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Mr. Fu Tianxiang and Other Falun Gong Practitioners Still Held in Detention in Geermu City, Qinghai Province

February 19, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Qinghai Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Fu Tianxiang, Ms. He Jingyu, and Ms. Zuo Aifeng from Geermu City, Qinghai Province were illegally arrested on separate occasions in 2009. They have been held in the Geermu Detention Center the entire time. During the detention, local court officials tried them several times, and the police denied their families' visitation rights until the 2010 Chinese New Year when their families were finally allowed to visit them once.

Mr. Fu Tianxiang and his wife, Ms. He Jingyu, distributed information about Falun Gong on the evening of September 9, 2009. A plainclothes female police officer stopped them. Mr. Fu was able to escape, but Ms. He was arrested. Within 30 minutes, Domestic Security Division head Wang Jianping led a group of officers to ransack Mr. Fu's home. They confiscated a computer, two printers, three boxes of printer paper, 3,000 CDs, Falun Gong books and truth-clarification materials. Wang Jianping and a group of police officers arrested Mr. Fu at his colleague's home on September 16, 2009. The Geermu City Court held two trials for the couple, but because no laws were broken, no sentence could be given either time.

Mr. Fu and Ms. He have been held in the Geermu Detention Center. Ms. He had a nervous breakdown before practicing Falun Gong. She recovered after the practice. Ms. He's illness relapsed several times while in the detention center, but the officials refuse to release her, and neither will they allow her family to visit her.

In addition, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Kang Jinying and Ms. Zuo Aifeng were arrested on March 23, 2009. Geermu Domestic Security Division head Wang Jianping led a group of officers to ransack Ms. Zuo's home around 11:00 a.m. on March 23. They confiscated a printer, a notebook computer and a desktop computer, a CD burner and related tools, truth-clarification materials and Falun Gong books. They handcuffed Ms. Zuo and took her to the detention center.

Ms. Kang Jinying, who worked at the Qinggang Hotel, was subjected to one year and nine months of forced labor. She has been released. Ms. Zuo is still being held in the detention center. Her family has been forbidden to visit her. She was tried three times. Ms. Zuo suffered a relapse of high blood pressure and heart problems, but the detention center officials refused to release her.

Geermu City Police Department head: 86-979-8442601
Geermu City Police Department deputy head: 86-979-8442602
Wang Jianping, Geermu City Domestic Security Division head: 86-13897057088
Political and Judiciary Committee head: 86-979-8415932
Detention Center office: 86-979-8413753