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Falun Dafa Protected Me During a Near Fatal Accident

May 26, 2012 |   From Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am a 37-year-old man who lives in Wanyuandian Town, Lingyuan County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. In the autumn of 2009, I was working with four other men on a Baoguolao Iron Plant construction sit in Beipiao City. As the work was about complete, our remaining task was to disassemble a 56-foot tower crane. We climbed to the top of the crane to take it apart section by section. After we finished disassembling the first two sections, all of a sudden, the tower crane broke in half. Those of us standing on the top half started to free fall. One can only imagine how panicked and desperate I felt at that moment. Just as I was about to hit the ground, I felt something cushion my fall, and the result was that I survived with only a broken collarbone and two broken ribs. My four co-workers died instantly. I was immediately sent to the Baoguolao Hospital for emergency treatment.

My family got a phone call telling them that I had had a fatal accident and was lying in Baoguolao Hospital. They burst out crying and thought that I was dead. They went to the hospital morgue to look for me but were informed by the porter that I was still alive and had been admitted to a hospital ward. They rushed to the ward and found that I was alert and chatting. Their worry turned to joy and they said, “You fell from such a great height! We all thought you were dead. You are really lucky!” I told them, “It was not luck that saved me! There was no way I could still be alive after a 50-foot free fall. My four co-workers died instantly, but I lived. Do you know why?” I broke down in tears after I said, “I have been keeping a Falun Dafa amulet (1) with me. It was Teacher Li that saved my life!” At that moment, my family members understood everything and had enormous gratitude toward Teacher Li in their hearts.

On that day, I experienced the possibility of earthly death and then a return to life. I witnessed the horror and misery of the deaths of those four men, and how grief-stricken their family members were. As for my amazing survival, I firmly believe it was because I was protected by Falun Dafa. I had never refused to take the truth clarification materials Falun Dafa practitioners gave me. I earnestly read them, so I already knew the truth about Falun Dafa and had resigned from all the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations. I also knew the nine auspicious words – “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

The miracle that happened to me was not only spread among the doctors and nurses in the hospital, but my fellow villagers. It has had a profound repercussions. They all believe miracles like this do happen, and I'm living proof! From this incident, I realized that the atheism of the CCP is the real heresy and fallacy, and communism itself is a real cult. I recognize that Falun Dafa is the supreme teaching!

Note: (1) Amulets – In China, practitioners sometimes clarify the truth by giving people something small to wear or cherish, bearing a few words reminding them of the goodness of Dafa.