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Shouting “Falun Dafa Is Great” in a Labor Camp

May 04, 2011 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong Cured My Migraines

I began to practice Falun Gong in April 1996. After I obtained a copy of Zhuan Falun, I finished reading it in two days. The first day, my severe headache was killing me like it always did. The next day, my headache was gone. From that day on, I never again experienced those migraines that had plagued me for more than 20 years. I was so amazed by this miraculous recovery. With tears in my eyes, I kept telling myself, “Now I have a new path in life, now I can live on.” I suddenly gained so much understanding of this world, and my joy and excitement was beyond expression.

Soon, I began to attend regular morning exercises with other practitioners in the park. I also offered my home for local practitioners to study the Fa together, and my family members also began to practice.

Detained and Interrogated by the Police

After the Communist government began to persecute Falun Gong, I was repeatedly arrested, detained, and extorted. The police also searched my home. In February 2005, after I distributed some truth clarification flyers, the police arrested me and took me to the police station. When an officer asked me where I obtained the flyers, I refused to tell him. The police began to curse at me. Later, that officer told me that he got a bad headache at that time. I constantly sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements that controlled him from other dimensions. I also clarified the truth to them and told them, “I will never tell you. Stop asking me where the flyers came from.” They stopped.

Their next strategy was to deprive me of sleep for eight days. After my determined protest, they allowed me to have two short naps during the eight days. They forced me to stand on my feet all the time, and after eight days, my feet and legs were swollen. Eight days later, they sent me to a detention center. Another four days later, they sent me to Shibalihe Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zhengzhou City.

Resisting Persecution in the Labor Camp

I shared a small cell with two inmates who watched me around the clock. Although I refused to comply and do the work, I never stopped clarifying the truth to them. I told myself: I am here to validate the Fa, not to listen to evil propaganda. I will only walk the path arranged by Master and I will deny all other attempts by the old forces.

The police sent several “transformed” former practitioners to try to make me give up my belief. I adamantly refused to listen. One individual hit me in the chest and face. I sent forth righteous thoughts to dissolve the evil behind her. After she attacked me, she immediately vomited. I had spent two months in the cell.


Policewoman Jia Meili was the most active one in persecuting practitioners. She forced everyone to work hard and long every day. One day, a head inmate (a drug offender) accused practitioners of not doing enough work. I told the other inmates, “We are victims of persecution. Falun Dafa is good. If you treat Dafa practitioners with kindness, you will be rewarded with good fortune and peace. Mistreating practitioners is a huge crime.” The inmates stopped complaining, and I realized that Master was giving me wisdom and courage.


At night, I kept reciting Master’s words silently and found many of my attachments. I had some selfish thoughts, such as showing off my ability, and I also had fear. The old forces took advantage of them.


When the police forced us to complete a form that had negative content about Falun Gong, several practitioners and I refused. Each day before meals, the inmates were ordered to sing songs that praised the Communist Party, but I never did. On New Year's Day in 2006, when the inmates were singing CCP songs, more than 20 practitioners were shouting, “Falun Dafa is great!” An angry officer demanded to know who started the shouting. No one answered her. After that, people could hear “Falun Dafa is great” often in the labor camp compound and dormitory. Even some drug offenders began to praise Falun Dafa.


Changes in My Husband

After I returned home from the labor camp, my husband gave me a hard time. He was poisoned by the CCP’s lies, and he feared more trouble. He abused me verbally and physically, and even initiated divorce proceedings. I disagreed with his behavior and words, and begged Master to strengthen my righteous thoughts and actions. Because of my lack of effort in Fa study, my xinxing level did not improve, and my fear was strong. Later, I improved my Fa study and had more communication with other practitioners. I realized that I should cultivate with dignity. I began to send forth righteous thoughts on a daily basis. Many of the evil elements behind him were eliminated as a result. In November 2007, he was hospitalized after a cerebral hemorrhage. I took good care of him and told him about the amazing effects of Dafa, so he recovered quickly. After he returned home, my husband published a statement to withdraw his membership from the Communist Young Pioneers. He also began to recite “Falun Dafa is great” and “Truth-Compassion-Forbearance” regularly. He became supportive of Dafa practitioners’ activities, and even installed a satellite dish that receives New Tang Dynasty TV. His hypertension, diabetes, and foot disease were all cured. He also began to study Falun Dafa.

I sincerely thank Master for His compassion and salvation.