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Persuading Some Party Officials to Quit the CCP

June 13, 2011 |   By practitioners from China


Persuading Some Party Officials to Quit the CCP

I started to cultivate Falun Gong with my spouse in 1997. My relative (who was a child of a provincial level high ranking-official) mailed us a copy of Zhuan Falun. Even more fortunate, is that on March 29, 1998, we attended a Fa conference in New York, listening to Master give a lecture. More than ten years passed by. We still recall the solemn and touching scenes. It was a grand conference, the door was wide open, and people came in and out freely. The students came from around the world. There were Chinese, Europeans and North Americans. Ever since then, we have walked on the path of studying the Fa and cultivating ourselves. Recently with great care from Master, and encouragement from fellow practitioners, we seized the opportunity to go out to save sentient beings. I want to summarize briefly the experience of persuading two CCP officials to quit the CCP-related organizations.

General Quits the CCP

We went to the home of a general we have known for many years. Eventually a good opportunity developed during the conversation to discuss the persecution. I casually asked: “Do you believe in God?” He said he read many books recently and believed that divine beings do exist. I agreed and said, “When former President George W. Bush of the United States visited China, he talked to students, telling them that 95 percent of Americans believed in God. Only the CCP advocates fighting against heaven, earth, and then human beings. This mentality has brought many natural and man-made calamities to China. How many innocent people have died? Especially when the CCP wants to fight against Heaven, that is to fight against God. Do you say that you, as a CCP member, want to fight against God? So I encourage you not to acknowledge your CCP membership. Just tell God that you quit the CCP, OK?” He readily agreed. I gave him a name that respects God (pronounced similar to his real name), and he agreed. I explained that Falun Gong believes in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and how the evil CCP persecutes Falun Gong. He accepted everything. That afternoon, we talked very happily.

A Person Who Had Been Recognized by Top Party Officials Quit the Party

One day I went to visit one of my colleagues. The moment we sat down, she showed me a big rectangular photo frame. It was a photo taken fifty years ago when the heads of the evil CCP including Mao, Liu, Zhou and Zhu, received them. Although she was one member of the mass group, the fact that she was part of the group made her feel very honored. She also said during the “cultural revolution” when Liu was defamed as a renegade, a hidden traitor, scab etc., that those who were received along with her asked her to mark an “X” on Liu’s photo. She didn’t do so. I made use of the opportunity to tell her that all the political movements since 1949 were wrong, and very evil, especially the defamation and persecution of Falun Gong, which is intolerable. Nationwide there are over one hundred million people cultivating. In over one hundred countries around the world, there are Falun Gong practitioners. I also told her, all my siblings have high blood pressure, but ever since I started to cultivate Falun Gong, my blood pressure became normal. I also told her my spouse really saw Falun and Master’s law body when doing the exercises at the park. She also said that it couldn’t be fake with so many people practicing. She said that she traveled in Taiwan, and there was someone asking her whether she was a CCP member, and that she should quit the CCP. She was so scared that she quickly left. I said if I asked you to quit the CCP, would you be willing now? She agreed to quit and also acknowledged that quitting the CCP would keep her safe.

When she saw me off at the door, she said: “I also want to practice Falun Gong.” I said there would be a chance to practice together.

The above are the examples that I recently experienced in stepping out to clarify the truth. I also persuaded other colleagues and family members to quit the CCP-related organizations. I felt I made some progress, and I had some attachments surface. When I read from the Minghui website that there are fellow practitioners who can persuade sixty to over one hundred people to quit the CCP a day, I became much calmer. I saw the huge distance between fellow practitioners and myself. I should further let go of my attachments for fame, profit and sentimentality, and step forward to save more sentient beings.

The World's People Are Truly Waiting for the Truth

Recently when I went out with fellow practitioners to clarify the truth, we often met foreigners who immediately understood the truth. We felt that they were waiting for us. It touched our hearts to see the excitement on their faces when they accepted the truth-clarifying materials. I would like to share with you some of the stories.

One day I went out with a fellow practitioner to clarify the truth, and we met an old man. We asked him whether he heard that quitting the CCP-related organizations could give him safety and whether he had joined any of those organizations? He said: “Yes, but I quit it by myself a long time ago, the CCP is really too evil.” Then he started to count all the evil things that the CCP had done. Then I asked him if he had read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party? He said: “Not yet, but I am looking for this book.” So I gave him a copy. He happily accepted the book and said he would read it carefully when he got home. I told him: “Today you formally quit the CCP, and gods and Buddhas will protect you. I asked him to remember Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. He agreed very happily and he also proudly mentioned: Your Master is actually from our Northeastern part of China.”

Shortly after we started one day, we met an elderly lady and asked whether she knew about quitting the CCP. She said she did not. I asked her whether she had worn the Young Pioneer red scarf? She said no, she didn't. I told her it was good if she did not wear the red scarf, and that she should remember “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good”, and “Falun Dafa is good”.

The moment she heard Falun Dafa, she was very excited and said out loud: “Falun Dafa? Falun Gong? So you are a Falun Gong (practitioner), it is so good. I am looking for Falun Gong. I am here almost every day. I wanted to go home today, but I just felt that I might be able to meet someone and I turned around to come over here. I met you, it is so good.” I gave her a Shen Yun DVD. She very excitedly said: “You are so kind, I have several other friends, would you please also talk to them?”

She also told us she met Master before and she heard Master’s lecture. But since the persecution started in 1999, she handed in her books and never read Dafa books or heard about the truth of Dafa. But when people around her defamed Dafa, she always said Dafa is good and asked them not to talk such nonsense.

We talked as we walked. When we came to the entrance of her residence, she said while holding my hand: “I am not willing to leave you. If my son-in-law were not home, I would ask you to come in and chat. Every day I come around here. Next time when you pass by, please come here.” When we left, she saw us off with a sincere heshi.

We continued to walk, meeting two more older people. We told them to remember Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. We hadn’t even finished saying Falun Dafa is good, when one of the elderly men held up his hand and said: “Long live Falun Gong, down with the CCP.” I asked why he spoke so loudly. He said: “What can they do with me if I say it out loud, I will pass this to others after I read it.”

I gave him a Shen Yun DVD which he happily held up and called out loud: “Long live Falun Gong!” And he said he would watch it carefully at home.