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Ottawa: Witnesses Recall the April 25, 1999 Appeal (Photos)

April 29, 2011 |   By Yingzi, a Clearwisdom correspondent from Ottawa, Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) Twelve years ago on April 25, the largest peaceful appeal in Chinese history took place in Beijing. Below are some accounts from witnesses.

Chinese and Western Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of the Ottawa Chinese Embassy on April 25 in memory of the peaceful appeal in Beijing 12 years ago

Ms. Li, a 74-year-old Ottawa resident, participated in the appeal 12 years ago on April 25. She shared some background information of the appeal. After He Zuoxiu fabricated stories to defame Falun Gong, some Tianjin practitioners went to Tianjin Education Institute, as well as related agencies, to clarify the facts, between April 18 and 24. However, under orders from the Tianjin Police Department officials, riot police forces beat and arrested 45 practitioners on April 23 and 24. Practitioners were also told that the only way to resolve it was to visit the State Council Appeals Office in Beijing. Practitioners thus visited Beijing and the issue was resolved after then-premier Zhu Rongji intervened.

Ms. Li said, “The reason for our appeal was to tell the government officials that Falun Gong improves oneself and teaches people to become better persons. It was wrong for Tianjin police to arrest practitioners.” However, out of jealousy Jiang Zemin later labeled the peaceful appeal as “attacking” Zhongnanhai—the central government compound. In addition, Jiang launched the massive persecution against Falun Gong in July 1999.

After hearing about the April 25 incident in 1999, another Ottawa resident Ms. Zhou Limin wrote a letter to Chinese government officials together with several other practitioners. They submitted the letter to the Chinese Embassy in Canada. She said, “By providing the real information about Falun Gong, we hope government officials could understand Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners.” It was a holiday, but a consulate official still accepted the letter.

From that day on, all kinds of information kept coming. Several practitioners visited the embassy and were able to meet the Consul-General Huang Ping. Ms. Zhou said, “We told Huang about our concerns over this matter. He told us that the Chinese government would not suppress Falun Gong.” Three months later, however, a nationwide persecution started on July 20. Ms. Zhou said, “By then we realized that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) cannot be trusted and it was just a plot.”

After Falun Gong was officially banned, the embassy officials closed all channels that the practitioners could use for dialog.

Chinese and Western Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of the Ottawa Chinese Embassy on April 25 in memory of the peaceful appeal in Beijing 12 years ago

Starting with the appeal 12 years ago on April 25, Ms. Zhou joined other overseas practitioners to keep opposing the brutal persecution in China against Falun Gong. By calling for awareness and support from the international community, they are helping practitioners in China who face persecution for their belief.

A practitioner named Diane has participated in the peaceful appeal in front the Chinese embassy for the past 12 years, regardless of the heat of summer or freezing winter. She said, “Just like 12 years ago, we are here to let people know what Falun Gong is and ask for help to end this brutal persecution in China. Throughout these 12 years, we have seen changes in people, from confusion to understanding and support. After knowing the truth, people began to uphold justice in various ways.”

Diane also shared a story. She said, “One summer there was a heavy rainstorm with a strong wind. A car stopped in front of us and a gentleman handed us a finely made high-quality umbrella. He insisted on our accepting the umbrella. We were very touched.”

In the end, Diane said, “I hope all the embassy staff will know the truth about Falun Gong and choose to support righteousness instead of associating themselves with the CCP.”