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Ms. Zhang Xiangfen, a Falun Gong Practitioner from Anshan City, Liaoning Province, Unlawfully Sentenced

July 13, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Liaoning Province, China

Name: Zhang Xiangfen (张香芬)
Gender: Female
Age: In her fifties
Address: Tiedong District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: February 14, 2011
Most recent place of detention:
Anshan No. 1 Detention Center (鞍山第一看守所)
City: Anshan
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, illegal sentencing.

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 19, the Tiedong District Court of Anshan City, Liaoning Province, sentenced Ms. Zhang Xiangfen to a three-year prison term without the presence of any factual evidence.

Ms. Zhang Xiangfen worked for the Tiedong District Government Committee, in Anshan City, Liaoning Province. Before she practiced Falun Gong, she had a variety of illnesses. After beginning Falun Gong cultivation practice, she changed into a new person--healthy both physically and spiritually. She persisted in her cultivation after the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999.

On February 14, 2011, Ms. Zhang Xiangfen clarified the truth about the beauty and goodness of Falun Gong when she was visiting a relative in the Anshan Tianzhu Senior Center. As a result, she was arrested by police led by Gao Yuan from the Changdian Police Substation of the Tiedong Police Station, Anshan City Public Security Bureau. She was detained the Anshan No. 1 Detention Center after being defamed by the director of the senior center, Jiang Ping.

On April 12, the Tiedong Procuratorial Department of Anshan City prosecuted Ms. Zhang Xiangfen, and the Tiedong Court heard the case on May 18. Ms. Zhang Xiangfen’s family hired a lawyer to defend her. The lawyer comprehensively analyzed the laws in China and found no grounds in the law to criminally prosecute Ms. Zhang Xiangfen for her belief in Falun Dafa. Any law that is not in accordance with Constitutional Law is not valid and violates the Constitution.

Many people in the court that day were shocked when they found out that in China, it is actually lawful to believe in Falun Dafa, and that the law that was fabricated by the evil Party’s procuratorial department and court violates the Constitution. Many people looked at the court with righteous eyes, while the prosecutor and judge both lowered their heads with no words. People clearly saw that those who enforced the law, and were knowledgeable of the law, were committing the most serious violations of the law.

Relevant departments and responsible individuals:

Anshan City 610 Office
Zheng Yongying, director of Changdian Police Station of Anshan City: 86-412-2654607 (Office)
Jiang Ping, director of Tianzhu Senior Center of Anshan City: 86-412-8583588, 86-13604129535 (Cell)