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My Experience after Practicing Cultivation for One Year

February 07, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a new disciple who began to truly practice cultivation in the middle of April 2009. Before that, I had studied Zhuan Falun for nearly one year. Because I didn’t read it carefully and only read it before I went to bed, I spent one week reading just one lecture. At that time, I just knew that Zhuan Falun was a very good book. It can move the human mind toward goodness and high morality, and teach people to be good by following the universe's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

I asked my classmate (a veteran disciple) several times, “Looks like you are busy all day. What exactly are you busy with?” She said, “Every week, I attend a Fa-study group to study the Fa for an entire day. During other days, I clarify the truth about Falun Gong to save ordinary people.” I was a little confused after hearing this. Although I didn’t know how to save people, I wanted to upgrade myself. Therefore, I asked her to take me to their Fa-study group. Upon my sincere requests several times, she finally took me there.

When I first attended the group Fa-study, I was excited. When studying the Fa, fellow practitioners looked very concentrated, serious and careful. They pointed out whatever you read wrong and then let you read it again correctly. Seeing their righteous thoughts and righteous actions, I really felt deep respect and suddenly enlightened, “Oh, cultivation. This is exactly cultivation.”

Group Fa-study is the cultivation practice form that Master left for us. The Fa-study group I attended was formed in early 2007. There were only three practitioners at that time, a couple who are the house owners and an elderly woman. Now more and more practitioners join this Fa-study group, making the entire group formed by three small groups. The two practitioners who are a couple began to practice cultivation back when Master first spread the Fa. They firmly believe in Master and Dafa and truly practice cultivation diligently. Because they practice righteously, the old forces could not find their loopholes and the couple walked through all kinds of tests.

The couple not only did very well themselves, but also helped fellow practitioners strive forward together. Some practitioners left their hometown and came to my local area because of the persecution, some hadn’t stepped forward to clarify the truth, some lost their cultivation environment or the confidence in cultivation due to the persecution, and some hadn’t known how to truly practice cultivation. The couple then gathered them to study the Fa together. Through studying the Fa, fellow practitioners found their loopholes, came to understand the Fa principles, got rid of attachments and gained improvement within different levels. As what Master said,

“The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.” (“Drive Out Interference,” Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Now practitioners in this Fa-study group have upgraded as one body. Everyone goes out to clarify the truth to people no matter what the weather is like. We all strive forward doing the three things every day. Recently, we could save about one thousand people every week. The couple usually saved 60 people a day. One day they even saved over 90 people. I was shocked by their righteous thoughts and righteous actions. This is not something that can be done by humans; it really is divine beings saving sentient beings!

When I wrote down this sharing, the couple were about to leave us for some time. It may be several months or an entire year. I felt distressed about the parting and had a sense of loss. One night, I had a dream as follows. The female practitioner took me somewhere on her motorcycle. We were running on a rough road which was very rugged. But along the edge of the road, there were ridges made by five-meter-high stones, which was a little smooth. After we passed a big turn, the female practitioner stopped and said to me, “I just brought you here. Now you need to go forward by yourself.” Then she disappeared. I had to walk forward with another two practitioners along one edge of the road. One was in front of me, and the other behind me. I thought, “It is a little easier to walk along the edge of the road.” As I was thinking this, the practitioner in front of me stepped forward into blank space and fell down from the road. I felt very anxious and suddenly woke up.

I enlightened that, “I need to walk my own cultivation path. Do not have the attachment of depending on others or the attachment of ease and comfort. Although the road is rough and rugged, as long as I study the Fa more and carefully and have righteous thoughts and righteous actions, I will walk well on this cultivation path.”

I hope fellow practitioners will kindly point out wherever is improper.