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Montreal, Canada: Practitioners Protest the CCP’s Persecution in Front of Chinese Consulate (Photos)

July 24, 2011 |   By Yan Xiao, Clearwisdom Correspondent

(Clearwisdom.net) At noon on July 20, 2011, Falun Gong practitioners in Montreal held a rally in front of the newly opened Chinese Consulate in downtown Montreal to protest the CCP’s 12-year-long persecution. They called on Chinese officials in the consulate not to assist the CCP’s persecution and demanded an immediate stop of the persecution.

Falun Gong practitioners in Montreal protest the CCP’s persecution


Explaining the facts about Falun Gong to a passerby

Practitioner Yvan explained to the spectators in French about the CCP’s 12-year-long persecution and talked about support from governments across the world.

Practitioner Julia advised officials in the consulate in Chinese, “Don’t execute the CCP’s policy of persecuting Falun Gong. Take a look and listen, this is your opportunity. Otherwise, if you continue participating in the persecution, you will be held accountable after it stops.”

Mr. Cai participated in the rally and said, “I am not a Falun Gong practitioner. I have been in contact with many practitioners. They are all good people, and I admire them. They represent the hope of the Chinese people, justice, and kindness. The CCP represents evil. Only without the CCP can a new China be established. The CCP has never stopped persecuting Chinese people and stands on the opposite side of the Chinese people.”

A senior Chinese Mr. Xue stood aside for quite a while. He said, “Falun Gong practitioners are right in doing this. It is important to have people know the facts.”

Mr. Xue said that he knew Falun Gong well. He said, “My friends started practicing Falun Gong before the CCP’s persecution. I know them very well. They don’t want political power. They became healthy after practicing Falun Gong and more open-minded. If CCP did not persecute Falun Gong, these practitioners would not have held such activities. They would just do their exercises as before.”