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[Selected Submission] High-ranking Official Heading Investigation Team Wishes Me Early Success in Reaching Consummation

June 03, 2012 |   By Wu Ming, a Dafa disciple in Heilongjiang Province

(Minghui.org) When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) openly launched its persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, I was then serving as the coordinator of the Falun Gong Sub-division of our local Qigong Association. I immediately became a primary target and was illegally arrested. Half a month into my incarceration at the detention center, the police ordered my company to pick me up and to continue the attempt to transform me at work. Not long after I was released, my company’s Political and Legal Affairs Committee Vice Secretary told me, “An investigation team has just arrived and the team head wants to have a talk with you. He is a high-ranking official at the level of deputy minister and I hope you take this opportunity to clear yourself; otherwise your future will be grim.”

I had a long talk with this team head, a gentleman close to 70 years old. He asked me many questions about Dafa and cultivation, and I gave him satisfactory answers. Below are the highlights of what I shared with him.

Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Helps Improve both Physical and Mental Health

I was born to peasant parents who worked as hard as they could to put all of their children through school. After I graduated from college, I landed a good job, all by myself, without any connections or money. My capabilities soon earned me multiple promotions, first to supervisor and then a middle-level official. I also got married and had an adorable daughter.

Just when I was savoring the success of my career, the long hours I put into my work took a toll on my health. I developed aplastic anemia, and not long after, I contracted hepatitis-B during a blood transfusion. All the hospitals I visited declared there was no hope, and my family should be prepared for the worst to come. Out of despair, I switched to traditional Chinese Medicine, and I did seem to improve a bit after taking numerous herbal remedies. However, as time went by, I developed more and more complications and had to take more medicines to ease my pain.

One mid-September day in 1994, I came across a brochure introducing Falun Gong. I was deeply drawn by the three-word principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and soon began my cultivation. Half a month later my wife asked why she hadn’t seen me take any pills recently. I was actually taken back at first and then said without thinking, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Well, I no longer felt uncomfortable so I forgot to take my pills.” As a matter of fact, I have never taken any more medication since I took up the practice of Falun Gong. By following the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in every aspect of my life, I soon got rid of my quick temper and gained a new outlook on life. My xinxing improvement brought tremendous changes in both my mind and body. When I was suffering from illnesses in earlier years, I couldn’t do any physical work. It took me at least two breaks to climb the six floors to get to my apartment every day after work. Soon after I began cultivation, I ran all the way upstairs in a breeze and had no trouble catching my breath. Three months into my practice, my workplace gave each employee 50 Jin (about 56 lbs) of rice and I volunteered to deliver the rice to the ten people in my office. They all lived in upper-level apartments, and I carried the rice sacks upstairs easily. All the illnesses that plagued me for years disappeared without a trace. Words couldn’t describe how I felt about being illness free and how grateful I was towards Master for enabling me to realize the true meaning of life. I made up my mind to follow Dafa to cultivate, regardless of what may happen down the road.

The investigation team head interrupted my talk, asking, “Would you say your illnesses could have been misdiagnosed?” I said that was a valid question, but it was impossible for all my family members to be misdiagnosed, since their health problems also went away after beginning Falun Gong practice. I told him that my mother suffered from arthritis, migraines and lung problems; she probably wouldn’t still be alive had she not picked up this miraculous practice. Moreover, my father, who had cerebral thrombosis, my younger sister whose whole family had hepatitis B, and my wife who had a uterine tumor, all were cured after starting Falun Gong.

He agreed that Falun Gong did seem very effective in curing illnesses and improving health. I then went on to tell him true stories I knew about other practitioners. In the first two years of my practice, another practitioner and I volunteered to teach newcomers the exercises at our group practice site. One day a middle-aged woman came, so we demonstrated the exercises while she followed along. When we got to the third exercise, I noticed her right hand always stopped when it reached the level of her face. Since the exercise called for the arm to lift all the way up, I held her hand and tried to pull it up. She cried out and her whole body leaned back to avoid doing this. I asked what was wrong, and she told me her right arm had been like that for more than a dozen years; she even had to use her left hand to comb her hair every day. She doubted if she could ever do the third exercise correctly. I encouraged her to do as much as she could and she agreed. On the third day, when we were doing the third exercise, she suddenly yelled, “Who’s lifting my arm?” Everybody fixated their eyes on her right hand, which was up high over her head. Quite a few people were so moved that they shed tears. She also had tears streaming down her face. I then met an elderly woman who had been legally blind for 40 years, yet she regained her eyesight within a year of starting cultivation.

Falun Dafa Liberates Me from the Lies of Atheism

I always wondered what the meaning of life was and how animal spirits could possess a human body. If humans were indeed evolved from monkeys, why had we never seen a hybrid, such as human-monkey during the evolutionary process? After I began my cultivation, all these seemingly unsolvable questions no longer puzzled me, as I found the answers in Zhuan Falun. Less than one week into my practice, I felt something spinning in between my two eyebrows and inside my abdomen. This sensation was even stronger at night. I tried to touch the spinning wheel, but my bare hands couldn’t feel anything. I was worried that I might have gone awry so I went to check with a veteran practitioner, who was the former Party secretary of my workplace. He used to have such a severe heart problem that he had to take a break every few steps, but his ailment went away after he attended Master's seminar for the first time. Encouraged by what happened to him, he attended three more seminars. He told me, “It must be that you have great predestined relationship with Dafa. Even without attending Master’s, seminars, you already obtained Falun.” I wondered who gave me Falun when Master was not around and he said it was Master’s Fashen. I asked why I never saw Master’s Fashen, and he told me Fashen existed in another dimension. I had no idea of where other dimensions could be and he explained that Fashen existed in another dimensions, which coexisted with our material dimension, yet we could only sense Fashen, but were unable to touch them. Later when I read Zhuan Falun more times, I had a further understanding of how Gods and Buddhas existed and why we couldn’t see them.

The investigation team head asked me what was “opening one’s third eye.” I told him about my misconception of “seeing is believing” before my cultivation. After I began my practice, I came to know that our flesh eyes were indeed obstacles that prevented us from seeing more microscopic beings and substances. Though my third eye remained shut, I heard from many other practitioners, whose third eyes were opened, about what they saw in other dimensions. It was that non-practitioners, misled by atheism, didn’t believe in the existence of other dimensions since they couldn’t see beyond this material world. Such disbelief further blocked them from opening their third eye. As a result, it became even harder for them to believe in other dimensions.

Falun Dafa Guides Me to Become a Considerate Person

The investigation team head asked why I gave up an assigned apartment after beginning my practice. I told him, “Actually it was not that I didn’t need that apartment, but our Master taught us to be good people. Many employees wanted bigger apartments and were using all possible connections to get one. Though my sixth-floor apartment was modest in size and still leaking in a few places, I noticed some older colleagues were in even greater need than me and their married children still lived in the same tiny space with them. I consulted with my wife, also a practitioner, about giving my assigned apartment to someone else and she agreed. My boss asked me to think twice and warned me not to feel regretful afterwards. I assured him that I’d be fine.”

When we were done with our conversation, the investigation team head held my hands saying, “I benefited from our talk tremendously today. I hope you can persist in your cultivation, and I wish you early success in reaching consummation.”

From the Call for Submissions to Commemorate the Twentieth Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Introduction