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Falun Dafa Brought Springtime to My Life

June 09, 2011 |   By Lizheng, a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Golden sunshine illuminates the blossoming plum trees, as people await the arrival of spring.

Developing Super-normal Abilities After Suffering from Illnesses for 21 Years

Happiness used to be millions of miles away from me. I worked as a quality control inspector in a national enterprise company. I was born weak and weighed only about four pounds 12 days after I was born. I grew up suffering with all sorts of illnesses. I had headaches all the time, and later developed a fever from unknown causes, with my body temperature staying between 99.7 and 100.4 degrees. I had serious insomnia and neurasthenia. My parents took me to the best hospitals in the country, but none of them could find anything wrong. I lived on in despair.

My illnesses later worsened. I didn't even have enough strength to use chopsticks to eat, and had to stop and rest during a meal.

By 1996, my medical record consisted of a huge pile of reports and the newest entry said, “Fever for 21 years, eyes sore for 13 years.”

A friend gave me a video cassette of the Falun Dafa Lecture in Guangzhou and asked me to watch it. Miraculously, my headache disappeared after I did. I started doing the exercises, and all my illnesses went away a month later. I experienced the feeling of a healthy body for the first time in my life.

Being a Good Person and Thinking of Others at All Times

After buying a copy of the book Zhuan Falun and reading it, I realized that to have good health, one has to start by being a good person. One needs to always think of others and put others first.

I began changing my behavior first in my home environment. My husband was a company president, but because of my illnesses, he had been doing all the housekeeping work at our home. When I suddenly became healthy and began doing household chores, he was surprised, and he followed me around all the time, worrying that I might get tired.

I was in charge of quality assurance for a shop in our company. The shop made lamps, and workers often took some home. I tested two batches a day. Sometimes colleagues or managers asked me for some, and I just handed the lamps to them. I also took some home for myself, and gave them to friends and relatives as presents. Judged with Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, these were all wrong things to do. I estimated the cost of all the items I had taken and went to the shop manager and paid for them. Later, a good position in the company opened up and many people applied for it, but they ended up choosing me, although I was not expecting to get the position.

In the new position, my first problem was the gifts and travel packages that vendors tried to give to me. I kindly declined and told them that they should not worry, and that I would be fair and would not make it difficult for them. I told them that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner, that I followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and I would not do anything that was not righteous.

The vendors were stunned at first and then joyous. One vendor excitedly told me, “Someone gave me the book Zhuan Falun also but I never read it. But today I am going to read it after I get home.”

Colleagues’ Consciences Helped Me Get Through a Difficult Period

On July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party began to persecute Falun Gong. My husband was scared and turned into a different person, because he was almost killed during the Cultural Revolution even though he did nothing wrong.

He forbade me from practicing, beat me, and grabbed my book from me. I cried so hard that my eyes swelled badly. When the director learned about the situation, he called my husband immediately and urged him to let me keep practicing. My colleagues let me use the warehouse to study Dafa when I had time. I was very grateful for their righteousness.

The Story about Xiaojun

One day, my office mate Xiaojun told a close female colleague that she went to her mother-in-law’s home two weeks after she had visited her the last time. Her mother-in-law hugged the grandson when she saw him and began crying. Xiaojun felt that her mother-in-law was embarrassing her and questioned why she behaved that way, and they ended up having a fight.

Her colleague said to her, “You shouldn’t have taken your son to your mother-in-law’s home. I never do. Don’t let her see him, and you will be fine.”

After the colleague left, I told Xiaojun, “A grandma missing and loving her grandson is most natural. She has only one son who happens to work abroad, and the grandson is her only comfort. With no one else accompanying her, imagine how lonely she is. Her cries upon seeing the grandson only reflected her loneliness and how much she misses her grandson. Your husband is working abroad so his family can have a comfortable and happy life. Can you imagine how much he misses you, your son, and his mother? If you are nicer to your mother-in-law, he will cherish you and the son more, and your life will be even happier. With a happy family, everything around you will turn out better. Treating your mother-in-law well will bring you good fortune in the future too.

At lunch time, Xiaojun skipped her lunch and went to see her mother-in-law. When she came back she said, “My mother-in-law was stunned and scared when she saw me, thinking that I came back to fight with her again. When I took out the goodies I bought for her on the way, she started to cry immediately.”

She told her mother-in-law, “I am sharing an office with a Falun Gong practitioner. She always tells me the righteous ways to do things, and I was moved, so here I am. From now on, I will come to see you with my son every weekend.” Her mother-in-law could not stop crying and wanted her to thank me.

I Will Use as Many Falun Gong Practitioners as Our Company Has

A director in our company was demoted for a mistake he made and was assigned to watch the warehouse. His office was right across from mine. One day he said to me, “Smart as you are, why do you practice Falun Gong?” I only smiled.

A new supplier began to supply parts to us. The president of the company brought the first batch over in person. It was discovered that most of the parts did not meet the requirements. He was very concerned. I patiently went over the blueprints with him and explained to him which specifications were firm and must be met, and which were flexible and had some leeway.

A few days later, the second batch came and almost all the parts passed the inspection. The president called me aside and presented me with a very nice chain as gift, saying, “Not only did you not make it hard for us, you so patiently explained all the requirements in detail. No one ever did that. I have experienced many situations. Most people found fault with our products even when the products were all good, let alone when they were not.” I didn't accept his gift, but said, “If you want to thank someone, thank our Teacher Master Li.” I gave him a set of Falun Gong informational materials, and told him, “If you can read this truth clarification material and know that Falun Gong is good, I will be most pleased.”

He said chokingly, “I’ve never met such a good person.” When I went back to my seat, the “director” across the hallway said to me, “I was truly touched.” He had overheard us.

The new director was not familiar with the business. Some colleagues were jealous of her and said, “Let’s ignore her. Don’t tell her anything.” But she came to me often to ask questions because I treated her well. When she assigned people to work in the branch office, only three of us happily went. Later I heard the director tell the president, “I can use as many Falun Gong practitioners as you have.”

The Blossoming of Plum Trees Symbolizes the Arrival of Spring

A colleague from the branch office asked me on the street, “When are you coming to our factory? We want you to tell us more about Falun Dafa.” One day four colleagues from the branch office came to me after they finished a meeting at the main office, “Are there any Falun Gong DVDs that we can have?” I gave one to each of them.

One day, the security department manager came to me saying, “There is a Falun Gong book I have that I bet you don’t have.” He then showed me Essentials for Further Advancement and gave it to me.

I have gained so much after beginning to practice Falun Dafa. My husband started his own business after being laid off in 2000. The business has always been very good and we bought a car and a building. I learned how to drive, and my husband bought me a new car. I felt that I was becoming younger and younger. Our son was admitted to a famous university. I am healthy, happy, and everything is smooth. I hope everyone can cherish this most special historical time and become a Dafa practitioner, so they can experience the true meaning of life.