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One Cannot Cultivate with a Cunning Mindset

March 31, 2011 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I have been looking inward in an attempt to find loopholes interfering with my cultivation. I found the word “cunning” showing up in front of me.

Among ordinary people, a cunning person is one who uses all sorts of tricks to get out of difficult situations, protect oneself and take advantage of things whenever an opportunity arises without being discovered. As human thoughts have become very complex, resulting from generations of human thinking, one thing lingers in front of people -- their thoughts of self-preservation. Selfishness is the characteristic of the old universe. People use everything possible to protect their interests from being compromised. They use all kinds of tricks and excuses to minimize the loss of their interests and to maximize their gain. They use cunning means to conceal their attachments.

For example, when I explained the facts about Falun Dafa to people, I thought to myself, “I will just talk to people and not give them anything (like a flyer) and that way, there will be no evidence that can be used to persecute me.”

I understand that the Fa rectification is coming to an end and there are fewer evil factors around, so there will be little danger in doing some truth clarifying work. I need to hurry to catch the last train so that I can reach consummation. I thought it would be safer if I just explained the facts about Falun Dafa verbally and did not make informational material. When I printed or downloaded some material for fellow practitioners, I would feel a burst of excitement. Deep in my mind, I felt when I did this kind of work (without going out to distribute truth-clarifying material) it was safe and I also did the things that could help me reach consummation.

This “cunning” thinking causes me to be unable to be tranquil during meditation. I was always thinking, “How should I handle this or that? How should I handle it so that I will attain the goal?” The basic premise was to protect myself from being harmed. Sometimes we feel “selfishness” entering into our every cell. We will suffer when our mind is driven by selfishness. When we don't let go of this notion, we use various complex and crafty ideas that are formed in ordinary society to deal with various problems arising in cultivation. We use various means to protect ourselves. In order to exonerate ourselves, we hold onto selfishness tightly and do not let go.

As Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples and the lives of the new universe, how can we continue to embrace this principle of the old universe? Only by removing our selfishness, dissolving into the Fa and becoming a Fa particle, can we walk on the path of the Fa rectification. The opportunistic and cunning thinking, or thoughts arising from the declining morality of ordinary people, will not have any positive effect and cannot be brought to the new universe.