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Mr. Zhang Guochen from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, Illegally Detained for Over a Month

April 26, 2012 |   By Minghui correspondents from Hebei Province, China

Name: Zhang Guochen (张国臣)
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Address: Miners Room, Jingge Village in the Kailuan area, the Kaiping District, Tangshan City
Occupation: Worked in the Kailuan Company in Jingge Village in the Kaiping District
Date of Most the Recent Arrest: February 25, 2012
Most the Recent Place of Detention: Tangshan City First Detention Center (唐山市第一看守所)
City: Tangshan City
Province: Hebei Province
Persecution Suffered: Electric shock, forced labor, brainwashing, beatings, hung up, torture, detention

(Minghui.org) On February 25, 2012, local police arrested around 30 Falun Gong practitioners in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, including Mr. Zhang Guochen. He has been held in the detention center for over a month.

On the morning of February 25, 2012, Mr. Zhang was arrested in Tangshan City and held at the Tangshan First Detention Center. His mother, in her 70s, is in poor health. Hearing the news of her son’s arrest, she fell ill. His wife suffers from hypertension and her health has deteriorated. His son, in junior high school, was told the news just before taking his midterm. He fell ill and came down with a fever and missed several days of school.

In January of 2001, Mr. Zhang was sentenced to two years of forced labor for appealing for justice for Falun Gong in Beijing. He was inhumanly tortured in Tangshan Forced Labor Camp. He went on a hunger strike to protest the torture, so several guards beat him. He was held in the Fourth Division, where he was shocked twice with electric batons and hung up because he read Dafa articles.

Because he refused to renounce Falun Gong, he was transferred to a remote area, quite far from the labor camp, where he was subjected to forced brainwashing and torture. When he was transferred back 40 days later, he was emaciated and it was obvious that he had been tortured.

In a meeting where guards slandered Falun Dafa, Mr. Zhang Guochen and several other practitioners shouted “Falun Dafa is good!” Consequently, they were beaten and their terms were extended.

In February of 2003, after Mr. Zhang had served the full term, people from his work unit picked him up and then detained him for another six months in the Tangshan City First Detention Center.

He has not yet been released after this most recent illegal arrest.