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Falun Dafa Scooped Me Out of the Sea of Bitterness

March 04, 2011 |   By Li Xinsheng (Pen name), a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am fifty years old, and I started practicing Falun Gong in 2004. I had a stomach disease since the age 18 or 19, as well as rheumatic sinusitis, back pain, and headaches. My headaches were extremely bad, because it not only ached but I also shivered. I had to wear a hat all year long, otherwise I was in extreme pain. I had to take medicine or have an injection every day. My life was so miserable that I even thought about suicide on several occasions.

This situation lasted until 2004, when a Falun Gong practitioner introduced me to Falun Gong. She clarified the facts to me and told me not to believe what was said on the state-run TV. What she told me made sense and so I said, "Alright, I will try it."

Thus, I started going to her house secretly to learn the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. After the third day, even before I had learned the fifth exercise, my head felt as though it was wrapped by something and I didn't shiver anymore. As a result, my headache disappeared and I no longer needed to wear a hat. Next, Master purified my body and I constantly vomited. The symptoms were very strong during the first three days and slowed down gradually. My entire body felt wonderful on the seventh day. Nothing ached and all my diseases were gone. I truly experienced what it felt like to have no diseases and my entire body felt light. It was Master Li, who had scooped me out of the sea of bitterness.

When my husband came home from working on the farm, I told him that I was secretly practicing Falun Gong these days, and that my headache disappeared within only three days, as well as all of my other ailments. He said, "As long as you think it works for you, then practice it."

I then went and told my parents-in-law and brothers-in-law about Falun Gong. Unexpectedly, my parents-in-law became furious and yelled at me for practicing. I said, "When I was full of illnesses, nobody could do anything for me. I had to take medicine and have injections every day, yet I didn't get healed but got worse instead. Now, Falun Gong has healed me completely. Besides, it teaches people to become better persons by following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I will keep practicing Falun Gong and listen to nobody but my Master."

Seeing my determination, my parents-in-law talked to my husband. He listened to them and turned against me for practicing. I refused to give up Falun Gong and he went to and talked to my parents. My parents supported me wholeheartedly as soon as they saw that all my diseases were gone. My husband banged on the table and yelled, "She cannot return to my home if she persists!" My father said, "Then she can stay in our house." My mother-in-law told my elder sister to persuade me to give up practicing Falun Gong. I clarified the truth to my elder sister, and she was amazed that all my diseases were gone. She realized that Falun Gong was not like what they said on TV, so she decided to practice also.

Later, that practitioner gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun, but I was illiterate as I had never gone to school. I opened the book and saw colorful light. Rubbing my eyes and looking closer, I saw that each character was emitting colorful lights. I knew it was not an ordinary book so I cherished it very much. My husband would not teach me to read, and my children did not dare to teach me either, so I had to ask my father to teach me to read.

Master saw my sincerity and opened my wisdom, so I learned extremely fast. I was able to read the entire book in only several days. My father used to be full of illnesses as well, but after practicing Falun Gong all his illnesses disappeared. He is 86 years old now and is very healthy. He often says, "I will follow Master forever, no one can change my mind." Everybody in my immediate family is practicing Falun Gong now and has quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

I used to have a bad temper. After studying the book and practicing cultivation, I changed. I am now kind and respectful to my parents-in-law, willing and eager to do housework, no matter how difficult or dirty, and I take good care of my husband. Seeing that I changed into a different person, my husband and kids were very happy and amazed about the wonders of Falun Gong. They all supported me in my practice.

My husband had a cervical vertebra and leg disease. Seeing what the positive changes in me, he started reading Zhuan Falun. In less than three days, his cervical vertebra and legs stopped aching. Therefore, he started to practice Falun Gong as well.

My entire family has started practicing Falun Gong and quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. My son got married and his wife gave birth to a daughter, and I am taking care of her. As soon as she started to talk, she often shouted "Falun Dafa is good." My daughter has entered college. It was Master who has given me all these blessings.

I often go out to distribute copies of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and informational materials about Falun Gong and the persecution. Besides that, I talk to people fact-to-face and clarify the facts and persuade them to quit the CCP. Seeing my changes, many people believe that Falun Gong is good and many have quit the Party and its affiliated organizations.