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Jiamusi City Police Follow and Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners and Their Family Members

April 26, 2012 |   By Minghui correspondent in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Xiangyang Police officers arrested Mr. Huo Jinping in March 2012. Mr. Huo's older brother and sister-in-law traveled to Jiamusi City and went to the city's police department to demand his release around 10:00 a.m. on April 5. After they left, the police colluded with the Qianjin Domestic Security Division officers and followed them to practitioner Ms. Wang Qingrong's home. The police then arrested Mr. Huo's brother and sister-in-law, Ms. Wang Qingrong's husband, Mr. Hou Deqing, together with practitioners Li Guifang, Wang Yanxin, Xu Shulan, Wu Qilian and her non-practitioner husband Yin Guang who were at Ms. Wang's home at the time.

It has been learned that these practitioners and their family members were taken to the Qianjin Police Department, and they are currently in the Jiamusi Detention Center.

Mr. Huo Jinping, also known as Da Jun, was arrested on the evening of March 13, 2012 as he went to practitioner Ms. Guo Jingfen's home. It has been learned that the Heilongjiang Public Security Department, Jiamusi City Police Department and Security Bureau colluded with each other to monitor Mr. Huo for nearly one month. Jiamusi police surrounded Ms. Guo's residence until 3:00 a.m. on March 14. They arrested three persons from Ms. Guo's home and took them to the Xiangyang Police Department. Ms. Guo's son is in junior middle school. His computer was taken away.

Mr. Huo, Ms. Guo and Ms. Guo's son were held in a separate room in the Xiangyang Police Department. The police officers handcuffed Mr. Huo's hands and feet to a chair. After Ms. Guo's family strongly protested, Ms. Guo's son was allowed to go to school. Mr. Huo and Ms. Guo were taken to the Jiamusi Detention Center.

Ms. Guo Jingfen, originally from Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province, is a business owner. She accompanied her son to study in Jiamusi City.

Jiamusi Detention Center

Jiamusi City Police Department

Jiamusi Lockup

Yu Changhai, Jiamusi City Police Department head: +86-13904542088
Song Jiefan, Qianjin Police Department head: +86-454-8312311, +86-13903689333, +86-454-8666333
Sun Jian, Detention Center head: +86-454-8519765, +86-15326698333
Please refer to the original Chinese article for more people and offices involved in the persecution.