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Mr. He Binggang Framed by Police and Illegally Indicted in Shanghai

May 08, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Shanghai, China

Name: He Binggang (何冰刚)
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Address: Changning District, Shanghai
Occupation: General manager of Computer Sales, Yuwen Technologies, Changning District, Shanghai
Date Most Recent Arrest: April 15, 2010
Most Recent Place of Detention: Changning District Detention Center (长宁区看守所 )
City: Shanghai
Persecution Suffered: Detention, interrogation, extortion, illegal sentencing, imprisonment, framed by police, beatings, torture

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. He Binggang from Shanghai was illegally arrested by officials from the Changning District Domestic Security Team's 610 Office on April 15, 2010. The Changning District Procuratorate has indicted him.

In 2000, when Mr. He was a graduate student at Fudan University, he was detained and sentenced to forced labor for refusing to give up his practice of Falun Gong. In 2001, the Xuhui District Court of Shanghai sentenced him to six years in prison. Mr. He was detained at the Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai, and he was released in 2007.

Afterward, Mr. He formed his own company, Yuwen Technologies.

Around 10 a.m. on April 15, 2010, Wang Yu from the Security Division of the Changning District Police Department sent an undercover plainclothes policeman to sell an old computer to Mr. He's company. Wang, dressed in plainclothes, waited upstairs in the Changning Technology Building, where Mr. He's company was located.

After the undercover officer left, Wang changed into a police uniform and led a group of policemen to Mr. He's company. They claimed that they were from the Tianshan Street Police Station of Changning District and that they had received a phone call from a witness saying that the company had a computer that had been obtained illegally. They searched the company and found a box of Falun Gong books and a Shen Yun Performing Arts DVD, which had been planted by another plainclothes policeman. Then they arrested Mr. He and took him to the Tianshan Street Police Station, where they interrogated and beat him, trying to coerce him to “admit” that the books and the DVD were his.

Mr. He has been interrogated three times since May 21, 2010. During the interrogations, he was tortured and became disabled.

In January 2011, Gao Xun and Zhu Liqun (female), director of public prosecution in the Changning District Procuratorate, indicted Mr. He in the Changning District Court. They asked the court to sentence him to a heavy prison term, claiming that he owned Falun Gong books and that he had given a Falun Gong DVD to a division manager of his company.

In mid-March of 2011, the Changning District Court took Mr. He home and extorted his family for money, saying that it was for bail. However, on April 7, his family received a court summons because Mr. He's trial was scheduled for April 18. His family refused to accept the summons document. On April 15, Yang Huixin, court director, and Zhou Weimin, presiding judge, forced his family to sign the summons.

Parties involved in the persecution:

Yang Huixin, court director: 86-21-52574999, ext. 16141

Zhou Weimin, presiding judge: 86-21-52574999, ext. 16121

Zhu Cuiying, court clerk: 86-21-52574999, ext. 16113