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Late Stage Cancer Threatened My Life, But My Health Was Restored after Returning to Falun Dafa

February 09, 2011 |   By Xinsheng (alias), a practitioner from Hubei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I practiced Falun Dafa when I was young, but later practiced less and less, and I finally stopped after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting practitioners in 1999. Master kept giving me hints, but I didn't acknowledge them until cancer in three different organs threatened my life. My health was restored after I started practicing again.

1. I Benefited from the Practice from the Very Beginning

I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 when I was 13 and thought that Dafa was miraculous. I experienced many of the phenomena mentioned in Zhuan Falun. It would suddenly become noisy outside the room when I began the sitting meditation. I used to have a strong desire for meat, and after I started the practice, I found meat sickening and even vomited when I ate it. I understood that Master wanted me to remove my attachment to eating meat. I again experienced illnesses that had been “healed” before, such as diarrhea, fevers, colds, and nosebleeds. Master purified my body and fundamentally removed my illnesses. I benefited a lot from the Fa and was determined to practice Dafa.

2. Lost During the Persecution

The CCP started persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners on July 20, 1999, and my father and local practitioners went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice. The police came to our home several times and threatened me and my mother, who did not practice, saying they would fire my father from his job if we did not hand over our Falun Dafa books. We didn't hand them over. My father was sentenced to forced labor and lost his job. My mother gave in to the enormous pressure and repeatedly urged me to stop the practice and not to follow my father's path. I eventually agreed with her and finally stopped.

3. I Ignored Hints from Master

Master gave me many hints while I was in college. My father urged me to resume the practice on many occasions, but I clung to delusion and failed to wake up. I was once involved in a car accident, and Master protected me. I only suffered a minor injury but did not see it as meaningful. I submerged myself in my “splendid” college life.

I got a good paying job in another city after graduation. The concept of cultivation practice was washed away by an abundance of material things. My father copied Falun Dafa teachings to my cell phone, and I lost the cell phone. My father said that I should be thankful to Dafa and to Master for such a good job. I arrogantly replied it was the result of my own efforts.

I drank with my father-in-law after I married. My father urged me to stop drinking from time to time. He failed and went back to our home town disappointed.

4. I Was Awakened by a Stick Wake-up Call

I did not realize that I was walking on a dangerous path as I was busy enjoying a wonderful life of an ordinary person. I was diagnosed with liver cancer on August 30, 2010. My father asked me to resume the practice, but I insisted on medical treatment. On September 1, 2010 I was transferred to a renowned hospital in the capital of the province. There I was found to have not only liver cancer but also intestinal cancer and adenocarcinoma. The three cancers originated in the gastrointestinal tract and were in the final stages.

I realized that the only thing I could do was to practice Falun Dafa, so I started practicing in the hospital. With my father beside me, together we studied the Fa, practiced the exercises, sent righteous thoughts, and told others the facts about Dafa. When I had an outbreak of liver pain, beads of sweat as big as soybeans instantly soaked my body and sickbed. I sat in the lotus position reciting Lunyu with my father.

A miracle soon occurred: my liver pain went away, my appetite came back, and the color returned to my pale face. I refused further treatments and came back to my hometown. By then, my mother had become a practitioner. With the help and encouragement of local practitioners, I made diligent progress in the Fa. I learned that upgrading xinxing is the crucial factor in changing the body and everything else.

I discovered many attachments, such as jealousy, pursuit of comfort and ease, fear, etc. When a tribulation subsided, I developed zealotry. As a result, the tribulations were harder the next day. When I was in pain, I was jealous of the healthy life of my parents. After a tribulation passed, I thought about pursuing comfort and ease in life. My life prolonged by Master is completely reserved for my practice and helping Master rectify the Fa, and not for living an ordinary life.

Master taught us,

“Our cultivation system does cultivate both mind and body; a cultivator can prolong his life while he practices cultivation. But some people have not diligently made progress in their In-Triple-World-Law cultivation, and they always linger at a certain level. After much effort to move up to another level, they then linger at that level again. Cultivation is serious, so it is difficult to guarantee that one's life will not come to an end at the predestined time.” (“An Explicit Reminder,” from Essentials for Further Advancement)

Master is giving me the hints to strive forward vigorously. It is His grand mercy that saved me from three forms of cancer, and He did not abandon me when I was failing to live up to expectations. I recovered from the three cancers in such a short time, and it is only the power of Dafa which could have brought about such a miracle. I cannot find the right words to express my gratitude to Master for His infinite grace. I will remove my human thoughts in cultivation, do the three things well, help Master rectify the Fa, and return to our home with Master.