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Nothing Is Impossible If We Have Solid Faith in Dafa

August 31, 2011 |   By Ruyi, a Mainland Chinese disciple

(Clearwisdom.net) I am 56, a teacher, and began cultivating Falun Dafa on May 12, 1997. The wonder of Falun Dafa continues to manifest in my cultivation. One month after beginning the practice, I saw colorful Faluns, as big as car wheels, fly out of my arm pit one whole night. Two months after I began to cultivate, I began wearing a Falun pin. One night, I dreamt of Master taking me to board the Fa boat, climb the ladder to heaven, and cross a heavenly river. Many people fell into the river when crossing it, and they didn't float back up. Master asked me if I dared to cross. I said yes. As soon as I tried, I sank into the river. I knew I must have died, but Master used his right index finger to pick me up. I was resurrected! Then Master took me to see a crystal clear body. Master showed me many supernormal things. From then on, I firmly cultivated Falun Dafa and diligently spread Dafa. Most of my students and their parents and my friends and family are all cultivating.

After July 20, 1999, the persecution started. I felt my mission was to safeguard Dafa. I went to Beijing to appeal many times and shared my understanding with fellow practitioners. I also encouraged them all to go to appeal in Beijing. I would like to share some divine occurrences that have occurred over the past 12 years of Fa-rectification.

Thoughts about the Golden Bell Shield and Iron Cloth Shirt

On November 26, 2000, I went to Beijing the second time with fellow disciples, and I brought three banners. We unfurled the first banner, worded “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” on Tiananmen Square, and the police took it away. They pushed us into a vehicle. I extended my arms out the window and unfurled the second banner, “The Fa Rectifies the Human World.” The vehicle circled the square about halfway, and many people saw the banner. Many disciples on the square were running after the banner. That scene was very sacred. Another vehicle stopped the vehicle I was in. The officers inside our vehicle were furious and smashed me with a baton. My head started to bleed and blood ran down over my ears. At that time I thought about how Master taught us about the golden bell shield and the iron cloth shirt in the sixth lecture of Zhuan Falun. I then thought I could use them to cover my body. Immediately I felt no pain. I shouted “Falun Dafa is great!” all the way.

The Dafa Book That Couldn't Be Taken Away

The police arrested 78 practitioners in total and took us to Fangshan District Police Department, then divided us into groups. I was taken to the Dashiqiao area in Liulihe Town. There was a yard that was completely sealed. The police there interrogated us and tried to find out who we were, but we refused to tell them. They searched us three times. I hid a Dafa book in the pocket of my shirt. Their hands touched the book, but I thought, “I am a divine being; no one can see the book, nor take away the book even if they touch it.” They did not find my book.

I told several security guards about Falun Dafa. The guards had been temporarily hired just after having graduated from high school. They were quick to understand. One of them said he also wanted to go to Tiananmen Square to shout “Falun Dafa is great!” Another one said to him, “Don't be stupid. They will arrest you.” That young man looked at me and said, “Why did she go? If she isn't afraid, I won't be either.” Then he said, “It would be great if I had a Dafa book, I truly want to read it.” I asked him if he truly wanted to read. He said he did, but there was no way to get one. I asked him to turn to me, then quickly pulled my book from my shirt pocket. I let him borrow Zhuan Falun for one night. He read it the entire night and returned it to me the next morning. He said he would cultivate Falun Gong. Seeing him learn the truth, tears ran down my cheeks. I knew he was saved.

One Falun Gong Practitioner Escaped at the Big Wall Recently”

The police transferred several of us who refused to reveal our names back to Fangshan District Police Department compound. I clarified the truth to two officers, and they understood the truth. One of them sang two songs to me, then told me that a Falun Gong practitioner had escaped at the big wall a few days before. I immediately understood that Master was hinting me through his mouth that I should go home now.

When we arrived, I looked around carefully. We were in a tightly sealed yard inside a yard: the outer yard is the Department compound, the inner yard is the detention center. I was determined: no matter what, I had to escape. At 9 p.m. the police let us use the restroom. I jumped out of the restroom back window, since the guards were at the front. I took many turns and approached the gate. The guards were looking for me and found me. They handcuffed five other practitioners to trees and me to a window frame. I realized that Master was letting me know I should escape at the wall, not the gate. I was sure I could escape.

A Breeze Lifted Me Up the Wall

I recalled that Master taught us in the ninth lecture of Zhuan Falun, “With a practitioner, his thoughts direct his abilities to do things.” I then directed my thoughts to loosen the handcuffs, enabling me to take them off. When I was ready, the guards went to watch TV. I quickly ran to the wall, which was too high. I suddenly felt I needed to go back, so I went back to where they had handcuffed me. Soon a group of guards came out of the room near the wall. They were going to the night market to eat BBQ before the 11 p.m. patrol. I knew that Master was watching over me, otherwise they would have found me near the wall.

At around 10:30 p.m., with firm faith in Master and Dafa, I ran to the big wall. Several guards were still in the room near the wall—I could hear them talking and they could see me through the window. I had no fear, tried twice to raise my legs, then the third time, I called out softly, “Master, help me!” I felt a breeze lift me up the wall. I sat on top. Glass chips had been cemented on top to prevent escapes, but where my hands had landed there were no glass chips, I jumped down on the other side of the wall into a muddy ditch. I climbed up the ditch and ran forward, up to an electrified wire fence in my way. I said, “Master, how come there is another barrier?

My mind remained calm. I thought I should follow the wire fence. Soon I saw a broken section about 10-yards wide, directly facing an intersection to an outside street. I escaped easily, knowing that Master had opened the electric fence. I looked at the star-filled sky, pressed my hands in front of my chest, and my tears ran down like rain. I bowed my head to our great Master!

Police Vehicles Just Flew Past Me

I could hear guards shouting and sirens from police cars. I was lying on my chest in the ditch on the street behind the bushes. I thought, “I have the ability to be invisible; no one can see me.” Police vehicles just flew past me and did not see me at all. I stood up, went through a school yard, passed through some woods and a cornfield, and found a house with a light on. I had been running for three hours and had been on a hunger strike for two days: I had no energy left.

When the old couple found me, I told them what had happened. They were shocked. “Child, there are two community security guards in our village, and they will arrest anyone who protects Falun Gong practitioners and extort money from them. You had better leave tomorrow morning.” They cooked something for me when they learned I had not eaten in two days.

My Third Eye Saw Two Roadblocks Set up for Me

I promised to leave after breakfast. But in my short sleep, I saw with my third eye two roadblocks set up to catch me, and I was arrested at the second one. I told the old couple what I saw. They told me to stay, that if security guards came to search, they would tell them I was their niece from Dingzhou City, Hebei Province. They told me lie down and not to move. I followed their suggestion. Soon the security guards came. The elderly lady told them I had the flu.

The next day, I helped the elderly lady with housework and clarified the truth about Falun Dafa. The old couple said, “Falun Gong is so nice! If you did not tell us, we would still think you were like what the news described. Those were lies!” I decided to leave early the next morning. The lady gave me some of her clothes to wear and suggested I tell people I was going to Zhuozhou City to import goods. The lady did not sleep at all that night. She cooked steamed buns for me, and called a tricycle driver for me. She told me stay in the tricycle until my bus arrived.

I cried when parting from the kind-hearted old couple. I left them 50 yuan. The old couple said that we were one family, and told me to stop by next time I was going to Beijing. I mailed 1,000 yuan after I returned home as gratitude for their help. They cried during the phone call and said Falun Gong disciples are so kind!

Last Month, a Falun Gong Practitioner Suddenly Disappeared from the Courtyard”

A month later, around New Year's Day 2001, I went to Beijing again to validate the Fa. I was again arrested and taken into a police vehicle. I shouted “Falun Dafa is good!” repeatedly. The officers recognized me. They asked why I came back. I told them, “As long as Dafa's innocence is not restored, I will keep coming to Beijing.” They asked how I escaped last time. I told them I flew over the wall and walked away. The officers smiled. The practitioners were taken to the Fangshan area. I kept clarifying the facts along the way. When the vehicle stopped on the highway, I would stick my head out of the window and shout, “Falun Dafa is good!”

After arriving in Fangshan, I was taken to a detention center. There were about 40 Falun Gong practitioners and two criminal suspects in the large room. One criminal suspect said that a Falun Gong practitioner suddenly disappeared last month. The guards looked everywhere but did not find her. They figured the practitioner had the supernormal capability of “escaping through earth.” I told the suspect that I was the one who escaped the month before. Everyone was amazed and asked how I did it. I told them of Dafa's miracles.

One Day Handcuffs on All 19 Practitioners Unlocked

Fellow practitioners held in the detention center reached a consensus through discussions that we were to validate the Fa with our lives, that we would stop eating and go on a hunger strike. Practitioners had strong righteous thoughts and reached the same understanding. The guards put handcuffs and shackles on us. They tightened the handcuffs such that they cut into our wrists, which resulted in blisters and suppurating sores on some of us. Yet we let go of life and death and continued the hunger strike. The guards called in people from the Red Cross to force-feed us. Eight days into the hunger strike, I told the guards that an everyday person would have starved to death by this time, yet I looked energetic and radiant. The guards had to nod in agreement. To show their respect, they would not interfere when I read Master's Fa to other practitioners held in my cell. The inmate in charge of the cell took away my Dafa books, but I got them back after clarifying the truth. Every day, I was able to read Dafa books to others.

One day, the handcuffs on all 19 of us suddenly unlocked. A criminal suspect inmate reported this to the guards. The guards could not believe it. They figured that we must have used a nail or paper clip to unlock the handcuffs. They twisted our arms backward and secured the handcuffs even more tightly. They said if we could unlock it again, they would believe in the supernormal power of Falun Gong. I just stretched my handcuffs left and right a couple of times before they again unlocked. None of the guards argued anymore. After 17 days on a hunger strike, all of us practitioners were released unconditionally.

Six Things Went Wrong with the Police Vehicle at the Same Time

In the past dozen years or so, I also made mistakes and took detours on my path of cultivation. All this has brought me much remorse when I think of Master's benevolence and caring. Master has always guided me back to the path of divinity of Fa-rectification, has constantly raised my awareness to the righteous Fa principles, and bestowed immense wisdom on me. In carrying out the three things, I was able use different divine capabilities Master gave me, including: hard qigong, the light martial arts, teleportation, making oneself disappear, temporarily freezing people where they are, telepathy, calling for wind and rain, etc. People have been thus convinced of the magnificence of Dafa, and some started cultivation practice.

It is not uncommon that when applying the divine powers to validate the Fa, it appears to everyday people that things turn out exactly as one wishes. For example, on the way to the detention center, I thought and told myself that it was not where I should be. Six things went wrong with the police vehicle: all four tires had numerous holes, the electric circuitry was burnt out, and the fuel lines cracked. The officers asked me whether I had sent forth energy to cause this. In the courtroom, I defended myself, saying, “There is nothing wrong with cultivating Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. To try a practitioner infuriates heaven.” Hardly had I finished my sentence when lightning and thunder surrounded the courthouse. The severe thunderstorm lasted two hours, which coincided with the length of the staged trial, while half a dozen feet away from the building there were no raindrops. I told the officers and those who worked in the legal system, “This is a true legend. It is something that you can pass on to your children at the dinner table because you have all witnessed it in person.”

This year when I returned to my hometown to hand out truth-clarification materials, there was a heavy rain one day. It was even worse then a dense fog and severely cut down visibility. I looked at the sky and said, “You'd better stop pouring down like this. Dafa practitioners are saving people, you'd better play a positive and supportive role.” The rain stopped immediately. The clouds dissipated, and the sun came out. Then a dog started barking. I told it to keep quiet. It sat there silently without moving. I walked down the streets and side roads to distribute truth-clarification materials without being spotted. When there were too many places to distribute, I called upon strangers to help me give them out. Anyone who wanted to make trouble, I would simply freeze them in place and set them free afterward. At night, the stars were hanging low to light the path for me. The brochures I gave out were giving out golden rays when they moved with my hands. My body was also giving out rays. I felt Master was right beside me. Gods in heaven and earth were all helping me.

In short, during Fa-rectification, I have deeply realized that each and every sentence Master teaches us is a universal truth. The Fa is energy. And the energy is the Fa. As long as we believe in Master and believe in Dafa, our divine side will come forth. Let me pay tribute to Master and express my gratitude: “Master! You have blessed us while enduring all the hardship.” I have to strive diligently forward with even greater diligence.