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Solemn Declarations from Two Awakened Non-Practitioners

May 01, 2011 |  


Solemn Declaration

When I was in elementary school in 2002, my parents were illegally arrested for practicing Dafa and taken to our local police station. At that time, leaders in all public offices including my school fiercely slandered Falun Gong. The head teacher forced me to repeatedly read slanderous materials against Dafa for fluency and then loudly recite it on the platform during a student meeting. I believe that Dafa is good. I have also been blessed by Dafa. I am filled with a deep regret for my behavior that blemished the reputation of Master and Dafa. I solemnly declare: “Everything I have done that is disrespectful toward Dafa is null and void. I will firmly support Dafa to make up for my mistakes.”

By Li Huilan, April 8, 2011

Chinese version available at :http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2011/4/19/197觉醒世人的郑重声明-239251.html

Solemn Declaration

I sauntered in a park in 2001 and saw a message reading “Falun Dafa is good.” Because of being deceived by the pervasive slanderous propaganda of the wicked Chinese Communist Party, I reported my finding to the local police. I now have a guilty conscience and chastise myself for the action after understanding that Falun Dafa has excellent principles and the Buddha Fa is boundless. I want to be a cultivator myself. I solemnly declare: “My action that was disrespectful to Dafa is null and void. Falun Dafa is good.”

By Yanyan, April 19, 2011

Chinese version available at :http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2011/4/22/184觉醒世人的郑重声明-239409.html