did not feel scared; on the contrary, they suddenly felt a sense of relief, with some sort of subconscious excitement. Some people felt free from the bondage of the body and could levitate very lightly and wonderfully; they were also able to see their own bodies. Some people could also see lives in other dimensions, and still others had gone somewhere else. All of them mentioned a sense of relief at that very moment, and of some sort of subconscious excitement without any feeling of suffering."(Lecture Nine, “People with Great Inborn Quality”)

My experience was incredible to non-practitioners, especially those who were raised under the CCP's harsh atheistic ideology. Those people chose not to believe in the existence of other dimensions. The facts always exceed people's imagination, challenge their conventional thinking, and astound them. Now scientific research already has publicly announced the existence of other dimensions. If I had not experienced this myself, even I would not believe it actually happened.

Protected by Dafa I Survived!

Although I do not know when, my main consciousness returned to my body. Then I felt pain all over my physical body and the pain was hard to describe. Even at that time I still did not realize that I had been hit by a truck and why people had surrounded me, I just felt awful.

Then I heard a woman scream: "Aah, even after being run over, she is still alive!" I realized then that I had been hit by a truck. But I knew very clearly that in my pocket was a card with Falun Dafa written on it that I had kept for several years. I treasured it very much and always took it with me. Thinking about the miraculous experience that had just happened, one thought came to my mind: “The Dafa card did work and Master protected me!” Later when the ambulance came and I was being moved I again lost consciousness.

In the hospital emergency room, the doctor discovered that many of my internal organs were severely damaged; 12 ribs were broken, my femur was broken, my brain was severely damaged, and many areas were injured and swollen. The doctor drilled a hole under my armpit to let the blood flow out. Emergency open-chest surgery was needed, but the doctor could not guarantee that it would save my life. The most positive outcome was that the surgery would save me, but there would still be some permanent damage. Considering my age, they did not think that I would be able to walk again. The doctor recommended that my family member buy me a wheelchair.

After I woke up and heard the doctor's explanation of my situation and his plans, I adamantly refused to have any surgery, I just wanted to have routine medical treatment. Because I had already "died" once, I was not afraid of death but instead felt that it was quite comfortable. Surgery would result in more pain, so I refused to allow it. The doctors were all very surprised and could not understand me.

My Rapid Recovery Showed the Miracle of Dafa Again

During my stay in the hospital, many medical specialists thought that, because I was so old, there was little hope that I would recover and then I refused to have the necessary surgery. Surprisingly I got better day by day. My leg had been damaged, and I needed to have a skin graft. However, I refused to have the graft and I let the skin grow by itself. The new flesh grew very quickly. My broken bone was put in a cast and it also recovered very quickly. The medical specialist said my body and my organs recovered amazingly well and the speed of my recovery was faster than a younger person's. None the medical personnel could understand it, and they all said that it was a miracle.

A month later I could walk with some help. Everyone in the bone and joint department heard about the old lady who experienced a miracle. Some patients who had gone into the hospital before me and had injuries that were less severe than mine, stayed in the hospital longer than I did. Some of them stayed in the hospital for a year and still could not take care of their own personal needs. They had spent money, sent gifts to the doctors, and had bought the most expensive, imported medicines to help them recover, but their recovery speed was still very slow. The patients and their family members all envied me very much. Some said to me half jokingly, "What kind of exercise did you practice? The truck could not kill you and now you have recovered so fast."

I knew very well in my heart, “I did not practice any exercise. I just always recite 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!'" Earlier it was a Falun Gong practitioner who had helped me quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations and helped me get rid of the communist evil. Master rearranged my life path. Without Falun Dafa's blessing, this would have been my last year. I appreciated the merciful Master, Li Hongzhi, and his mighty virtue from the bottom of my heart! Thank you to Dafa for saving my life!

Later my family member went to the site of the accident to find witnesses. Most of them were little street vendors. When they heard that the old woman who had been flattened had now come back to life and was able to walk again without any permanent damage, their mouths dropped. They said, “Several people have been hit in this spot and nobody survived. That old lady had a tough life.” The police officers who dealt with my accident that day said, "In such a case, even one in ten thousand people would not come out alive. We've never seen such an exception like this before."

People used to say, “When cartilage is damaged or bones are fractured, it will take at least 100 days to recover.” Also, doctors say that the elderly normally need over four months to recover. Within just three months, however, I could take care of my own personal needs, walk without a wheelchair or a cane, and could go up and downstairs by myself, so the doctor agreed to allow me to check out of the hospital.

Now I can do any kind of household chores and I walk normally. Others could not believe that I had been in a serious truck accident. Some of my friends in my age group joked with me, saying, "We were prepared for the worst. How come you came back to life?" I got used to hearing people say that it was a "miracle." I answer them very calmly, “Good people get good rewards and I was protected by higher beings.”

Starting to Cultivate

Chinese have a saying: “A person who has met with a big disaster but did not die will have good fortune later in life.” I am very old and have suffered a great deal in my life. I've even once passed through death's gate. Fortunately I found the real meaning of life and understand the purpose of life.

After experiencing such a "disaster," I very much appreciate Falun Dafa and Master. It is Dafa that can save people from suffering. My relative who is a Falun Gong practitioner heard about what happened and came to visit me. She was touched by my experience and told me lots of truth about Falun Gong. One thought emerged in my mind: “Dafa granted me a second life. How come I did not learn about this earlier? Now I want to be a good person with high moral standards wholeheartedly. I want to be out of the reincarnation path.” Now I had Zhuan Falun, and I started to practice the five exercises. My family members and relatives witnessed my miracle, they all appreciate Master's mighty virtue, and they all have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

I cannot, however, understand the persecution launched by the CCP, since Dafa teaches people to be good, gives people good health, and saves people when they are in danger. I realize that the CCP is an evil cult that deceives people and persecutes the good. Today I have used my own life experience to tell the world the truth: “Falun Dafa is righteous! Falun Dafa is good!”