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An Unexpected Gain

April 22, 2011 |   By Huizhi

(Clearwisdom.net) Our company once had a young employee who did not do her work well, picked at other people's problems every day, and often bad-mouthed others. She earned the nickname “demon woman.” When our company reorganized, our department was divided into three groups. The other two groups did not want her, so she joined my group by default. Since I was the team leader, I ultimately had to deal with her every day.

After she joined our group, I experienced the bitterness of her conduct. She slept while everyone else worked and didn't do her share of the work. She often created conflicts with others, so our group became a chaotic mess. In order for there to be no delays, I did her share of the work, which caused everyone to be upset. Others often complained to me about her not working. When I told them to give her time to change, everyone laughed at me and felt that I was talking nonsense. My patience for her did not move her. Instead, she was even more aggravating and told my superiors that I wasn't qualified to be the group leader. Since my supervisors knew her, they didn't take the complaints seriously and just told me to handle it properly.

I didn't know how to handle her properly. For some time, I got a headache when I thought about her. But during this affair, I reflected inward on my own actions. I realized that my “tolerance” toward her did not seem to be compassionate, just a connivance arising out my perception that there was no alternative. I felt it was wrong to just blindly accommodate her. It was also unfair to the other members of the group.

I tried to communicate and reason with her. Although I was just a few years older than her and my work experience wasn't that much more than hers, being a Dafa practitioner, I knew the standard of being a good person. When I talked to her, I learned that this 22-year-old did not understand how to be a good person and didn’t know the correct way to work. I was even more surprised when I told her about living in accordance with the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She readily accepted it without any resistance and had a natural yearning for it. So what would have been a conversation about how to do a good job had turned into my clarifying the truth to her.

She listened earnestly and told me that she wanted to quit the Chinese Communist Party affiliate which she had joined when younger. When our conversation ended, she was very happy, and so was I. I felt that there were no longer any barriers between us. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance had melted the ice in our hearts.

From that day on, she changed from being the “demon woman” into an energetic worker. She was very supportive of my work and helped me make plans for our work unit. She became my right-hand person. The amazing thing was that she was very interested in Dafa. During our leisure time, I showed her how to break through the Internet blockade to visit Dafa websites, and she was very interested in visiting the websites. Later, because her boyfriend was moving out of town, she wanted to go with him. Several days prior to her departure, the two of us were on duty on the night shift. As there wasn't much to do during the winter nights, we covered ourselves with coats and took a nap. During the middle of the night she woke up and saw that my coat had slipped off. She softly tiptoed over, picked up the coat and put it back over me. In fact, I had awakened earlier and didn't say anything. From this little gesture, I knew that she was truly a kind person.

Soon she resigned. After a month, she sent me an e-mail. It read, “Sister, after coming to a new work environment, I now realize how much you cared for me. I will never forget you and the truth you told me. We will always be friends. I wish you a happy day!” It was a short letter, but I felt warmth in my heart. Who would have thought that the once-upon-a-time “demon woman” could say such heart-warming words.

I know Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance opened her heart. What was originally a resentful relationship developed into a genuine friendship. Thanks to Dafa for giving me this happy result. I sincerely hope that she has a happy life.