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Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labor Camp Guards Torture Falun Gong Practitioners with Electric Batons

September 21, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labor Camp guards Li Yaqin and others shocked Falun Gong practitioners with electric batons last month in attempt to “transform” them, which left the practitioners covered with dark blisters.

Torture r-enactment: Shocking with electric batons

Division No. 3 guard Li Yaqin (police badge: 1356086) shocked Ms. Zhang Ni from Shijiazhuang City with an electric baton for 20 minutes on August 15, 2011, between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. She shocked Ms. Zhang on her head, face and back, leaving her body covered with dark blisters.

Li Yaqin also shocked Ms. Qi Junling from Cangzhou for 40 minutes, resulting in Ms. Qi's face, mouth and body being covered with large dark blisters. Ms. Qi also suffered from edema.

Li Yaqin and guard Liu Ziwei (police badge: 1356101) shocked Ms. Feng Ruixue, a university professor, for more than 40 minutes, which left Ms. Feng's face, legs, arms and feet covered with dark blisters.

They also shocked Ms. Zhao Ye from Tangshan and Ms. Lu Di from Shijiazhuang with electric batons.

Perpetrators participating in the torture on August 15 also included: Wang Haiyan (police badge: 1356092), Zhang Jing (1356054), Shi Jiangxia (1356104), Li Xin (1356055) and Zhang Ning (1356119).

On August 16, Ms. Zhao Ye and Ms. Feng Ruixue were again shocked with electric batons. As a result, the practitioners' bodies were covered with large dark blisters and they couldn't raise their arms. They also couldn't speak but were still forced to sing songs praising the Chinese Communist Party.

On August 15 and August 16, Ms. Zhang Guofeng from Boye, Ms. Yang Zhiying from Handan, and Ms. Feng Baozhen from Fuping didn't feel well, but they were forced to stand motionless for a long time, were threatened and forced to sing songs praising the CCP. They were also forced to listen to CCP propaganda slandering Falun Gong. The guards beat them and shocked them with electric batons.

From August 7 to August 16, practitioners who were subjected to torture included Ms. Liu Suran, Ms. Zhang Ni, and Ms. Lu Di from Shijiazhuang, Ms. Huo Yuping from Tangshan, Ms. Hao Guangmei from Handan, and Ms. Zhang Chunxian from Quyang. The guards monitored and forbade them from talking to each other.