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Telling People the Facts about Falun Gong and Saving People

April 26, 2012 |   By a practitioner in Tangshan City, Hebei Province

(Minghui.org) During the process of telling people the facts about Falun Gong and saving sentient beings, I experienced first hand the miracles of Dafa and Master’s compassion towards sentient beings.

For a period of time, other practitioners and I would ride our bicycles and travel about 30 kilometers to the local police station and send righteous thoughts in close proximity every Sunday. We would often stop and talk about Falun Gong to people we met along the way.

One Sunday I arranged to go near the police station to send righteous thoughts with Practitioner A, when she suddenly told me that she did not want to go. She said, “Last night I dreamed about a flock of sheep eating grass alongside the road. If I dream of animals it is an unlucky omen.” I replied, “Sheep are gentle animals, and they represent good luck, so let’s go!” She said, “I also saw the word 'truth.' The word was extremely big and then became brighter and brighter.” I said, “Wasn’t that encouragement from Master? Isn’t that urging us to tell people about the truth?” Thus, the two of us set off on our bicycles.

As we approached a village, we saw a group of people picking peanuts in a field. We got off our bicycles and walked over to them. We talked to them about Falun Gong and they listened to us very attentively. After a while, they all wanted to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). When we asked them for their names, one of them told us that he was called Yang (the word “Yang” sounds the same as “sheep” in Mandarin). Then another one said that he shared the same family name. When I asked if all of them had the same surname, they told us that this was the Yang family household. We then remembered the dream and realized that this was the flock of sheep that wanted to know the truth.

I once gave an older gentleman, probably in his 80s, a calendar with truth clarification messages written on it and talked to him about Falun Gong. I told him to recite, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” He then tapped me on the shoulder and said, “It is unimaginable that someone would notice an old man like me.” Then he repeated my words and said, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” When I turned around to leave, I saw him reading the words written on the calendar very intently.

My family owns a small shop, and I take every opportunity to tell the customers the facts about Falun Gong.

One person I spoke to quit the CCP and would often recite with sincerity, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” A year later, when she came to our shop again, I saw that she looked much more energetic and radiant. She told me that she repeats the two sentences that I told her every day. In the past she had diabetes, heart disease, and rheumatism and suffered from chronic headaches. At one time when her head was hurting very badly, she thought to herself, “I believe in Master. Don't you dare make my head hurt.” When she had this thought, she felt her head instantly relieved of the pressure. From then on, she no longer had any headaches. However, she still took medication for her diabetes. One day, she had a dream that one third of her body was made of flesh and the other two thirds was made of gold. She asked me, “What do you think that means?” I replied, “You are still taking the diabetes medication and you dare not forsake it. You believe two-thirds in Dafa. In the future, if you practice Falun Gong with sincerity, Master will definitely take care of you.”

I had long wanted to write down and share these experiences with fellow practitioners, but due to my human attachments I always felt that I did not cultivate as well as others. Today, with Master's strengthening, I finally broke through my human notions and wrote them down, not validate myself, but to validate Dafa.