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With Mystery Solved, I Became a Fortunate Cultivator

May 29, 2012 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in northwest China

(Minghui.org) I am a new Dafa practitioner who obtained the Fa less than two years ago, and I am a junior in college. Perhaps because my predestined relationship with Dafa hadn't matured, I got on the Fa boat that Master guides to save mankind near the end of the Fa-rectification.

Ever since I could remember, a group of elderly people in our residential compound had gathered in the courtyard every afternoon to practice qigong. The adults said that practicing qigong was to heal illnesses and keep fit, but I felt that there should be some inner meaning behind it. Although no one in my family practiced qigong, I told my father when I was still in kindergarten that I wanted to practice it, too. Father said that I was too young and did not have diseases, so he did not let me practice. Now, I realize that those qigong practices were carrying animal possession. The wish to find a qigong that is truly beneficial for people was secretly buried in my heart.

When I was nine years old, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used state-run media to fabricate vicious lies about and slander Dafa. Around the same period, in part of the Falun Gong exercise instruction video, I saw the spinning Falun changing colors. The narration of “Falun is the miniature of the universe” seemed to come into my ears from a remote place in the universe. It seemed that the Falun was something my heart had been searching for. Master in the video was kind and compassionate, giving me a sense of intimacy. Later on, while a TV program was broadcasting lies about the staged Tiananmen Square self-immolation, an elderly lady who was visiting my house as a guest said that she used to practice Falun Gong. I asked with much curiosity: “How do you practice? Is it beneficial? Does it talk about self-immolation?” She explained that Falun Gong definitely did not say that self-immolation could help one ascend to the heavens, and that to practice Falun Gong, one needs not only to read the book (Zhuan Falun) and practice the five sets of exercises, but also to cultivate one's xinxing. She also said that learning the practice was free of charge, and that there were many people practicing in her area. Her leg, which had previously needed surgery, was cured soon after practicing the exercises; thus, I heard about the miraculous effect of Dafa with my own ears. She said it was a pity that she didn't continue to practice after the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999. Back then, my mind was filled with confusion about the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong, and I missed the opportunity to learn Falun Gong from that woman.

In the blink of an eye, eleven years passed by. In 2010, in an unexpected encounter, I met a Falun Gong practitioner. He told me the facts about the Tiananmen Square self-immolation hoax and about Falun Dafa. He explained to me that Jiang Zemin had started the persecution out of his personal jealousy. The mystery from eleven years before was finally solved! I said to myself: “Falun Gong is good! It truly is good!” I was excited about having found the answer. My heart was suddenly bright, as if a window that had been closed for a long time had just opened. It was as if I had found the real world that I belonged to. The practitioner copied some truth-clarification materials and software to break through the Internet blockade for me. Afterward, my worldview became broader and I got to know that Falun Dafa is a great cultivation way of the Buddha School. I obtained the most updated information regarding Dafa from the Minghui website and read practitioners' sharing articles.

Because I was interested in Dafa, the practitioner gave me the book Zhuan Falun. That was the first time I saw Zhuan Falun. As I was about to receive the precious book that would guide me in cultivation, the practitioner reminded me to make sure that I wash my hands well with soap before reading the Fa. He advised me take good care of and treasure the Dafa book. That was the first time I was told to care for a book to that extent. I thought that it was really an unusual book and each character in it was so precious, and that my life might change because of it.

After reading Zhuan Falun, my view of the world and life indeed changed. Before, I would place lots of importance on personal interests. Whenever my personal interests were harmed, my heart would feel hurt, and I would blame and feel angry at others, even though I didn't say it on the surface. I also cared a whole lot about what others thought about me and hoped to get recognition from others; I would do something against my principles in order to be accepted. Despite all of these efforts, I was still not understood sometimes. I would feel grievance and be sad, and pondered how to ensure that people would say that I was good and excellent. This kind of life added a heavy burden on my heart. I lived through other people's eyes. I noticed that even if I did something good, I would often still be suspected of having some ill intention. Therefore, I was often not happy and did not know why human beings always had to suffer. I did not know the purpose for being human or what I lived for.

Master said,

''To the great enlightened people, living as a human being is not the purpose, and one’s life is not meant for being human—it is meant for you to return to your origin.'' (Zhuan Falun)

The language in Zhuan Falun is plain, yet each one of the characters hit my heart. I realized that people needed to endure suffering to pay back the debt they owed due to the karma they had accumulated in previous lives. Only through cultivation practice can one truly ascend to higher levels and be free from reincarnation, life, and death. The key lies in cultivating one's heart. Only when one truly conforms to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance will the universe recognize one as a good person. However, nowadays the moral standard in the human world has been totally twisted—it is hard for people to distinguish the genuine good from the bad. Only when a cultivator follows Dafa to conduct himself can he reach consummation.

Falun Dafa is a superior cultivation practice that enables people to obtain the Right Fruit. Dafa is the practice that can benefit people and the practice that I had been waiting for deep in my heart! So, I started to learn the five sets of exercises. I found a safe place and truly cultivated my heart. I clearly felt the benefits for both mind and body. My problems, such as chronic pharyngitis, allergic rhinitis, chest tightness, back and neck pain, and physical weakness, all disappeared within several months. My complexion improved, and I was filled with energy as if I had totally changed into another person.

I reminded myself to first look for my own problems when encountering issues. This way, many conflicts were solved. I could also meet those I had conflicts with with a sincere smile, instead of ignoring them as I did before. I tried to take personal interests lightly and wouldn't feel unhappy anymore. When encountering difficulties, I would regard them as opportunities for improving xinxing. I used Dafa as the standard in doing things and did not drift with society's trends. My classmates also noticed the changes in me and my kind thoughts from the heart. My relationships with others became stable and close.

As my Fa study increased and my understanding deepened, I realized that if a practitioner only wants to gain from Dafa while not taking responsibility as a practitioner, his actions are selfish, and this is also a sign of not putting down attachments.

Master said,

“People think that it’s Falun Gong that is being persecuted, when in fact it is the world’s people who are the victims.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference”)

Many people around me still do not know the truth about Dafa and are being poisoned by the evil Party's lies. I have the responsibility to tell them the facts and advise them to withdraw from the CCP. Fellow practitioners have given me advice about how to clarify the facts and pay attention to sending forth righteous thoughts every day, and I have started to clarify the truth to the world's people.

The first person I tried to clarify the facts to was a kind classmate. I was eager to save him and spelled out many crimes the Party has committed. I listed, one by one, the truths that I had learned, but without much logic or articulation. I was speaking extremely fast, as if I were in a debate, and then asked him to remember that Falun Dafa is good. Since he had never regarded the Party as not being good, my words sounded inconceivable to him, but he did not express his opinion. I thought that he accepted my words, and that it would be easy to get him to withdraw from the CCP by using a nickname. Unexpectedly, however, when I asked him to withdraw, his expression changed from being puzzled to being cautious. He said that he needed to go home and think about it, and later the idea was dropped with no result. I felt disappointed.

After sharing with fellow practitioners, I realized that it is not enough to only have courage to save people, since it is not a simple matter and cannot be accomplished by brute force. I need to act according to others' acceptance level and allow them to truly listen and understand the facts. Fellow practitioners reminded me to study the Fa a lot, since cultivating oneself well helps in saving people, and also not to do Dafa work with human attachments or the mentality of doing ordinary work. I saw the difference between me and fellow practitioners. I had shown my attachment to completing work, eagerness to win, and complacency. I did not use my righteous thoughts to control the evil factors behind the person and treated withdrawal from the Party as a suggestion in ordinary people's society.

Later on, I continuously clarified the facts to people at school, such as my roommates, telling them to withdraw from the CCP and promoting the software for breaking through the Internet blockage. I learned some lessons from my experience in clarifying the facts and use different approaches for different people. After listening to me explain the facts, two classmates accepted my recommendation and watched the Shen Yun Performing Arts DVD. What surprised me is that they watched it separately, yet both were moved to tears when watching the performance. They didn't not understand why they were in tears when watching the show. Before then, I had thought that only Dafa practitioners would resonate with Shen Yun so much.

Master said:

“All of this in fact holds true for your clarifying the truth as well. If you are able to all keep compassion in your hearts as you interact with the person, regardless of his attitude, then in the depths of his soul, or on the knowing side of his being, he will understand. ” (“Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan”)

I have realized that the knowing side deep in people's hearts is waiting for Dafa practitioners to save them, but the poison they acquired postnatally from the evil Party blocks them from being saved, so we should just try to wake them up with true compassion, dissolve the evil behind them, and not easily give up. Even those who seem deeply poisoned can still make the correct choice that their knowing side is longing for.

I am extremely fortunate to obtain the Fa in the Dharma-ending period. With one more practitioner entering cultivation, Master will have to worry more. I have no words to fully express my gratitude for Master's compassionate salvation! I want to make good use of my time and study the Fa well, strive to catch up with the progress of Fa-rectification, cultivate solidly, and remember my mission of saving sentient beings. I want to cultivate well and at the same time, fulfill my prehistoric vow.
