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Maintaining Steadfast Efforts and a Kind Heart (Photo)

July 23, 2012 |  

(Minghui.org) On July 8, 2012, over one thousand Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan met in Fengyuan, Taichung County for the annual experience sharing conference on clarifying the truth to mainland China. Many practitioners shared their experiences and touching stories about how to break through barriers in daily life to accomplish the mission of explaining the facts about Falun Gong to the people of China.

Experience sharing conference in Fengyuan, Taichung on spreading the facts to mainland China

When you are firm on the mission, wisdom appears

Aunt Yue-e, in her 60s, goes out at 4:30 a.m. every day to do the exercises in a group practice session. She turns on the computer after returning home at 8:00 a.m. After sending forth righteous thoughts, she starts making phone calls to China, first to stop the persecution of Falun Gong, followed by phone calls to encourage people to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Aunt Yue-e has persuaded 1,400 people to quit the CCP. Whenever there is a group activity to make calls to China, she participates. She also helps practitioners who don't have computer access, giving them lists of names and numbers to call. She also uses her mobile phone to make calls wherever she goes.

Aunt Yue-e shared, “Initially I was nervous and afraid to make phone calls and wondered how to explain things best to have the other side understand the facts about Falun Gong. Otherwise, my call wouldn't be able to help rescue fellow practitioners who were imprisoned. Thus, I focused on each call full-heartedly. Later, my righteous thoughts became stronger and I could easily explain the facts. Once, I called a prison and a director received the call. He intentionally asked something different from the topic: ‘How do you explain the word “attachment” in Zhuan Falun?’ I said, ‘If you don’t think of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in your heart and don’t believe the CCP’s lies, you would get rid of the attachment. Remember to be nice toward practitioners.’ He asked again, ‘What is the meaning of the word “compassion?”’ I said, “When dealing with cases of Falun Gong practitioners, you use a kind heart and treat them fairly, with justice. This is compassion.’ He laughed, ‘You Falun Gong practitioners are great. I hear you.’”

Looking inward is key

When Mr. Du first started sending short text messages over the phone, he found that entering the phone numbers into his phone was often the most time-consuming thing. In order to be more efficient, he started developing a program from scratch. He spent a lot of time looking for relevant information. When everything seemed very smooth, there was only the last step to complete the program. But at that moment, there was a technical barrier that was hard to break through. He checked the program from start to finish for several rounds. Mr. Du related, “Time passed quickly, and I became more and more worried. But then I decided to calm down and look inward. I finally found the reason – the attachment to doing the work. I thought that when the software was completed, I could just just press a few keys on the computer instead of entering the phone numbers one by one. I overlooked the most important key in saving people; that the technologies and tools just help us to do things faster and better, and what plays the main role is our righteous thoughts and compassion. After understanding this point, I wept and appealed to Master, ‘Master, I want to save people. I really want to save people. Master, help me.’ After I had this thought, I tested the program as usual the next day. Before I realized it, the program test results proved successful.”

Every phone call makes a difference in saving people

Ms. Liao said, “When the police sub-station received many calls [from practitioners in Taiwan], the other side would say, ‘Call the main police station. Don’t call here anymore.’ When a practitioner was released from the police station, a policeman said to the practitioner, ‘Don’t tell others that you were taken here by the police substation and don't say we did anything bad to you. Our phone would be over loaded with calls if you were kept here longer.’ When a lawyer who defended Falun Gong practitioners was imprisoned, we made calls to the police station. A policeman said to the lawyer, ‘Making so many calls – only Falun Gong could do this.”

Mr. Chen said, “The biggest difficulty in sending faxes is that if there is somebody at the fax machine on the other side, he might hang up or curse at us badly. Sometimes, the faxes don't go through because the other side changed the settings not to receive faxes from unknown numbers. Thus, we need to be patient and use wisdom to send faxes at different times. Then there are unexpected good effects.”

Mr. Chen continued, “One day, the Center for Quitting the CCP received a call: ‘Who are you? Do you know that I am the secretary of a top leader in China? This is Zhongnanhai [the seat of the central CCP government]. How can you fax the information here?’ From that, we knew that the information was faxed to the CCP central government. My wife and I were very moved, as although we work on faxing from morning 'till evening, we did not know just how much of an effect it had.”

When Ms. Huang learned that fellow practitioners were busy during the daytime, she started making calls when there were few people to make calls. She said, “Once when I made calls, I felt a little tired. I lay down on my bed for a break. Suddenly I heard a phone call, ‘Returning home. Returning home.’ I woke up and knew that it was a dream. But I realized that time is really short. Sentient beings are waiting to be saved. If Dafa practitioners did not do this work, the sentient being would have no hope.”