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Leading Teacher Illegally Detained; Lawyer Accuses Police of Illegal Conduct

May 26, 2012 |   By a Minghui Correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Sun Tao, a teacher of the Hebei City Construction School, has been illegally detained in the Second Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City since March 6, 2012. During Ms. Sun's detention, her lawyer requested to meet with her three times but was rejected by the Domestic Security Division of the Yuhua District Police Department. The lawyer became angered by the illegal actions of the police and filed complaints with the Prosecution and Appeals Section of the Yuhua Procuratorate on May 4, requesting a serious investigation of the illegal conduct by the police.

Officers from the Donghuan Police Station and the Domestic Security Division of the Yuhua Police Department in Shijiazhuang arrested Ms. Sun on the morning of February 25, 2012, while she was out with her friends. The police broke into and ransacked her home. They confiscated Falun Gong books, a laptop, a printer, a bankcard, and a car, among many other possessions. At the beginning of April, the police ratified Ms. Sun's arrest with the intent to accuse and sentence her.

Ms. Sun is one of the leading teachers at her school. Following her arrest, her boss went to the Yuhua Police Department to explain that Ms. Sun performed well at work. He requested to get her released for the sake of the school, but his request was rejected.

The Persecution Has Torn Ms. Sun's Family Apart

Ms. Sun lives alone with her daughter, who is preparing for a college entrance examination this June. Her daughter is now alone and struggling under the pressure. At night, she sometimes awakes startled, and she often sheds tears when no one is around. Her mother's detention has affected her performance at school–her rank plummeted to last in her class after the most recent examination.

Before practicing Falun Gong, Ms. Sun had suffered from hepatitis B and depression. She had a short temper and often quarreled with her husband. After she gave birth to her daughter, she also began to suffer from severe anemia and rheumatoid arthritis. While she is 5 feet 7 inches tall, her weight dropped to only 100 pounds. Her memory also declined, and she even had difficulty finishing her daily work.

After Ms. Sun began practicing Falun Gong in 1996, everything changed. She became free of illness in a short period of time, and she became positive and energetic toward work and life. Later, she even won first place in a marathon. Under the guidance of Falun Gong principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, she came to understand how to be tolerant and forbear hardships. Her temper improved, and her family became harmonious.

Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, Ms. Sun has been arrested and detained many times because of her righteous belief. Police extorted 5,000 yuan from her, twice sent her to forced labor camps, and also sent her to a brainwashing center. She was forced to leave home for three years to avoid further persecution, during which time her husband was unable to withstand the harassment from the CCP and divorced her.

Police Participating in the Persecution Must Be Held Accountable per Law

Ms. Sun has not done anything illegal, but the Domestic Security Division of the Yuhua Police Department and the 610 Office of Hebei Province have violated human rights and broke the law. The Civil Servants Law of the People, which was created on January 1, 2006, holds policemen responsible for their actions, even if they are merely following orders. It states: “However, where a civil servant fulfills any decision or order that is obviously illegal, he shall be subject to the corresponding liabilities according to law.” (Article 54, Chapter IX Punishments) Therefore, every police officer or official shall be liable to his or her individual behavior once they participate in persecuting Falun Gong.

On one hand, the CCP deliberately misleads the lower authorities by implementing instructions to persecute Falun Gong practitioners without official charges. On the other hand, no one dares to file written documents, and only verbal orders are issued in order to avoid being charged with illegal activity later on. Moreover, all of the written documents within the 610 Office pertaining to the persecution of Falun Gong have to be collected and destroyed. The higher authorities within the CCP are actively destroying the evidence, thus displacing any possible charges to the lower levels.

May every person who has participated in the persecution of Falun Gong wake up, treat Falun Gong practitioners well, and choose a bright future!

Parties involved in the persecution of Ms. Sun:
Dongqiao Police Station of Xinhua District, Shijiazhuang City (participated in arresting Ms. Sun Tao): +86-311-87043788
Domestic Security Division, Yuhua District Police Department, Shijiazhuang City
Liu Xinxi, deputy secretary, Yuhua Political and Legislative Affairs Committee: +86-13313317981 (Cell)
610 Office of Hebei Province: +86-311-87906057
Wang Yongzhi, deputy head of 610 Office of Hebei Province: +86-311-87908681 (Office), +86-311-87906766 (Home), +86-13931110731 (Cell)
Liang Jianbin, director of 610 Office of Shijiazhuang City: +86-311-86686716 (Office), +86-311-85804135(Home), +86-13653312118 (Cell)
Domestic Security Division of Shijiazhuang Police Department: +86-311-86863020, +86-311-86862420, +86-311-86862450
Han Yugang, chief of Domestic Security Division, Shijiazhuang Police Department: +86-13932183699 (Cell)