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Going Beyond Expectations by Validating Dafa

June 28, 2012 |   By a practitioner from Hunan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I would like to share some stories from our Fa-study group, which is a little different from most. Our group members are all senior practitioners close to 80 years old. Seeing their skills and humble attitudes, I'm always amazed by the wonder of Dafa, and the greatness of Dafa disciples letting go of everything in order to fulfill their prehistoric oaths.

Practitioner Y is very well known for the fine materials he can make. From turning on the computer to getting on the Internet, downloading the files, designing, printing, and making the physical product, no one would believe that all this was done by an 80-year-old practitioner. He said it was possible thanks to Master's help. Four years ago, he thought about making the materials himself. However, he had never touched a computer before, so he wondered how could he do it. Soon afterwards Master arranged for a practitioner with technical skills to help him. He took out his savings of many years and purchased the necessary equipment. Though the technical person helped him, the senior practitioner was actively learning. Since he could not remember the details, he wrote down the steps, and practiced until he memorized the process. Thus, he gradually got on the path of making materials.

Practitioner H once went to have his printer repaired at a professional repair shop. He felt badly when he saw the worker hitting the printer. That was an instrument used to save people! He thought about learning to do repairs himself. He downloaded articles about repairing machines from the Minghui website and from technical forums hosted on the Internet run by practitioners. After studying the information, simple maintenance was no longer a problem for him. He also invented some small gadgets to help senior practitioners who don't have very good eyesight, such as a mold to staple books and brochures. When materials are printed, they can be put into the mold, and be easily aligned and accurately stapled. He invented another mold for putting stickers on the CDs. This way senior practitioners no longer need to worry about accurately aligning the sticker on the CDs.

Practitioner T saw that the paper left after the stickers were peeled off was normally wasted, and she felt this was a Dafa resource as well, so she turned them into fine cards by printing truth-clarifying phrases with pretty pictures. She then laminated them and hung them on tree branches. They don't even fade from the wind or sun. She also turned defective CDs into truth-clarifying hanging decorations. People love to receive them.

There were many practitioners like this, and many things like this. Of course, all of these things are tied to the practitioners' personal cultivation.

Many practitioners who produced informational materials were too busy to have sufficient time for Fa-study, or they lagged in Fa-study when they got too busy. During one sharing, practitioner H said that every day he studied the Fa first thing after he got up. He first recited Lunyu, Hong Yin, Hong Yin II, and then read a chapter of Zhuan Falun, and some other lectures. This way he could make sure he had enough Fa-study time. Other practitioners were very inspired by his arrangement.

Practitioner T said, “We're Falun Dafa cultivators first and foremost. We are Falun Dafa practitioners doing Dafa work, not everyday people doing Dafa work. Therefore studying the Fa well and cultivating ourselves well is the foundation. In the past I always recited the Fa while practicing meditation. I now think that this was not respecting Master and the Fa. Also, I was not fully focused in either mediation or Fa study.” Later everyone agreed that we must study the Fa first before we start doing anything. We need to put down everything and study the Fa with calm minds. Sending forth righteous thoughts is also very important. Practitioner H sends forth righteous thoughts to communicate with the machine every time the machine quit working.

Practitioner T said she sent forth righteous thoughts to every piece of material that she makes, and suggested that practitioners providing materials to her send forth righteous thoughts frequently. During these years, the area she was responsible for providing materials to had not experienced serious persecution. Maybe this was one of the reasons.

Since everyone puts an emphasis on Fa-study, our team doesn't really have any long-lasting disagreements. Here I'd like to mention the coordinator of our team, practitioner A. Like everyone else, he's also responsible for the materials in one area. For many years, no matter what the situation, he has never stopped. He also learned to use a cell phone for truth-clarification. As coordinator, he maintains the direction of our team. When we studied as a whole group, everyone cherished the precious opportunity for technical sharing. Gradually Fa-study and experience sharing formed a trend. We always thought about what kind of technical issues we needed to ask about, even when other people were still sharing cultivation experiences, and other people started to have side conversations. Practitioner A saw this situation, but instead of condemning anyone, he criticized himself in front of everyone for not leading the righteous path and being at fault as the coordinator.

If one person can exceed his abilities and do things one could never imagine, that's called a miracle. However, if many people are doing this, it becomes natural. They say this is the wisdom from Dafa. Yes, as long as you're in the Fa, as long as your heart is for sentient beings, as long as you want it, the Fa will give you the ability that is needed, or even beyond.

The above are just a few examples of what has been accomplished during the past few years. We hope that every Dafa disciple can be like these senior practitioners and break through the notions of everyday people, do their best to accomplish what Dafa disciples should do, and genuinely assist Master in rectifying the Fa.

We have limited writing skills and hope fellow practitioners can kindly point out anything inappropriate.