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The Chinese Communist Party Fails to Stop Shen Yun

March 15, 2011 |   By Fu Chen

(Clearwisdom.net) Around the time of the Chinese New Year, Shen Yun Performing Arts launched its 2011 World Tour. The world-renowned company is recognized as the “No. 1 Show in the World” and has three companies touring simultaneously around the world. At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to interfere and try to stop Shen Yun performances.

On January 19, Shen Yun performed in Busan, Korea. During the the time the show was being promoted, the Chinese Embassy in Korea and the Chinese Consulate in Busan pressured the Busan City Cultural Center and the Busan City government into canceling the Cultural Center's valid rental contract with the local organizers. They even called the TV station and told them that the performance had been canceled and to stop broadcasting Shen Yun advertisements.

Between February 3 and 5, Shen Yun Performing Arts had four shows at the ASB Theatre in Auckland, New Zealand. Liao Juhua, the Chinese Consulate General in Auckland, sent a letter to the more than 20 council members in Auckland demanding that they not attend Shen Yun's performances.

Between February 18 and 23, Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company performed at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney, Australia. The Chinese Consulate published press notices to slander Shen Yun.

This is how the CCP has been interfering with Shen Yun outside China for the past few years. Such irrational and obnoxious behavior has surprised many people. However, let's take a look at the outcomes of these interferences in those countries and what happened.

In Korea, due to the interference and threat from the CCP, the Busan City Cultural Center unilaterally canceled the rental contract on January 10, just days before the show was scheduled to open. On January 18, one day before the show, the local organizer submitted an appeal to the court. On January 19, the day of the show, the court ruled that the show could not be canceled. Shen Yun performed on schedule.

In New Zealand, after the letter from the Chinese Consulate was made public, several media reported on it and the public paid attention to the press reports. The performances were a great success. In the letter, Liao Juhua defamed Shen Yun and warned the council members “to stay away from this event.” New Zealand politicians were outraged and considered such behavior out of line for a diplomatic entity. The people of New Zealand paid attention to Shen Yun precisely on account of such offensive behavior.

In Australia on February 21, the Universal Cultural Communications Ltd and the New South Wales Falun Dafa Association, two co-presenters of Shen Yun, held a press conference at 11:00 a.m. at the Capitol Theatre, revealing the latest evidence of how the Chinese Consulate has interfered with Shen Yun performances. On the evening of February 23, after Shen Yun's last performance in Sydney, the theatergoers were reluctant to leave and they kept applauding. Even after three curtain calls, the audience still kept clapping and did not want to leave the theatre.

These are some of the ways the CCP interferes with Shen Yun performances outside China. Their interference will certainly fail. What is the situation inside China? Some recent articles from Minghui/Clearwisdom website regarding the release of Shen Yun's DVDs in mainland China will give us the answer.

From an article published on February 25 entitled “Shen Yun Posters Were Posted in a Northeast Town in China:” “Recently, beautifully-designed posters for Shen Yun DVD appeared in a town in northeast China, bringing warmth and enhancing the holiday atmosphere of this town.”

“We saw beautiful blue posters in front of apartment buildings and grocery stores, on the telegraph poles, and on both sides of roads. The posters are so beautiful, they are encouraging people to look for Shen Yun's 2011 DVD.”

Published on Minghui on March 3, 2011, the article “Shen Yun's DVD Is Released in China” mentioned two incidents: “Those who watched Shen Yun's DVDs last year were waiting for the new DVD this year. On February 8, a driver in Taiyuan said he wanted a DVD. He asked again and again during the next few days. When he got one on February 12, he said he would watch it right away. After watching it, he said, 'It was fabulous.' He requested four more DVDs for his relatives and friends.”

“On January 9, a neighbor came to visit me. My husband and I played the DVD and watched it with her. She said while watching, 'Wonderful! The backdrop is beautiful. It appears all of our elites have gone abroad. Why is this shown in a foreign country? They should come back to China to perform as soon as possible. All Chinese people can see the show then. After seeing Shen Yun, no one would want to see CCTV's Chinese New Year show.'”

Those people who have seen Shen Yun's DVD or often use software to skirt the Great Firewall of China to visit overseas websites all know that Shen Yun receives a lot of praise when it performs in other countries. This beautiful show makes its free DVD available only in mainland China. Who wouldn't want to see the beauty of Shen Yun? In recent years, more and more Chinese people have seen Shen Yun DVDs, and Shen Yun is becoming a hot topic among Chinese people.

The CCP has tried many ways to interfere with Shen Yun; all have failed. In China, the communist regime has never succeeded in blocking the spread of Shen Yun. People are starting to look for the DVD. Now, thousands of families have seen it. Shen Yun is bringing the promise of a wonderful spring to the Chinese people!