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Neighbors and Local Officials Look Out for Falun Gong Practitioners

April 29, 2011 |   By a Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) As more and more Dafa practitioners have made others aware that “Falun Dafa is good,” people have started thinking about it for themselves. Many neighbors who understand Falun Dafa and its practitioners have come forward and refused to cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regarding the persecution of Falun Dafa. They protect practitioners from beginning to end. Their kind hearts will bring themselves a good future.

1. Neighbors with Big Hearts

One man went to Laishue County in Hebei Province to visit his relative who is a practitioner. He looked like a stranger to the area. He stopped in his relative's residential area and asked for directions. To his surprise, none of the neighbors would help him. They said that there was no one there by that name, and they directed him to look elsewhere.

The fellow walked back and forth through the area three times and still did not get any help. Finally, he begged one of the neighbors, saying, “I really am his relative, and I have come a long way to visit him. Please help me find his place.” The neighbor was still cautious about it and called the practitioner after getting the name of his relative. The neighbor said, “Hi. Do you have a relative by this name?” After the practitioner confirmed that the visitor was a relative, the neighbor led the visitor to the door.

After they met, the visitor brought up the neighbors’ reactions to the family. The family explained that they were frequently assaulted by local police because someone in their family practices Falun Dafa. The neighbors were angry with the whole situation. They stood up to protect this family by not letting any stranger get close to the family. The visitor finally understood.

2. Good Government Officials in Our Village

A boy from my village was admitted to a university; his mother is a practitioner. The village Party secretary and village accountant went to the county to complete the paperwork for the boy’s college admission. However, at the county office, a county clerk said, “We can not complete this paperwork because his mother practices Falun Dafa.” The village secretary got very angry. He said, “It has taken us many years to have one child from our village admitted to college. You cannot jeopardize the boy’s future. What kind of law are you talking about? Why in the world can you not tolerate too many good people? If you don’t help us with this paperwork, I will go back to the village and ask whole village to practice Falun Dafa.”

The clerk was moved to tears and reported it to the county official. They later agreed to complete the paperwork. In fact, if anyone has a good heart, he or she does not dare to show it, such is the pressure from the regime to persecute Falun Dafa.

In my village, since the persecution started in 1999, the village management has understood the truth after the practitioners frequently explained it to them. After practitioners spoke about how Jiang’s gang persecuted Falun Dafa, the village management team expressed their anger. And after practitioners told them about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, they knew that the CCP would not last. When the upper management questioned the village management about Falun Dafa activities, they would say that there was no such activity in their village.

3. Understanding the Truth, an Elderly Man Has Good Fortune

An old man who works at a recycling business told me that he had received good fortune. At his work, when he saw Dafa materials, he would put them aside, read them, and then later give them to others. He got angry when he read that Falun Dafa practitioners were persecuted. He also commented, “This persecution is an outrage. It is only cultivation. The persecution methods are too brutal.”

When someone handed him a truth-clarification card for his protection, he would ask for more and distribute them to others. He frequently came to me to get money exchanged. When he saw a paper bill with the message “Falun Dafa is good” on it, he read it aloud and said he collected them.

One day when he was working on recycling, two policewomen stopped him and asked him where he got the many yuan bills with the truth clarification messages. The old man laughed and said, “I get money in and out every day. I have no idea who gave it to me.” The police left with empty hands. The old man talked to people on the street, “There is no way that they could get any information about Dafa practitioners from me. I know several practitioners, but I would never tell the police about them.” The old man later told me about those occurrences. He also told me, “My daughter takes good care of me. I am very healthy and don’t spend my daughter’s money. I can make a living by myself.”

I told him, “You are safe and will have good fortune because you are so supportive of Dafa. There are many good things that will happen for you in the future.” The elderly man smiled.